On the geometrical structure of shock waves in general relativity

1979, Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-physique Theorique


A systematic and geometrical analysis of shock structures in a Riemannian manifold is developed. The jump, the infinitesimal jump and the covariant derivative jump of a tensor are defined globally. By means of derivation laws induced on the shock hypersurface, physically significant operators are defined. As physical applications, the charged fluid electromagnetic and gravitational interacting fields are considered. INTRODUCTION Several authors have developed the shock waves from different points of view, under both mathematical and physical aspects. In General Relativity shock waves assume a peculiar theoretical role. In fact they constitute one of the few strictly covariant signals occurring in the space-time manifolds, where the usual way, to describe waves (as plane waves, Fourier series, etc.) are globally meaningless. Of course shock may be considered as a mathematical abstraction that approximates more realistic physical phenomena. A very large bibliography on shock waves in ...