Edicts from Galerius to Theodosius


This note contains the text and translation of imperial edicts that chart the progress of Christianity from an illegal faith to a legal faith to the dominant faith of the Empire. The edicts in question were issued by Galerius (311), Constantine/Licinius (315) and Theodosius (380). The sources of these documents are: Lactantius de mortibus persecutorum for the texts of Galerius (§34) and Constantine/Licinius (§48) and the codex theodosianus xvi 1, 2 for that of Theodosius. Greek versions of the Galerius and Constantine/Licinius Edicts can also be found in Eusebius historia ecclesiastica 8 ch. 17 § § 3-and Bk 10 ch. 5 § §2-14 respectively. I have not translated the Greek text, but have added notes to the parallel Greek and Latin texts that follow.