Head Gesture Recognition System using Thermal Camera

2020, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering


The Gesture is defined as movement of the part of the body. In the existing research work, the research based on the camshift based head gesture recognition system is going on. This existing system deals with some limitations. So, to overcome these limitations, the methodology used in this paper is to improve the existing algorithm and the camera used. This proposed system is used in an intelligent wheelchair for the peoples having parkingson and quadriplegics diseases. The HGR System is the difficult task in the field of image processing. The different researchers applied different algorithms for identifying head gestures in the outdoor environments. In this paper, head gestures of the user are recognized by using thermal camera. The different environmental conditions are the cluttered background, sunshine, shadow, changing illuminations, lighting condition, darkness conditions etc. the role of thermal camera is the best in the darkness conditions. The simulation results shows the ...