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2015, Journal of Electronic Materials
The calculated liquidus projection of the Ag-Bi-Ni ternary system has been experimentally examined. Alloys were prepared by induction melting, and their microstructure studied by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. Of the primary solidification phases, (Ni) solidifies over the largest concentration range, although it was found to be narrower than calculated. The range in which Bi 3 Ni is the primary solidification phase was found to be broader than calculated. Also, the liquid miscibility gap is broader than predicted from assessed thermodynamic parameters. Differential thermal analysis was used to study temperatures of phase transitions of as-cast alloys, and recorded temperatures of melting of Bi 3 Ni and BiNi phases in ternary alloys agree well with those calculated.
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Considering possible applications and scarceness of literature data, Ag-Bi-In system was investigated in terms of microstructure, mechanical and electrical properties of ternary alloys from an isothermal section at 100oC. Based on the experimentally obtained results hardness and electrical conductivity of all ternary alloys from the ternary Ag-Bi-In system at 100oC were predicted. In addition, the selected isothermal section was further thermodynamically assessed and experimentally studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis and light optical microscopy (LOM). Phase transition temperatures of alloys with overall compositions along vertical sections x(Ag)=0.5 as well as liquidus temperatures were experimentally determined by DTA. The experimentally obtained results were compared with literature data and with the results of thermodynamic calculation of phase equilibria based on CALPHAD method and c...
Journal of Electronic Materials, 2007
As a promising lead-free solder, the thermodynamic properties of the liquid ternary Ag-Bi-Sn system were investigated. Using an appropriate galvanic cell, the partial free energies of Sn in liquid Ag-Bi-Sn alloys were determined as a function of concentration and temperature. Thermodynamic properties were obtained for 27 alloys. Their composition was situated on three cross sections with the constant ratios of Ag:Bi = 2:1, 1:1, and 1:2. The integral Gibbs free energy and the integral enthalpy for the ternary system at 900 K were calculated by Gibbs-Duhem integration.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013
and sharing with colleagues.
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 2017
This paper presents a comparative review of the experimental and thermodynamic assessment of a ternary Ag-Bi-Ga system. An isothermal section at 250 °C was calculated using optimized thermodynamic data for the constitutive binaries. Microstructures and phase compositions of studied alloys were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy in combination with energy dispersive spectrometry and X-ray powder diffraction technique. The obtained experimental results were found to support the predicted phase equilibria rather well. The hardness of alloys from three vertical sections (Bi-AgGa, Ag-BiGa, and Ga-AgBi) was determined using Brinell hardness test while the hardness of the individual identified phases was determined using Vickers microhardness test. Additional electrical conductivity measurements were carried out on the same alloy samples. Based on the experimentally obtained results iso-lines of Brinell hardness and electrical conductivity for the entire compositional range were calculated.
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 2017
This paper presents a comparative review of the experimental and thermodynamic assessment of a ternary Ag-Bi-Ga system. An isothermal section at 250 degrees C was calculated using optimized thermodynamic data for the constitutive binaries. Microstructures and phase compositions of studied alloys were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy in combination with energy dispersive spectrometry and X-ray powder diffraction technique. The obtained experimental results were found to support the predicted phase equilibria rather well. The hardness of alloys from three vertical sections (Bi-AgGa, Ag-BiGa, and Ga-AgBi) was determined using Brinell hardness test while the hardness of the individual identified phases was determined using Vickers microhardness test. Additional electrical conductivity measurements were carried out on the same alloy samples. Based on the experimentally obtained results iso-lines of Brinell hardness and electrical conductivity for the entire compositional range we...
Journal of Electronic Materials, 2013
Phase diagram of the Ag-Ge-Sb ternary system has been investigated experimentally and extrapolated using optimized thermodynamic parameters for the constitutive binary systems. Experimental results obtained using differential thermal analysis (DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) methods were compared with predicted phase equilibria.
Intermetallics, 1999
The Al±Ni±Ti phase diagram has been thermodynamically assessed and a consistent set of thermodynamic functions has been developed. The thermodynamic modeling is based on an experimental investigation of the phase equilibria in the composition range of 0.14x Al 40.7. Alloys were prepared by argon-arc or vacuum-electron beam melting of elemental powder blends. X-ray powder diraction, metallography, SEM and EMPA-techniques were employed to analyze the samples in the as-cast state as well as after annealing at 800, 900 and 1000 C. The existence of the four ternary compounds, (1 to (4 , has been con®rmed, although homogeneity regions dier signi®cantly from reports in the literature. The homogeneous phase, previously claimed at ``Al 23 Ni 26 Ti 51 '', is shown by high resolution microprobe and X-ray diraction measurements to be an extremely ®ne-grained eutectic structure. The congruent melting behavior of (4 elxi 2 i is con®rmed, but, in contrast to earlier reports, primary crystallization and congruent melting have been observed for (1 el 13 xi 2 i 5 and (3 el 3 xii 2. In contrast to earlier assessments, (1 Y(2 and (3 are experimentally found to be stable at 800, 900 and 1000 C. The thermodynamic modeling of the ternary phases (2 and (3 is done with sim-pli®ed sublattice models, considering their crystal structure and homogeneity ranges. The sublattice model for (4 is taken from an earlier asessment of the nickel-rich ternary phase equilibria. The present assessment covers the entire composition range. An application to the solidi®cation behavior of ternary alloys is also exempli®ed.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2000
The solidification pathways, subsequent solid-state transformations, and the liquidus surface in the Nb-Ti-Al system have been examined as part of a larger investigation of phase equilibria in Nb-Ti-Al intermetallic alloys. Fifteen alloys ranging in composition from 15 to 40 at. pct Al, with Nb to Ti ratios of 4:1, 2:1, 1.5:1, 1:1, and 1:1.5, were prepared by arc melting and the as-cast microstructures were characterized by optical microscopy (OM), microhardness, X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential thermal analysis (DTA), backscattered electron imaging (BSEI), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results indicate that the range of primary  solidification is much wider than that indicated in previously reported liquidus surfaces, both experimental and calculated. Differential thermal analysis has identified the existence of a  to ϩ ␥ transformation in three alloys where it was previously thought not to exist; confirmation was provided by hightemperature vacuum heat treatments in the single-phase  region followed by rapid quenching. The location of the boundary between the , , and ␦ primary solidification fields has been redefined. A massive  → ␦ transformation, which was observed in the cast microstructure of a Nb-25Ti-25Al alloy, was repeatable through cooling following homogenization. A  → ␦ ϩ eutectoid-like transformation in the 25 at. pct Al alloys, was detected by DTA and evaluated through microstructural analysis of heat-treated samples. Trends in the  phase with variations in composition were established for both lattice parameters and microhardness. As a result of this wider extent of the primary  solidification field, a greater possibility exists for microstructural control through thermal processing for alloys consisting of either ϩ ␥,  ϩ , or  ϩ ␦ phases.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015
Al-based monotectic alloys can have interesting tribological characteristics with the solute acting as a solid lubricant, while the matrix provides required structural integrity. The addition of third elements can increase the alloy load capacity. The microstructural features of these alloys, such as morphology, distribution and length scale of the phases depend strongly on the parameters of their manufacture route. In the present study monotectic AleBieSn alloys were directionally solidified (DS) under a large range of experimental cooling rates, permitting a wide spectrum of microstructural scales to be examined. Experimental correlations between the microstructure interphase spacing and solidification cooling rate and growth rate are proposed. Despite a slight increase in hardness with smaller interphase spacings for regions closer to the cooled surface of the DS alloys castings having 2 and 3.2wt.%Bi, it is shown that the Bi content of the alloy has not a significant effect on hardness. It is also shown that the experimental correlations established between the cooling rate and both the interphase spacing and area fractions of droplets of the eutectic mixture can be used in the tailoring of the microstructure of AleBieSn alloys with a view to applications in the manufacture of wear resistant components.
Acta Chimica Slovenica
The precipitation sequence in ternary aluminium rich Al-Ag-Zn alloys, after rapid quenching to RT from a temperature, T t (820 K), higher than the solid-solution temperature, T ss , was found to be: GP zones (fcc) → ε´ (hcp) → ε (hcp). The as-quenched alloys contained GP zones having 3 to 4 nm in diameter as observed by XRD and TEM. During ageing of the quenched alloys at 420 K GP zones increased in size, remaining fcc and coherent with the α-phase (fcc). In parallel, metastable precipitates, ε´, were formed; their unit-cell parameters depended on the solute content. Two mechanisms of ε´ nucleation were suggested on the basis of composite diffraction-line profiles, discontinuous nucleation and a direct GP zones to ε´ transition. The unit-cell parameters of the equilibrium phase, ε, observed in the alloys slowly cooled from T t to RT, depended on the solute content. The alloys, that had been quenched from T t to RT, aged at 420 K for 50 days and then prolongedly aged at RT, being two-phase system (α + ε´), were studied in situ at high temperature. As the temperature increased, an initial increase of diffraction line intensities of both α and ε´ phases was observed, due to lattice strain annealing. A shift of diffraction lines due to thermal expansion took place. A small anisotropy of thermal expansion of ε´ was noticed. Above ≈ 500 K a gradual dissolution of ε´ in the matrix (M, α-phase) started, as manifested in an enhanced decrease of diffraction-line intensities. Finally, solid solution was formed; T ss depended on the alloy composition. On cooling, the alloys underwent reversal changes, exhibiting a temperature hysteresis (10 to 20 K). The dependence of unit-cell parameters of ε´ on temperature during cooling was little different from that on heating. At RT, after a complete heating and cooling cycle, unit-cell parameters of the precipitates were close to those of the equilibrium ε-phase, while diffraction-line profiles were not composite any more.
Materials Characterization, 2014
Bi-Ag alloys have been stressed as possible alternatives to replace Pb-based solder alloys. Although acceptable melting temperatures and suitable mechanical properties may characterize such alloys, as referenced in literature, there is a lack of comprehension regarding their microstructures (morphologies and sizes of the phases) considering a composition range from 1.5 to 4.0 wt.%Ag. In order to better comprehend such aspects and their correlations with solidification thermal parameters (growth rate, v and cooling rate, Ṫ), directional solidification experiments were carried out under transient heat flow conditions. The effects of Ag content on both cooling rate and growth rate during solidification are examined. Microstructure parameters such as eutectic/dendritic spacing, interphase spacing and diameter of the Ag-rich phase were determined by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The competition between eutectic cells and dendrites in the range from 1.5 to 4.0 wt.%Ag is explained by the coupled zone concept. Microhardness was determined for different microstructures and alloy Ag contents with a view to permitting correlations with microstructure parameters to be established. Hardness is shown to be directly affected by both solute macrosegregation and morphologies of the phases forming the Bi-Ag alloys, with higher hardness being associated with the cellular morphology of the Bi-2.5 and 4.0 wt.%Ag alloys.
Calphad, 2008
The activities of Sn of liquid Ag-Bi-Sn alloys for three cross-sections with the constant molar ratios of Ag:Bi = 2:1, 1:1, and 1:2 are measured at 627 and 727 • C by an electromotive force (emf) method with a liquid electrolyte. The previous thermodynamic descriptions of the Ag-Bi-Sn ternary system are modified by considering the literature data and our own experimental results. The thermodynamic interaction parameters of the Bi-Sn binary and the Ag-Bi-Sn ternary liquid phase are optimized using the emf and calorimetric data from the present work. Based on the self-consistent optimized thermodynamic parameters the phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of the Ag-Bi-Sn ternary system are calculated and compared with the experimental data. The agreement between the calculated results and the experimental data has been significantly improved.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016
Microstructure and phase transitions of the selected alloys of the ternary BieGaeIn system were investigated using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Experimentally obtained results were compared with the results of thermodynamic extrapolation of the BieGaeIn ternary phase diagram. Experimentally detected coexisting phases in the investigated ternary alloys were in agreement with corresponding predicted phase structures at room temperature. Phase transition temperatures of selected ternary alloys with compositions along three vertical sections Bi 0.5 In 0.5 eGa, Bi 0.5 Ga 0.5 eIn and In 0.5 Ga 0.5 eBi were measured using DTA and several invariant reactions were identified. Hardness of selected alloys was determined using Vickers microhardness test and Brinell hardness test. Calculated liquidus projection and invariant equilibria of the BieGaeIn ternary system were presented.
Revista De Metalurgia, 2015
Structural, mechanical and electrical properties of selected alloys in ternary Ag-Bi-Zn system are presented in this paper. Chosen alloys were investigated using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), light optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy combined with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM-EDS), as well as by electrical conductivity and Brinell hardness measurements. Isolines of electrical conductivity and hardness for the entire Ag-Bi-Zn system were calculated using regression models.
International Journal of Thermophysics, 2019
In this study, the phase diagram of the ternary Ag-Bi-Ge system was thermodynamically assessed and experimentally investigated, which to our knowledge has not been previously done. Differential thermal analysis (DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) were applied in order to experimentally assess three vertical sections and two isothermal sections at 200 °C and 400 °C of the Ag-Bi-Ge system. Results of the SEM-EDS and XRD analysis revealed existence of (Ge), (Ag) and (Bi) solid solution phases and absence of any ternary phases. Crystal structures of the identified phases and their corresponding lattice parameters were determined by XRD technique. Phase transition temperatures, including liquidus, solidus and temperature of an invariant reaction, were determined by means of DTA. Thermodynamic calculation of the Ag-Bi-Ge ternary phase diagram was carried out on the basis of optimized thermodynamic parameters for the constitutive binary systems acquired from the literature. Calculated liquidus projection of the Ag-Bi-Ge system and the determined invariant reactions are presented in the study as well. A close mutual agreement between the experimental results and the calculated phase equilibria was obtained.
Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 2017
Phase diagram of the Bi-Cu-Ga ternary system has been investigated experimentally with 27 alloys and analytically by using a Calphad method. Thirteen annealed alloys at 200?C were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) methods. Temperatures of phase transformation were determined with 14 alloys which are lying along three vertical sections Bi-Cu0.5Ga0.5, Cu-Bi0.5Ga0.5 and Ga-Bi0.5Cu0.5 by using differential thermal analysis (DTA). Based on the experimental result and by using Calphad method, ternary phase diagrams were constructed with a new description of liquidus phase. Calculated phase diagram and experimentally obtained results are in good agreement. Liquidus projection and invariant reaction were calculated by using new thermodynamic parameters for liquidus phase.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1998
The equilibrium phase diagram of Ag-Bi-Sn ternary system was studied by X-ray powder diffraction analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and differential thermal analysis. Three isopletic sections were studied: 10 at.% Bi, 40 at.% Ag and 70 at.% Bi. Three transitory invariant reactions were characterized: two ternary transitory peritectics and one ternary eutectic. Moreover, from all equilibrium temperatures we were able to propose a description of ternary liquidus surface in the whole composition range.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013
This work investigates the effects of the Vickers micro-hardness of Ag powders on the alloying process undergone by Ag 90 Bi 10 powder mixtures submitted to ball milling. The transformation kinetics has been studied by quantitative X-ray diffraction. The experimental findings indicate that Bi gradually dissolves into Ag, finally forming a crystalline solid solution in which thermodynamic solubility limits are largely exceeded. It is shown that the rate of Bi dissolution, and the solubility degree, decrease as the Vickers micro-hardness of Ag powders increases.
Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2006
The results of the calculation of the thermodynamic properties for liquid Ga-Sb-Tl alloys at the temperature 1073 K are presented in this paper. Initially, the most appropriate thermodynamic model for the investigated system was selected. Based on a comparison of the values calculated by different geometric models (Kohler, Muggianu, Toop, Hillert, Chou) with the existing experimental based data, asymmetric models of calculation were determined to give the best results. The asymmetric nature of the investigated ternary system was additionally confirmed by the Chou similarity coefficient concept. For these reasons, further complete thermodynamic calculations were performed according to the Hillert model in five sections of the ternary Ga-Sb-Tl system from each corner with the mole ratio of other two components being 9:1; 7:3; 5:5; 3:7 and 1:9. The obtained results include integral excess Gibbs energy dependences on composition for all the investigated sections. The calculated activity values at 1073 K for all components are given in the form of isoactivity diagrams. Comparison between the calculated and experimentally obtained gallium activities shows good agreement.
Replace of Pb-Sn with Pb-free solders (LFS) is one of the most important issues in the electronic industry. Eutectic and near-eutectic Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) alloys are recommended as lead-free replacement in welding processes of electronic devices. Close to the eutectic ternary composition, the solidification occurs with three distinctive phases: Sn-rich dendritic primary phase, and the intermetallic phases Ag 3 Sn and Cu 6 Sn 5 , showing a limited solubility into the Sn-rich phase. Given the key role of the solidification process in the microstructure development of the alloy, samples of Sn-Ag-Cu with a composition close to the ternary eutectic were directionally grown to analyze the mechanisms involved in the solidification process of these alloys. The typical microstructure agrees withe above description, but shows two different mechanisms, depending on the interface advance velocity, resulting in different distribution of the intermetallic phases.
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