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8. Hitit Öğrenci Kongresi
10 pages
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The Turkish relations with Armenians, which began in the early XIth century in Anatolia, increasingly continued with the dominance of the Seljukians. After the victory of the Battle of Manzikert, the Beyliks of Danishmends, Menguceks, Saltuks, Dilmacs, Artuqids, Sokmens, Kizil Arslans, and Inals had to struggle with the Armenians. With the start of the Crusades, when the Armenians, who regarded the Christians coming from the Europe as their saviors, could not receive a great deal of attention from the leaders of these invaders, thus, they had to ally with the Turks in certain places. Turkish beyliks treated the Armenians, who lived on the lands reigned by them, better than the Armenians were used to. The Armenians, who were satisfied with the administration of the Turks, continued their existence in the new period as productive communities in the villages and in the cities.
Türk-İslam Sanatları Tarihi, 2021
Batı Anadolu beyliklerinin menşei üzerinde bugüne kadar yapılan tetkiklerden farklı sonuçlar ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu sonuçlardan biri Onların Moğol İstilasıyla inkıraza uğrayan Harzemşahların bakıyeleri olduğu yönündedir. Evkaf tahrir defterlerinde ve kitâbelerde tesbit edilen bazı kayıtlar, bu görüşü diğerlerinin önüne taşımaktadır. Muasır kaynaklardan Pachymeres, İbn Bibi ve Yazıcızâde’nin eserleri de tesbit edilen kayıtları desteklemektedir. Elinizdeki çalışma, arşiv vesikaları, muasır ve kitâbelere dayalı telif edilen eserler üzerinden “Beylikler Dünyası” ve “Osmanlı Devleti’nin Kuruluşu” ile ilgili yeni kuramsal yaklaşımların başlangıcını teşkil etmektedir.
Ahilik ve Ankara- 100. Yıl Armağanı, Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi Yayınları, 2023
The First Coinage Activities in North Eastern Anatolia during thr Turkization Period: Considerations on Some Rare Saltuqid and Mengujekid Coins Since the second half of the 19th century, the question of the earliest Turkish coins struck in Muslim-Turkish Anatolia confused the numismatists, historians and researchers working on this subject. In fact, although analytical and critical studies on the subject are very limited, many of them remain at the cataloguing level. Moreover, the fact that the historians working in the Medieval Ages did not pay enough attention to the numismatic science, the medieval archaeology discipline was not sufficiently developed, and the museum and field studies were shallow and limited, it has made it difficult to reach new findings and bring new interpretations. In this study, we will focus on some copper coins not previously included in local and foreign coin catalogues or academic studies and produced by the Saltuqid (Saltukoğulları) and Mengujekid (Mengücekoğulları) Beyliks who were respectively established in Erzurum and Erzincan. Among these, two very rare copper coins belonging to Diya al-Din al-Muzaffar Ghazi (518-526 / 1124-1132), are candidates for being one of the earliest coins to be struck by the Turks in Anatolia in the light of the available evidence. Besides severe military struggles the Turks gave to become permanent in the new territory, the 12th century is the era they ensure that Anatolia is Türkiye (Turkey) by establishing socio-economic and administrative structures. In this century in which changes and transformations took place, interactions in the multicultural climate of the geography have also become inevitable. These coins, which are subject to the study, besides providing important materials to researchers working on the region and period, show that the Turkmen beys started to mint coins in their new lands before known, and also how the Saltuqid and Mengujekid meliks pragmatically use materials that are inherited or passed on to them in the region.
İslam Tarihi ve Medeniyeti, 2018
Dünden Bugüne Lice ve Çevresi Sempozyumu Kitabı, 2012
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Birey ve Toplum Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2019