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2004, 2004 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements
The high linearity and stability of modern top-level Digital Multimeters (DMM) can be exploited to measure voltage ratios with very low uncertainty by making two separate absolute voltage measurements. We developed an integrated approach to apply commercial multimeters as voltage ratio standards for the dissemination of the volt over a wide range of values, based on a JAVS as primary ratio standard and DMiMs as secondary standards. The DMM characterized in linearity can find application in top level calibration laboratories, where it can replace the Kelvin-Varley divider in calibration of meters. Moreover, we developed a GPIB interfaced voltage divider that allows the fully automatic calibration in dc voltage of generators.
Measurement, 2018
Institute of Metrological Research (INRIM), an automated setup to calibrate DC Voltage generators, mainly top-level calibrators from 1 mV to 1 kV has been developed. The heart of the setup is an INRIM-built automated fixed ratios DC Voltage divider. The significant achievement of this setup is the possibility to interconnect the divider, a DMM characterized in linearity, a DC Voltage Standard and a DC Voltage generator under calibration and automatically to manage the calibration process. This calibration method allows to save a lot of time, to improve the reliability and to increase the accuracy of the calibration of generators. The relative uncertainties of the system span from 0.610 6 to 1.210 4 improving the previous capabilities of the INRIM laboratory for calibration of programmable multifunction instruments. In addition, this system allows to avoid the employment of several Standards (some of them still manually operating) carrying out the entire process without changing the setup configuration and without the presence of operators. The concept of this setup can be transferred to secondary high-level electrical calibration Laboratories that could be consider it useful for their calibration activities.
17th International Congress of Metrology, 2015
Les multimètres numerale de haute qualité, en raison de leur linéarité, peuvent être utilisés comme normes de rapport de tension. Les applications possibles de métrologie sont nombreuses: les laboratoires secondaires, peuvent utiliser avec profit un multimètre numérique avec une courbe de linéarité calibrée pour la maintenance et la traçabilité metrologique de l'échelle du volt et pour l'étalonnage des rapports de résistance. Dans les laboratoires primaires, un multimètre numerale calibré avec une grande exactitude est un moyen efficace de maintenir l'échelle de résistance. La linéarité est mieux déterminée dans la gamme ± 10V, l'intervalle fondamental de fonctionnement de convertisseurs analogique-numériques à l'intérieur de la plupart des multimétres. Cet article décrit une source de tension continue de trés faible bruit electrique, basée sur un convertisseur N/A R-2R, pour générer le tension de référence necessarie pour la calibration en linéarité d'un multimétre. Un filtre specifiquement concu pour cette application, posé a la sortie di generateur, attenue le fluctuations de tension residues et stabilise le lectures du multimetre..
Measurement, 2018
At the National Institute of Metrological Research (INRIM) an automatable precision DC voltage fixed-ratios divider allowing the division ratios of DC Voltages from 10:1 to 10 7 :1. It can be quickly calibrated when necessary and involved in traceability transfer. Its resistors are selected bulk metal foils ones connected in series in four terminal configuration whose values are 90 k, 9 k, 900 , 90 , 9 , 0.9 , 90 m and 10 m. The main advantage of this divider is that it can be automatically calibrated with a calibrator and a digital multimeter. Its calibration starts from a10 V value. It takes advantage of the DMM linearity, in particular in the 10 V range that allows improving its calibration uncertainty. After calibration, it can be used to divide DC Voltages lower than 10 V. Preliminary evaluation of its calibration uncertainties and mid-term stabilities (a week) span respectively from 1.4×10 6 to 6.0×10 4 and from 2.4×10 7 to 4.5×10 4 for ratios from 10:1 to 10 7 :1. This divider could be involved in the calibration of nanovoltmeters in a typical range from 10 V till down to 100 nV.
Jurnal Standardisasi, 2019
Since 2004, Research Center for Metrology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences (RCM-LIPI) has maintained the DC voltage standard traceability from 1.018 V up to 1000 V based on two standard source types, namely standard cell groups and a multifunction calibrator that work as secondary standards. In this research, a new method was developed in maintaining the tertiary standard accuracy using a meter ratio. The accuracy of the standard meter ratio could be achieved by a dissemination process. This dissemination process was validated using an error number (En) through a comparison between two voltage standards obtained from indirect measurement method and direct measurement method. The result showed that the standard meter ratio that was validated on 3 ranges of comparison measurement
19th International Congress of Metrology (CIM2019), 2019
At the National Institute of Metrological Research (INRIM) an automatable precision DC voltage fixed-ratios divider allowing the division ratios of DC Voltages from 10:1 to 107:1. It can be quickly calibrated when necessary and involved in traceability transfer. Its resistors are selected bulk metal foils ones connected in series in four terminal configuration whose values are 90 kΩ, 9 kΩ, 900 Ω, 90 Ω, 9 Ω, 0.9 Ω, 90 mΩ and 10 mΩ. The main advantage of this divider is that it can be automatically calibrated with a calibrator and a digital multimeter. Its calibration starts from a10 V value. It takes advantage of the DMM linearity, in particular in the 10 V range that allows improving its calibration uncertainty. After calibration, it can be used to divide DC Voltages lower than 10 V. Preliminary evaluation of its calibration uncertainties and mid-term stabilities (a week) span respectively from 1.4×10-6 to 6.0×10-4 and from 2.4×10-7 to 4.5×10-4 for ratios from 10:1 to 107:1. This di...
29th Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2014), 2014
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
An international metrology project named "EMPIR 19ENG02 FutureEnergy" started in June 2020, is developing, building, and evaluating measurement equipment and systems for the UHV level. This paper describes the work on a new reference UHVDC voltage divider for the calibration of testing equipment up to at least 1600 kV. This divider has a modular design and target expanded measurement uncertainty of 200 μV/V. The need for such measurement systems results from new measurement methods for future energy transmission grids. After the construction of the UHVDC voltage divider, the targeted measurement uncertainty of 200 μV/V was successfully at 1200 kV during a measurement campaign at PTB. The linearity and temperature dependence of the UHVDC divider modules as well as the overall results of this new divider are included in this work. This work will lead to new calibration and measurement capabilities (CMC) for traceability of the designed divider systems for participating national metrology institutes (NMI).
Ukrainian Metrological Journal, 2017
The technology of mode parameters vector measurement is described. Hardware-measuring-computer complex is suggested for testing a wide range of power measuring instruments. The dual channel synchronous analog-todigital converter (ADC) connected to the voltage divider and the shunt is a single-phase power meter. Stages of calibration of electrical energy and power meters are considered. The measurement uncertainty at calibration of devices for electrical energy and power meters verification is evaluated. The results of the calibration of the two reference meters are presented as an example.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
A new reference resistive-capacitive voltage divider is presented in this paper, operating in DC and AC from 10 kHz up to 200 kHz. The ratio error is lower than 0.1% and the phase error is lower than rad (1.375') at 100 kHz. The divider is stable and repeatable. The scale factor and the phase error repeatability, tested in 24 hours continuous measurements repeated during 15 weeks, show a scale factor variation lower than 80 ppm and a phase error variation lower than 20 rad. This allows one to define a calibration matrix of the device bringing its relative measurement uncertainty lower than 0.5•10-3. The divider calibration has been obtained with a step-up method, which could improve traceability in many laboratories, and is described in the paper. The divider can be embedded in a calibration chain to test the accuracy of voltage transducers in the measurement of the AC voltage ripple, in the presence of a significant DC component, as it occurs in many power electronic systems. The voltage calibration chain is based on the use of the reference divider and a voltage injector, the secondary of which is placed in series with a stable DC source. By means of this calibration system, one of the best commercial voltage transducers on the market has been analyzed. The work also highlights how the proposed voltage calibration chain could be used in perspective in a phantom power system for the development of a DC plus AC power standard.
Measurement, 2021
At INRIM an automatic DC Voltage resistive divider performing decade ratios from 10:1 to 10 7 :1 was built. It can be calibrated with a top-class calibrator and a precision multimeter calibrated in term of deviation from linearity. It is made up of 90 kΩ, 9 kΩ, 900 Ω, 90 Ω, 9 Ω, 0.9 Ω, 90 mΩ and 10 mΩ bulk metal foil resistors connected in series in four-terminal configuration. Particularities of the realization are the evaluation of the DMM input impedance during the divider calibration to correct the DMM readings to minimize the load error and a solution to reduce the relays emfs effect in addition to the polarity inversion. The divider calibration and use uncertainties span respectively from 6.1×10 ─ 7 to 5.9×10 ─ 4 and from 6.7×10 ─ 7 to 6.5×10 ─ 4. The project is transferable to secondary electrical calibration laboratories in the framework of the INRIM knowledge transfer task.
The National measuring standards ensure the quality of measurements in different areas of science and technology. The actual errors of standards are not the only necessary characteristics to be determined. The long-term stability of the corrections also should be evaluated to guarantee the uncertainty of measurement is within the specified margin and, as a consequence, the metrological traceability is established. This paper mainly concerns the stability evaluation of the top-level standard for metrology service in low-frequency voltage measurement. The AC-DC transfer difference of high-precision voltage converter has been determined for almost 20 years. The measurements performed gave an opportunity to compare the deviations detected with the relevant combined uncertainties. The long-term stability estimate was within 20 μV/V for the frequency of 1 MHz.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2006
This paper presents a method to accurately measure voltage ratios from 1:2 to 1:10 with a calibrated digital voltmeter (DVM) at voltage ranges of 1-10 V using a simple resistive-voltage divider. The divider can be used as an absolute divider or as a Hamon divider. The achieved accuracy is better than 10 −7 , comparable to those reported with measurements with Josephson array voltage source (JAVS).
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 1998
2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2021
A novel technique for the measurement of DC voltage and current that reduces the loading effects of a digital multimeter is presented in this work. When the variable of interest is a current (voltage), instead of connecting an ammeter (voltmeter) in series (parallel), it is proposed to connect a voltmeter (ammeter) and an ohmmeter in series (parallel) at the same two terminals conventionally employed. The application of this new measurement technique reduces the loading effects by a factor of at least 100 but up to 500, in comparison with those obtained in the conventional method.
Power quality analyses in the last years has assumed more and more heaviness in industrial environments, due to the presence of non-linear loads: they require suitable and precise measuring instrumentation. Nevertheless, while there are lots of power quality standards fixing high frequency limits for harmonic analyses, there is a lack of standards concerning transducers calibration at amplitude and frequency different from the rated ones. Therefore in this paper a fully automated measuring station for the calibration of voltage transducers in wide amplitude and frequency ranges is discussed. As an application, the results of the calibration of a commercial transducer are presented: they are used to implement a time-domain procedure for real-time correction of the frequency response of the calibrated transducer. I. Introduction The growing number of non-linear and unbalanced loads in the electrical systems makes the scientific interest in harmonic and inter-harmonic analysis increase...
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2012
Worsened quality of supplied as well as demanded electricity causes in reality a large financial loss. The main quality parameters monitored today are voltage dips and interruptions. In this context there are relevant statistics of measurement results and especially the possibility of their improvement by using Dynamic Voltage Restorer, for which we have proposed a possible method of control. The proposed regulation DVR is based on Park transformation of immediate values of voltage in network and its feedback transformation. The method is shown and verified on simulation model. Streszczenie. Pogorszenie jakości dostarczanej jak rowniez zapotrzebowanej energii elektrycznej powoduje powstawanie duzych strat finansowych. Podstawowymi parametrami jakościowymi monitorowanymi obecnie są spadki napiecia i przerwy w zasilaniu. W tym kontekście istnieją adekwatne statystyki pomiarowe, a w szczegolności mozliwości ich poprawy poprzez uzycie dynamicznego ukladu odtwarzania napiecia (DVR), dla ...
MAPAN, 2011
A new automatic system for calibrating the solid state DC voltage reference standards (Zener Diode reference standards) has been established at National Institute for Standards (NIS), Egypt to disseminate the unit of volt in the country. Besides, this system has been implemented as a coherent structure that, from the national DC voltage reference standards, can disseminate the traceability of all the instruments under calibration. The system consists of a set of programmable instruments and proper software. The software of the system has been built using the Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) graphical language. The system hardware is configurable by the operator on the basis of the specific calibration to be performed and it allows large number and different models of Zener diodes to be act either as reference units or as units under calibration. The design and the implementation of the system software have been discussed in details. Furthermore, the system validation has been carried out for the measurement repeatability and the results compatibility in both automatic and manual modes.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2007
Nominal accuracy specifications of voltage transducers cannot be used to determine the uncertainty affecting the instantaneous values of the output signals; hence, the uncertainty in the measurements performed by DSP-based instruments cannot be estimated. A programmable equipment, which is designed to solve such a problem and which implements the characterization procedure of analog-signal conditioning blocks described in a previous contribution, is presented in this paper. The uncertainty sources located in the hardware of the setup are analyzed, and their effects on the measurement results are evaluated. Finally, on the basis of the equipment metrological characterization, the performance of the implemented methodology is discussed.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2008
High-resolution digital voltmeters (DVMs) can be widely used when precise measurements are needed, but input circuitry can contribute to the results of measurement. Therefore, to make uncertainty of measurement as small as possible for a particular measurement, it is necessary to characterize its input parameters. In this paper, the methods for the determination of input resistance, input capacitance, and input offset current of widely used precise DVMs HP 3458A with 8 1/2-digit resolution are presented. The method with voltage source and high-ohmic divider resistor has been developed for the determination of both input offset current I S and input resistance R V . The second method with the source of the linear voltage ramp and the picoampermeter is primarily used for the determination of input capacitance C V . It was shown that the input offset current of voltmeters is in the range of picoamperes with relative instability of approximately ±0.1, the input resistance is in the range of teraohms with the same relative instability of ±0.1, and the input capacitance was measured to be in the range of a few hundred picofarads with uncertainty of a few picofarads.
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