The Need of Knowledge Management in Organizations

2011, Bilgi Dünyası


The need for knowledge is as old as human history and the importance of this need is even more increased in the technology age of today. Anyone, regardless of his or her position, is in desire and in need to get the necessary scope-of-interest knowledge in order to keep up with the change and thus to be able to survive. Therefore, in this paper, a general overview of knowledge age and knowledge society is presented and the search points out the importance of knowledge management for organizations and the other related disciplines. After that, the main purpose of this research is laid out, that is, the employee’s attitude toward knowledge sharing and the relationship between their positions and knowledge sharing is explained. Finally, results are evaluated and our conclusions are proposed. It can be seen that sharing of knowledge is not suff iciently successful in the institution on which we carried out our survey. In addition, cognitive channels should be kept open, desire and attit...