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Muslim Heritage
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Dalam usaha ekonomi, antisipasi terhadap resiko selalu dilakukan oleh lembaga dan pengelolanya demi memastikan keuntungan selalu ada dalam kontrol. Salah satu antisipasi resiko adalah diterapkannya sanksi denda dalam wujud ganti rugi pada setiap ketidakpastian. Dalam perspektif hukum ekonomi, kajian tentang ganti rugi relatif cukup banyak yang menopanginya, tetapi tidak demikian dalam perspektif fiqh ekonomi. Tulisan ini mencoba menawarkan konsep ganti rugi yang digali dari berbagai referensi berbasis kitab klasik dan kontemporer untuk bisa dijadikan alternatif penerapan, khususnya ganti rugi pada praktik kelembagan ekonomi dan keuangan syariah. Metode pengkajian dalam tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan library, yaitu menggali berbagai sumber, khususnya kitab klasik (kuning) untuk dirasionalisasi ide dan gagasan yang ada di dalamnya tentang berbagai tema yang disusun dalam suatu konsep utuh tentang ganti rugi. Berdasarkan temuannya, didapati bahwa ganti rugi bisa dalam narasi ta‘wîd...
Al-Amwal : Journal of Islamic Economic Law, 2019
In managing the budget, honesty (shidq) is a liability, which can’t be executed unless the application of the principle of budget transparency. Therefore, based on the rules then, do the transparency of the budget is mandatory. In the view of Islam, avoiding the transparency of the budget is disobedience. The application of the basic values of Islamic law in the preparation of the budget becomes extremely important in anticipating the leak. In this context the existence of fiqh budget is very urgent, because it is not just for the sake of personal interest but also the public. Therefore the parties involved in the preparation of the budget should be linked by law, so that the consequences of which can be accounted for before the courts in case of fraud
Amwaluna: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah, 2019
Perkembangan dunia industri semakin pesat, beraneka ragam usaha di buka dengan leluasa. Ada banyak kopsep yang digunakan dalam berbisnis, salah satunya ialah konsep waralaba. Konsep ini adalah salah satu model bisnis termudah dan telah terbukti keberhasilannya dalam dunia bisnis. Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pesatnya pertumbuhan bisnis sistem waralaba di Negeri kita Indonesia. Permasalahan yang akan dikaji adalah bagaimana perkembangan bisnis waralaba di Indonesia dan bagaimana perspektif ekonomi Islam tentang bisnis waralaba tersebut. Dalam Islam, sistem waralaba dikenal dengan nama syirkah yakni perserikatan antara dua orang atau lebih dan keuntungan dibagi sesuai kesepakatan bersama. Sistem bagi hasil adalah sistem pembagian keuntungannya menurut konsep syariah Ekonomi Islam.
Lemma is a statement that can be accepted as a theoretical assumptions derived from axioms. A theory is formed as a reflection of reality and proportion of the lemma is sourced from the axiom that the level of its truth comes from revelation. This paper aims to explore qawâ'id al-fiqhiyah, including al-dhararu yuzâl, as a statement from the ultimate source of truth, revelation (al-Quran and Hadith) as a lemma to build Axioma in economic studies. This axiom then is made as basic arguments in the compilation of Islamic economic theory.
Legal protection for crime victims in positive law in Indonesia, it still abstract or indirect protection, it is said that because a criminal act according to positive law dosen't seen as as an act of attacking a person's public interest but only seen as a violation of norms or the rule of law. Therefore in its development criminal law enforcement in the future must pay more attention to the rights of victims, including by providing compensation.To explore this problem, the formulation of the problem in this study: How is the posisition and protection of crime victims in positive criminal law in Indonesia? What is the prospect of criminal compensation in the poitics of criminal law in Indonesia? The research method in relation of this thesis includes tha type of normative legal research based on secondary data. This study using statute approach and conceptual approach. The result of this thesis research show: (1) Legal protection for victims of crime in positive law in Indonesia still limited to stipulated in special laws, especially related to provision of compensation for victims of crime while general crimes of crimes victims are not protected concretely in KUHP (criminal code). (2) Criminal compensation has good prospect, good in law enforcement, because it places victims of crime of legal subject vho must be protected in order to achieves legal goals, namely certainty, justice, and benefit.
Human Falah: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, 2016
Lemma is a statement that can be accepted as a theoretical assumptions derived from axioms. A theory is formed as a reflection of reality and proportion of the lemma is sourced from the axiom that the level of its truth comes from revelation. This paper aims to explore qawâ'id al-fiqhiyah , including al-dhararu yuzâl , as a statement from the ultimate source of truth, revelation (al-Quran and Hadith) as a lemma to build Axioma in economic studies. This axiom then is made as basic arguments in the compilation of Islamic economic theory.
Ajaran Islam memandang bahwa sedekah (shadaqah) membawa kebahagiaan bagi pelakunya, tidak terkecuali pada pemberian usaha non-material. Dalam quran maupun hadist terdapat anjuran bagi setiap muslim untuk bersedekah, terlebih memberikan barang yang dicintai atau dipreferensikan. Sekilas hal ini tampak bertentangan dengan pemaksimalan utilitas bila hanya berlandaskan pada asumsi self-interest tanpa mempertimbangkan motif altruisme. Penilitian ini berusaha mendalami perilaku indiviu dalam sedekah usaha dan kaitannya dengan kebahagiaan, kinera, serta preferensi. Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimen riil pada 105 orang yang dikondisikan dalam laboratorium. Mereka diminta melakukan tugas dan ditawari pilihan bersedekah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaku sedekah lebih bahagia dari individu yang memutuskan untuk bersedekah. Adapun usaha yang diberikan dengan tujuan sedekah memiliki tingkatan yang lebih tinggi, terlebih untuk pilihan yang dipreferensikan.
Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan, 2010
Financial crises have been repeated again and again over a long period of time since the demise of gold regime in 1915, have been temporarily subsided in the period under Bretton Woods Agreement with gold standard in 1950-1972, and have been reemerged after the collapse of Bretton Woods Agreement with higher frequency and magnitude. The recent subprime mortgage crisis in the US has spread out throughout the world threatening global meltdown. It seems that the conventional world have not really learned the lessons and have handled the crisis only partially in the symptoms without touching the root cause of the crisis. This study tries to determine the anatomy and root causes of the crisis and layout strategies to cure it using analytic descriptive and quantitative approaches under Islamic perspectives.The study concludes that the root causes of the crisis from Islamic economic perspective can be human error and natural phenomenon uncontrollable by human. Human error can be divided in...
Abstract. In certain shops, especially in the area of glassware like to find the phrase or clause "solving means buying". One of the shops or minimarkets that implement this is Indomaret in Bojongsoang. However Indomaret Bojongsoang wrote it in company regulations only. In terms of muamalah, similar to buying and selling mulamasah. But in this case, the obligation to buy is not because it has been touched but because the consumer has broken the goods belonging to the store both intentionally or unintentionally. The purpose of this study is to find out the compensation system due to "solving means to buy" at Indomaret and a review of Islamic law on the compensation system. The research method used is descriptive analysis. Primary and secondary data sources. The technique of collecting data is observation, interview, literature study, and documentation. The results show that the compensation system of "solving means buying" is done by requiring consumers...
Ushul Fiqh atau disebut juga Islamic legal theory merupakan prinsip atau kaidah yang digunakan mujtahid untuk menemukan hukum melalui dalil-dalil yang rinci. 1 Prinsip-prinsip tersebut merupakan kombinasi antara qawaid alkulliyah dengan fiqh. 2 Konsentrasi kajiannya meliputi source from yaitu al-Qur'an dan Sunnah serta source through yaitu metode atau dalil penalaran 3 Pendekatan yang doktrinal dan parsial dalam memandang ushul fiqh mengakibatkan keberadaannya menjadi produk ortodoksi yang formal. Ushul Fiqh dianggap sebagai hasil karya monumental dari para ulama yang validitasnya infallible. Pemahaman seperti ini jelas a historis yang justru merugikan muslim sendiri. Ushul Fiqh adalah produk pemikiran yang bersifat evolutif atau bertahap. Prosesnya dimulai dengan adanya tesis yang kemudian memunculkan antithesis dan berujung pada sinthesis. Sebagai hasil penggunaan ra'y, metode dalam ushul fiqh semestinya mengalami perkembangan sesuai dengan perkembangan pemikiran manusia. Hal ini memerlukan reinterpretasi dan reelaborasi agar selalu relevan dengan semangat zamannya. Sinthesis pada masa lalu bisa berubah menjadi tesis pada masa kini, sehingga akan memunculkan antitesis dan sintesis baru. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi teori atau 1 Variasi definisi ushul fiqh dapat dilihat dalam Nasrun Haroen, Ushul Fiqh I, (Jakarta:
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Supremasi Hukum: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Hukum
JEBI (Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam), 2017
Dimensi Baharu Zakat di Malaysia, 2021
el-jizya : Jurnal Ekonomi Islam