The Disappointments of Networks

2019, Law & Society: Private Law - Intellectual Property eJournal

The past 25 years have seen a ‘turn to culture’ in copyright scholarship. This cultural turn has produced an expansive account of copyright’s disadvantages with respect to qualitative cultural and political goals such as: promoting democracy, individual self-authorship, expressive diversity, and a more inclusive creative and discursive culture. A common view among proponents of the cultural turn is that copyright stands in the way of the democratization of creative and discursive spheres online. This article challenges that view. Online ‘free’ content economies — characterized by peer production, decentralized selection, and peer to peer content sharing — have not lived up to the hopes of cultural turn thinkers. I focus on structural matters (structures of incentive and structures of power), critically applying descriptive and normative frameworks of the cultural turn. Proponents of the cultural turn have been concerned about copyright’s role in concentrating cultural power. They sh...