Towards a cognitively viable linguistic representation


Sentence-size propositional contents should be constructed in formal semantics so that the resulting formulas can undergo truth evaluation in arbitrary possible worlds. This paper claims that the basic task of pragmatics can be reformulated as the designation of certain possible worlds on the basis of the linguistic form created by the speaker. A formal dynamic pragmatics can capture the linguistic phenomena traditionally described in such Searlean concepts as illocutionary act/effect and perlocutionary effect via designating the relevant subset of the basis of interpretation. In the possible world of addressers’ beliefs, for instance, the ideal truth values according to the three conventions are +1, 0, and –1. The eALIS framework serves as the theoretical background for our research. It can be regarded as the representationalist counterpart of Lauer’s antirepresentationalist dynamic pragmatics, provided that the first steps of both models are aimed at deciding what truth values th...