Miíase Furuncular: Relato De Caso

2020, Brazilian Journal of Development

Myiasis is a disease caused by the penetration of fly larvae into the organs or tissues of humans or other vertebrate animals. They develop by feeding on living or dead tissue depending on the species. Host infestation occurs when dipteran larvae penetrate tissue or natural body cavities and lay their eggs. They occur in tropical countries, mainly in rural areas. It affects any age group, being more common in elderly people of both sexes, patients who have some mental disorder, poor hygiene, homeless person, intubated patient, mouth breather, diabetic, low level of education, although it can affect healthy individuals. The clinical manifestations can be varied depending on the site, and may be cutaneous, subcutaneous (or internal organs), cavitary, ocular and eyelid. The patient may present symptoms such as myalgia, fever, strong odor and notice the presence of the larvae by the movement within his own body and by the release of exudate. Conventional treatment for the disease is mechanical and surgical removal of the larvae. The aim of this study was to report a clinical case of oral myiasis in a 40-year-old female patient who did not have systemic changes.