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In this note, we reconcile two approaches that have been used to construct stringy multiplications. The pushing forward after pulling back that has been used to give a global stringy extension of the functors K_0,K^{top},A^*,H^* [CR, FG, AGV, JKK2], and the pulling back after having pushed forward, which we have previously used in our (re)-construction program for G-Frobenius algebras, notably in considerations of singularities with symmetries and for symmetric products. A similar approach was also used by [CH] in their considerations of the Chen-Ruan product in a deRham setting for Abelian orbifolds. We show that the pull-push formalism has a solution by the push-pull equations in two situations. The first is a deRham formalism with Thom push-forward maps and the second is the setting of cyclic twisted sectors, which was at the heart of the (re)-construction program. We go on to do formal calculations using fractional Euler classes which allows us to formally treat all the stringy ...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2011
In this paper, we define a stringy product on $K^*_{orb}(\XX) \otimes \C $, the orbifold K-theory of any almost complex presentable orbifold $\XX$. We establish that under this stringy product, the de-locaized Chern character ch_{deloc} : K^*_{orb}(\XX) \otimes \C \longrightarrow H^*_{CR}(\XX), after a canonical modification, is a ring isomorphism. Here $ H^*_{CR}(\XX)$ is the Chen-Ruan cohomology of $\XX$. The proof relies on an intrinsic description of the obstruction bundles in the construction of Chen-Ruan product. As an application, we investigate this stringy product on the equivariant K-theory $K^*_G(G)$ of a finite group $G$ with the conjugation action. It turns out that the stringy product is different from the Pontryajin product (the latter is also called the fusion product in string theory).
This paper exposes the fundamental role that the Drinfel'd double D(k[G]) of the group ring of a finite group G and its twists D β (k[G]), β ∈ Z 3 (G, k *) as defined by Dijkgraaf-Pasquier-Roche play in stringy orbifold theories and their twistings. The results pertain to three different aspects of the theory. First, we show that G-Frobenius algebras arising in global orbifold cohomology or K-theory are most naturally defined as elements in the braided category of D(k[G])-modules. Secondly, we obtain a geometric realization of the Drinfel'd double as the global orbifold K-theory of global quotient given by the inertia variety of a point with a G action on the one hand and more stunningly a geometric realization of its representation ring in the braided category sense as the full K-theory of the stack [pt/G]. Finally, we show how one can use the co-cycles β above to twist the global orbifold K-theory of the inertia of a global quotient and more importantly, the stacky K-theory of a global quotient [X/G]. This corresponds to twistings with a special type of two-gerbe.
Letters in Mathematical Physics, 2010
There are two approaches to constructing stringy multiplications for global quotients. The first one is given by first pulling back and then pushing forward. The second one is given by first pushing forward and then pulling back. The first approach has been used to define a global stringy extension of the functors K 0 and K top by Jarvis-Kaufmann-Kimura, A * by Abramovich-Graber-Vistoli, and H * by Chen-Ruan and Fantechi-Göttsche. The second approach has been applied by the author in the case of cyclic twisted sector and in particular for singularities with symmetries and for symmetric products. The second type of construction has also been discussed in the de Rham setting for Abelian quotients by Chen-Hu. We give a rigorous formulation of de Rham theory for any global quotient from both points of view. We also show that the pull-push formalism has a solution by the push-pull equations in the setting case of cyclic twisted sectors. In the general, not necessarily cyclic case, we introduce ring extensions and treat all the stringy extension of the functors mentioned above also from the second point of view. A first extension provides formal sections and a second extension fractional Euler classes. The formal sections allow us to give a pull-push solution while fractional Euler classes give a trivialization of the co-cycles of the pull-push formalism. The main tool is the formula for the obstruction bundle of Jarvis-Kaufmann-Kimura. This trivialization can be interpreted as defining the physics notion of twist fields. We end with an outlook on applications to singularities with symmetries aka. orbifold Landau-Ginzburg models.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2013
In this paper, we define a stringy product on K * orb (X) ⊗ C, the orbifold K-theory of any almost complex presentable orbifold X. We establish that under this stringy product, the delocalized Chern character ch deloc : K * orb (X) ⊗ C −→ H * CR (X), after a canonical modification, is a ring isomorphism. Here H * CR (X) is the Chen-Ruan cohomology of X. The proof relies on an intrinsic description of the obstruction bundles in the construction of the Chen-Ruan product. As an application, we investigate this stringy product on the equivariant K-theory K * G (G) of a finite group G with the conjugation action. It turns out that the stringy product is different from the Pontryagin product (the latter is also called the fusion product in string theory).
We introduce the new algebraic structure replacing Frobenius algebras when one is considering functors from objects with finite group actions to Frobenius algebras, such as cohomology, the local ring of an isolated singularity, etc.. Our new structure called a G-twisted Frobenius algebra reflects the "stringy" geometry of orbifold theories or equivalently theories with finite gauge group. We introduce this structure algebraically and show how it is obtained from geometry and field theory by proving that it parameterizes functors from the suitably rigidified version of the cobordism category of one dimensional closed manifolds with G bundles to linear spaces. We furthermore introduce the notion of special G-twisted Frobenius algebras which are the right setting for studying e.g. quasi-homogeneous singularities with symmetries or symmetric products. We classify the possible extensions of a given linear data to G-Frobenius algebras in this setting in terms of cohomological data.
Withdrawn by the authors because the results of this paper are subsumed within and improved by the two papers 1. A plethora of inertial products and 2. Chern Classes and Compatible Power Operations in Inertial K-theory
Advances in Mathematics, 2006
For an orbifold X and α ∈ H 3 (X, Z), we introduce the twisted cohomology H * c (X, α) and prove that the non-commutative Chern character of Connes-Karoubi establishes an isomorphism between the twisted K-groups K * α (X)⊗C and the twisted cohomology H * c (X, α). This theorem, on the one hand, generalizes a classical result of Baum-Connes, Brylinski-Nistor, and others, that if X is an orbifold then the Chern character establishes an isomorphism between the K-groups of X tensored with C, and the compactly-supported cohomology of the inertia orbifold. On the other hand, it also generalizes a recent result of Adem-Ruan regarding the Chern character isomorphism of twisted orbifold K-theory when the orbifold is a global quotient by a finite group and the twist is a special torsion class, as well as Mathai-Stevenson's theorem regarding the Chern character isomorphism of twisted K-theory of a compact manifold.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2010
For a finitely generated discrete group Γ, the Γ-sectors of an orbifold Q are a disjoint union of orbifolds corresponding to homomorphisms from Γ into a groupoid presenting Q. Here, we show that the inertia orbifold and k-multi-sectors are special cases of the Γ-sectors, and that the Γ-sectors are orbifold covers of Leida's fixed-point sectors. In the case of a global quotient, we show that the Γ-sectors correspond to orbifolds considered by other authors for global quotient orbifolds as well as their direct generalization to the case of an orbifold given by a quotient by a Lie group. Furthermore, we develop a model for the Γ-sectors corresponding to a generalized loop space.
Nuclear Physics B, 2003
In this note we extend previous work on massless Ramond spectra of open strings connecting D-branes wrapped on complex manifolds, to consider D-branes wrapped on smooth complex orbifolds. Using standard methods, we calculate the massless boundary Ramond sector spectra directly in BCFT, and find that the states in the spectrum are counted by Ext groups on quotient stacks (which provide a notion of homological algebra relevant for orbifolds). Subtleties that cropped up in our previous work also appear here. We also use the McKay correspondence to relate Ext groups on quotient stacks to Ext groups on (large radius) resolutions of the quotients. As stacks are not commonly used in the physics community, we include pedagogical discussions of some basic relevant properties of stacks.
Duke Mathematical Journal, 2010
The purpose of this paper is to give a purely equivariant definition of orbifold Chow rings of quotient Deligne-Mumford stacks. This completes a program begun in [JKK] for quotients by finite groups. The key to our construction is the definition (Section 6.1), of a twisted pullback in equivariant K-theory, K G (X) → K G (I 2 G (X)) taking non-negative elements to non-negative elements.
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, 2013
We construct differential K-theory of representable smooth orbifolds as a ring valued functor with the usual properties of a differential extension of a cohomology theory. For proper submersions (with smooth fibres) we construct a push-forward map in differential orbifold K-theory. Finally, we construct a non-degenerate intersection pairing with values in C/Z for the subclass of smooth orbifolds which can be written as global quotients by a finite group action. We construct a real subfunctor of our theory, where the pairing restricts to a non-degenerate R/Z-valued pairing.
Contemporary Mathematics, 2002
Nuclear Physics B, 2002
In this note we observe that, contrary to the usual lore, string orbifolds do not describe strings on quotient spaces, but rather seem to describe strings on objects called quotient stacks, a result that follows from simply unraveling definitions, and is further justified by a number of results. Quotient stacks are very closely related to quotient spaces; for example, when the orbifold group acts freely, the quotient space and the quotient stack are homeomorphic. We explain how sigma models on quotient stacks naturally have twisted sectors, and why a sigma model on a quotient stack would be a nonsingular CFT even when the associated quotient space is singular. We also show how to understand twist fields in this language, and outline the derivation of the orbifold Euler characteristic purely in terms of stacks. We also outline why there is a sense in which one naturally finds B = 0 on exceptional divisors of resolutions. These insights are not limited to merely understanding existing string orbifolds: we also point out how this technology enables us to understand orbifolds in M-theory, as well as how this means that string orbifolds provide the first example of an entirely new class of string compactifications. As quotient stacks are not a staple of the physics literature, we include a lengthy tutorial on quotient stacks, describing how one can perform differential geometry on stacks.
Mathematische Annalen, 2006
We present a deRham model for Chen-Ruan cohomology ring of abelian orbifolds. We introduce the notion of twist factors so that formally the stringy cohomology ring can be defined without going through pseudo-holomorphic orbifold curves. Thus our model can be viewed as the classical description of Chen-Ruan cohomology for abelian orbifolds. The model simplifies computation of Chen-Ruan cohomology ring. Using our model, we give a version of wall crossing formula.
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2013
The main result of this paper establishes an explicit ring isomorphism between the twisted orbifold K-theory ω K orb ([ * / G]) and R(D ω (G)) for any element ω ∈ Z 3 (G; S 1). We also study the relation between the twisted orbifold K-theories α K orb (ᐄ) and α K orb (ᐅ) of the orbifolds ᐄ = [ * / G] and ᐅ = [ * / G ], where G and G are different finite groups, and α ∈ Z 3 (G; S 1) and α ∈ Z 3 (G ; S 1) are different twistings. We prove that if G is an extraspecial group with prime number p as an index and order p n (for some fixed n ∈ ,)ގ under a suitable hypothesis over the twisting α we can obtain a twisting α on the group ޚ( p) n such that there exists an isomorphism between the twisted K-theories α K orb ([ * / G ]) and α K orb ޚ(/ * [( p) n ]). Velásquez was partially supported by Colciencias through the grant Becas Generación del Bicentenario #494, Fundación Mazda para el Arte y la Ciencia, and Prof. Wolfgang Lück through his Leibniz Prize. We want to express our gratitude to Professor Bernardo Uribe for his important suggestions and ideas for our work.
We construct two new G-equivariant rings: K(X, G), called the stringy K-theory of the G-variety X, and H(X, G), called the stringy cohomology of the G-variety X, for any smooth, projective variety X with an action of a finite group G. For a smooth Deligne-Mumford stack X, we also construct a new ring K orb (X) called the full orbifold K-theory of X. We show that for a global quotient X = [X/G], the ring of G-invariants K orb (X) of K(X, G) is a subalgebra of K orb ([X/G]) and is linearly isomorphic to the "orbifold K-theory" of Adem-Ruan [AR] (and hence Atiyah-Segal), but carries a different "quantum" product which respects the natural group grading. We prove that there is a ring isomorphism Ch : K(X, G) → H(X, G), which we call the stringy Chern character. We also show that there is a ring homomorphism Ch orb : K orb (X) → H • orb (X), which we call the orbifold Chern character, which induces an isomorphism Ch orb : K orb (X) → H • orb (X) when restricted to the sub-algebra K orb (X). Here H • orb (X) is the Chen-Ruan orbifold cohomology. We further show that Ch and Ch orb preserve many properties of these algebras and satisfy the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem with respect toétale maps. All of these results hold both in the algebro-geometric category and in the topological category for equivariant almost complex manifolds.
We study the general theory of Frobenius algebras with group actions. These structures arise when one is studying the algebraic structures associated to a geometry stemming from a physical theory with a global finite gauge group, i.e. orbifold theories. In this context, we introduce and axiomatize these algebras. Furthermore, we define geometric cobordism categories whose functors to the category of vector spaces are parameterized by these algebras. The theory is also extended to the graded and super-graded cases. As an application, we consider Frobenius algebras having some additional properties making them more tractable. These properties are present in Frobenius algebras arising as quotients of Jacobian ideal, such as those having their origin in quasi-homogeneous singularities and their symmetries.
In this short review we outline some recent developments in understanding string orbifolds. In particular, we outline the recent observation that string orbifolds do not precisely describe string propagation on quotient spaces, but rather are literally sigma models on objects called quotient stacks, which are closely related to (but not quite the same as) quotient spaces. We show how this is an immediate consequence of definitions, and also how this explains a number of features of string orbifolds, from the fact that the CFT is well-behaved to orbifold Euler characteristics. Put another way, many features of string orbifolds previously considered "stringy" are now understood as coming from the target-space geometry; one merely needs to identify the correct target-space geometry.
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2011
In this paper we study the Hochschild cohomology ring of convolution algebras associated to orbifolds, as well as their deformation quantizations. In the first case the ring structure is given in terms of a wedge product on twisted polyvectorfields on the inertia orbifold. After deformation quantization, the ring structure defines a product on the cohomology of the inertia orbifold. We study the relation between this product and an S 1 -equivariant version of the Chen-Ruan product. In particular, we give a de Rham model for this equivariant orbifold cohomology.
Asterisque- Societe Mathematique de France
We construct smooth equivariant K-theory of representable smooth orbifolds as a ring valued functor with the usual properties of a smooth extension of a cohomology theory. For proper submersions (with smooth fibres) we construct a push-forward map in smooth equivariant K-theory. Finally, we construct a non-degenerate inter-section pairing for the subclass of smooth orbifolds which can be written as global quotients by a finite group action.
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