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2018, Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan Dan Kemasyarakatan
Abstrak: Paper ini menyajikan kajian tentang Pengembangan Kurikulum Melalui Lesson Plan Kreatif. Kurikulum berusaha menerjemahkan tujuan pendidikan sekaligus tujuan dari pengembangan manusia suatu bangsa ke dalam konsep-konsep yang sistematis. Dengan harapan agar pendidikan bias dilaksanakan lebih terarah sehingga bisa efektif dan efisien. Salah satu cara untuk menerapkan pengembangan kurikulum adalah menggunakan lesson plan kreatif. Selama ini guru yang mengajar hanya terpaku pada silabus dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang stagnan. Setumpuk Operasional prosedur yang hanya memuat model, strategi pembelajaran yang apa adanya. Dengan menggunakan silabus dan RPP yang ada tanpa ada pengembangan, maka selamanya proses pembelajaran tidak akan berhasil meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa, apalagi di zaman milenial yang menuntut guru serba tau dan kreatif menyajikan materi. Maka adanya lesson plan kreatif menjadi jawaban bagi para guru bahkan juga sekolah. ملخص: عرض هذا المقال ...
Menciptakan proses belajar mengajar memerlukan perencanaan yang baik dan keterampilan mengajar guru. Sebagai seorang guru, mereka harus mampu melakukan proses pembelajaran secara efektif dan bermakna untuk membantu siswa mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Selain itu, para guru dituntut untuk membuat rencana pelajaran dan menerapkannya., penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana guru mengembangkan rencana pelajaran dan menerapkannya dalam proses belajar mengajar. Metode studi kasus digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan proses pembelajaran yang berdasarkan rencana pelajaran yang telah dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rencana pelajaran dikembangkan guru terkemuka itu dilakukan dengan baik berdasarkan teori pengembangan rencana pembelajaran dan berdasarkan peraturan Kementerian Pendidikan. RPP menunjukkan kesalingterkaitan antara semua komponen RPP, mereka adalah; kompetensi dasar, kom...
The objectives of this study are to find out the teachers’ difficulties and to solve the difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum in SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta in the academic year 2016/2017. This study used descriptive qualitative research. The researcher used interview and document analysis to collect the data. The finding reflected the format and elements of lesson plan based on the Decree of Minister of National Education No. 65 Year 2013. It was started from stating indicator, objectives, learning material, teaching method, learning activities and assesment. This study was conducted to the English teachers that taught at the seventh, eight, and ninth grade students of SMP Al-Islam 1 Surakarta in the academic year 2016/2017. This study was using data triangulation to validate the data. In the result of the study, the researcher concludes that the teachers’ difficulties in designing lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum are; (1) to state indicator concerning th...
One of the crucial and classical problems faced by English teachers in Indonesia is lesson planning. For several past decades. many models of teaching have been introduced. Even, in line with the implemention of K'13, a teaching model is also introduced to English teachers. However, based on my observations, out of the many teaching models, none has been satisfactory to teachers. Usually. teachers' confusion emmerges every time a new model is introduced. As a result, students' English learning outcomes are unsatisfatory as well. Through this paper, I would like to propose a simple model, which, in this paper, is called a Creative Teaching Model, which, I think, can be an alternative solution to teachers' problem in preparing a lesson. I believe that this model can bring about optimum teaching success due to the simplicity and effectiveness of this teaching model. For this, I have several reasons. First, this model applies simple procedure. Only within six steps, teac...
The writer hopes that this research will give some benefits for teaching learning English both in theoretical and practical benefit. Related to this research which is the first paper that analyze teacher's lesson plan, the writer hopes that this research can be used as reference and input for other researcher to conduct research about lesson plan viewed from School Level -based Curriculum. The researcher hopes this research will give the practical benefit for the teacher in order to write appropriate lesson plan in compliance with school level -based curriculum. F.
In this study, first lesson plans as they are practiced in U.S. educational system are reviewed followed by the Turkish case, and then areas where the two overlap and differ are explained afterwards. Therefore, first daily, overall yearly, and substitute teacher lesson plans are reviewed as they are implemented in the U.S. system. Commonly implemented lesson plan practices include the concept or objectives to be taught, time block, procedures to be used, required materials, questions, independent practice, and evaluation. Ways of writing and implementing lesson plans are reviewed taking into account effective use of class time and classroom management by having positive expectations for student by administering routines about beginning and ending the class and about possible transitions and interruptions that might occur during the class, e.g. taking attendance, addressing the students who missed the work, dealing with students who are tardy, etc by taking into account extracurricul...
Kertas kajian ini melaporkan suatu usaha menyepadukan kaedah Lesson Study secara simulasi dalam kursus Kaedah Pengajaran Kimia yang ditawarkan kepada pelajar tahun tiga dalam program pendidikan guru sains. Pendekatan Lesson study menjanjikan suatu kaedah peningkatan pengetahuan profesionalisme guru yang berkesan yang memfokuskan pembinaan kemahiran asas guru dan pembelajaran murid secara berterusan melalui penghasilan pengajaran berkualiti di dalam bilik darjah. Sejumlah 44 orang pelajar yang mengikuti kursus ini terlibat dalam kajian dan mereka dibahagikan kepada lapan kumpulan bergantung kepada subjek sains major dan minor masingmasing. Lesson study dilaksanakan oleh kumpulan pelajar ini sebanyak tiga kitaran bagi satu topik kimia Tingkatan Empat dan Lima. Peningkatan prestasi kumpulan Lesson study secara simulasi ini diukur menggunakan instrumen "Lesson Study Performance Assessment Form" yang terdiri daripada dua bahagian: prestasi guru yang mengajar dan pembelajaran murid. Pengukuran peningkatan prestasi ini dilaksanakan sebanyak tiga kali ( bagi tiga kitaran) oleh pendidik guru dan rakan sekumpulan (peer group). Penilaian prestasi Lesson study yang dilaksanakan semasa pencerapan pengajaran telah memberi suatu pengalaman yang berharga kepada guru dan pelajar untuk membuat refleksi yang terperinci tentang pengajaran guru dan pembelajaran murid sepanjang proses Lesson Study khususnya dalam pembelajaran subjek sains kimia silibus Tingkatan Empat dan Lima.
The purpose of this study is to observe: 1) the final ability of MI teachers to make / compile RPP with discovery learning, problem based learning, and project based learning model according to the provision in the 2013 curriculum after being given the drill method using job sheet. 2) early ability of MI teachers to make / compile RPP with discovery learning model, problem based learning, and project based learning according to the provision in curriculum 2013 before being given practice / drill method using job sheet. Data collection during the workshop on Curriculum Implementation 2013 for 22 hours (3hari). Alternative strategy taken in this research using experimental method with Pre-Experimental Design form. While the design used One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. In this design there are pretest before being treated, and posttest after being given treatment using drill method, the study population is all the participants of workshop on the implementation of curriculum 2013 whic...
Multidisciplinary International Journal of Research and Development (MIJRD), 2021
This study presents of classroom practice about use of lesson plan at the primary schools of Bangladesh. Various video, graphs, personal observations and research findings alongside some reports depicts that this situation of use of lesson plan in the school of Bangladesh is below standard. The stakeholders of this research were 80 assistant teachers and 40 head teachers from 40 schools. 8 Assistant Upazilla Education Officer and 8 Instructor, Upazilla Resource Center selected from respective upazilla purposively. Use of lesson plan below the mark because of teacher-student ratio is high, shortage of teacher, lack of teachers' dedication and motivation, no mentoring facilities and shortage o supervision by the head teacher. Teachers faced some problems and got inadequate support from various sources in respect of preparing and using lesson plan. To change things, authority of government of if necessary, support is provided to teachers according to the recommendations of this study. as a result, teachers can use effectively and quality of teaching learning will be improved.
Jurnal Pengabdian Magister Pendidikan IPA, 2022
The implementation of the learning process is always oriented to the mastery of competence by students. One of the important competencies possessed by students is high order thinking skills (HOTS). Based on the results of observations at the Darussholihin NW Kalijaga Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Aikmel District, East Lombok Regency, it was obtained: (1) The students' critical thinking ability in chemistry subjects was on average still low; (2) Students' chemistry learning outcomes are relatively low; (3) The ability of teachers to apply learning models that can improve students' critical thinking skills is still low; and (4) Teachers carry out individual learning so that it is difficult to evaluate the learning process as a result of continuous improvement of learning is difficult to implement. The solution offered in this community service activity is in the form of teacher assistance in implementing lesson study for learning communities (LSLC) in SMA/MA/SMK within the Darussholihin NW Kalijaga Islamic Boarding School Foundation, Aikmel District, East Lombok Regency. This activity is carried out with a training approach, learning practice, and reflection. This activity was carried out in two stages: the first stage of socialization and workshops on LSLC, then in the second stage of lesson study (LS) practice. The results achieved from this activity are: (1) Students' critical thinking skills in chemistry subjects need to be continuously improved through various learning innovations; (2) Improving students' chemistry learning outcomes; (3) Increased understanding of teachers regarding the principles, benefits, and scope of lesson study and LSLC appropriately; and (4) increasing the enthusiasm of teachers to carry out improvement of lesson study-based learning which consists of stages of planning (plan), implementation of learning and observation (do), and reflection (see), as well as redesign .
Warta LPM
Teachers as key figures in the educational process are required to have several competencies including pedagogical competencies. One of the pedagogical competencies is to understand learners' characteristics that should be considered in program design and teaching learning process. One of the issues related to learners is the second language learning strategy, which is the focus of this community's dedication. From the preliminary study it was fond that most teachers had the least understanding of the scientific concepts of the second language learning strategy. To that end, community service was conducted. With this scientific conceptual understanding teachers are expected to apply it in both teaching learning process and research. Community service was conducted in the form of workshop through Zoom and Schoology applications. Overall the workshop ran well. Participants were actively involved in each planned session. One of the indicators of success is that participants were able to explain the second language learning strategy conceptually based on the relevant theory. Participants were also able to make relevant research topics. From the results of this activity, it is suggested that this program be continued in the future. Kata kunci: Strategi belajar bahasa ke-dua, kompetensi pedagogik, memahami peserta didik Abstrak Guru sebagai tokoh utama dalam proses pendidikan dituntut untuk memiliki beberapa kompetensi termasuk kompetensi pedagogis. Salah satu kompetensi pedagogis adalah memahami peserta didik yang dapat dijadikan pertimbangan dalam penyusunan program dan proses belajar mengajar. Salah satu hal terkait dengan peserta didik adalah strategi pembelajaran bahasa ke-dua, yang merupakan fokus pengabdian masyarakat ini. Dari studi awal diperoleh gambaran bahwa rata-rata guru belum menguasai konsep ilmiah tentang strategi belajar bahasa ke-dua secara memadai. Umumnya jawaban para guru masih bersifat volk knowledge. Untuk itu, pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan. Dengan pemahaman konseptual ilmiah ini para guru diharapkan dapat mengaplikasikannya dalam pembelajaran maupun
This is a quantitative study which explores the use of Lesson Plans (LPs) in Afghan primary schools. The main objectives of this study were to find out the implementation method of LPs, reasons of applying LPs and teachers' views on LPs. This study was conducted in three districts (Shekh Ali, Siah Gerd and Shinwari) and Charikar city of Parwan Province and data was collected by questionnaires filled in by 200 language and math teachers (100 male and 100 female). The main findings of the research show that all teachers regardless of sex, education level and teaching experiences claimed that they used LPs in their teaching. A majority of teachers, regardless of sex, education background and years of teaching experience elaborated LPs of their own and did not use the format instructed by Teacher Training Colleges (TTC). Most teachers prepared their LPs one day before and at home. To consider the importance of LP stages the findings show that the majority of both male and female teachers responded to all stages. Through a short glance on reasons of applying LPs we see that 50% of both male and female teachers used LPs to achieve the goal. More experienced teachers didn't use LPs because of having enough experiences. Important parts of LPs include motivation of students and student activities. The study found that teachers often motivated their students by telling a story or poem. Group work was a common activity. One implication of this study is that the TTC should revise their teaching on LPs since hardly any teacher seems to use these formats.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan petunjuk praktikum pendidikan IPA berbasis Pedagogical Content Knowledge . Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa IPA semester III yang mengikuti mata praktikum pendidikan IPA. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar validasi produk petunjuk praktikum pendidikan IPA dan lembar observasi kegiatan praktikum. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan didukung oleh data kualitatif yang berupa saran perbaikan dari penilai ahli, teman sejawat, dan guru IPA. Hasil penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan produk petunjuk praktikum yang layak digunakan setelah dinilai oleh ahli materi, teman sejawat, guru IPA, dan mahasiswa dengan rata-rata baik.
Teacher’s Attitudes Towards the Effects of Lesson Plan on Classroom Management: A case study of Sufi Sahab Zakur high school, 2019
The present study has been conducted to investigate the teacher’s attitudes towards the effects of lesson plan. Furthermore, the second goal of the study is to investigate the effects of lesson plan on classroom management. Similarly, the questionnaire had two parts the first part had 6 items and the second part had 6 items too and applied randomly. Besides, the data analyzing was performed in SPSS (version, 21) and bring out the mean and standard division. Finally, the findings reveled the importance and role of lesson planning on classroom management numbered as follow: (1) Planning is the most appropriate skill that the teacher needs to create a successful one. (2) The effective teacher is the one who plan effective lessons. (3) Preparation is the most important thing a teacher does. In addition, the following factors are related to the effects of lesson plan on classroom management. (1) Planning is a necessary skill to develop an organized learning environment. (2) Good planning minimizes class management problems. (3) A successful learning environment is the result of well lesson plan.
Lesson plan is used by teachers to guide them in teaching and learning process. It includes all the aspects in teaching and learning process such as learning objectives, materials, assessments, learning activities, and time allocations. In making the lesson plan, student teachers use their pedagogic competence to state the learning objectives of the study. Teaching and learning process is not always as it was planned, there are situations that can be unpredictable to the teachers. This study is to explore the implementation between the lesson plan that made by the student teacher and the consistency in teaching process and the purpose of the inconsistency made by the student teacher. The participants of this study are the students who join the PKM program. The lesson plan will be used as the primary tool to conduct the observation in the classroom. The instruments that used are the lesson plan, the reflection of the lesson plan, and focus group discussion.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Indonesian education study program students are prepared to become professional teachers. Students are given one course, including learning planning, as a condition for implementing teaching practice in school. To find out the success of practical teaching activities, researchers researched to determine the ability of Indonesian education study program students in designing learning plans. This study aims to assess lesson plans made by Indonesian education study program students and provide development instruments to evaluate teacher performance. This research method is a quantitative study using a device in the form of an assessment scale to assess lesson plans made by prospective teachers in Indonesian education study programs. Students are investigated according to their ability to design lesson plans through teaching practice at senior or junior high school according to placement from university. The statistics used in this study are descriptive in the form of percentages and categories of students' ability to develop learning plans by aspects of the instrument. Participants in this study consisted of 131 undergraduate students in Indonesian education. The results of student data analysis have been seen well from the following five aspects. (1) Formulation of learning objectives, (2) designing selection and organizing, (3) choosing learning resources/learning media, (4) learning strategies and methods, and (5) evaluating learning outcomes. An instrument to assess teacher performance was created and used in determining undergraduate students in Indonesian education study programs. The assessment instruments classify lesson plans into several aspects to be evaluated. With this assessment instrument, instructors will quickly assess students' lesson plans, and teachers can improve their ability to design lesson plans.
Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi dan Humaniora
The purpose of this study is to investigate how well is the teachers’ efficacy in designing simplified lesson plan for primary school, the relationship between teachers’ efficacy in designing lesson plan and teachers’ backgrounds and to find out what background that perform an efficacious result in designing simplified lesson plan for primary school. The participants of this research were teachers of English subject in private schools of Pontianak city, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia. There were twenty teachers according to the data gathered from Institution of Educational Quality Assurance, LPMP (Lembaga Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan) Pontianak City for academic year 2020/2021. It consisted of sixteen (16) female teachers and four (4) male teachers. The qualitative data collected in form of teachers’ lesson plan which were analysed and identified. The result discovered that the teachers have an “average to good” efficacy in designing lesson plan. It was also dicoverd there was relations...
U Jet, 2014
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang dibuat oleh guru bahasa inggris dan proses belajar berdasarkan kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Sampel penelitian diambil dari kelas VII-12 dan 1 orang guru. Data diperoleh dengan observasi, rekaman video, RPP, kegiatan siswa, kegiatan guru, dan proses belajar mengajar. Peneliti menggunakan lembar observasi dalam menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan. Hasil penilitian menunjukkan bahwa, guru mengimplementasikan RPP dengan baik berdasarkan komponen pada penilaian RPP kurikulum 2013 yang dibuktikan dengan perolehan nilai 94.6. Semua komponen (25) tertulis lengkap yaitu (21) komponen mendapatkan nilai (3), (4) komponen memperoleh nilai (2). Selama pembelajaran, guru mengimplementasikan kurikulum 2013 menerapkan konsep pendekatan ilmiah ditunjukkan dengan perolehan nilai 90.9 yang dikategorikan sebagai proses belajar mengajar yang sangat baik, penilaian berdasarkan penilaian kurikulum 2013. The aims of this study are to analyze lesson plan arranged by the English teacher from 25 components and the learning process in the implementation of 2013 curriculum. This research was qualitative method. The sample of the research was class VII-12 and one of the English teacher. Data were gained by observations and video recording. The researcher used observations sheet in analyzing the data collected. Result of the research shows that teacher implemented 2013 curriculum clearly based on components in 2013 curriculum proved by scored of the lesson plan 94.6. All components (25) completed, (21) components scored (3) as the maximum score and (4) components scored (2). During teaching learning, teacher also implemented 2013 curriculum with the concept of scientific approach, it shows by scored 90.9 and categorized as very good the teaching learning process all the scoring based on the assessment of the 2013 curriculum.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the Basic Competencies (KD) in Lesson Plan (LP) Curriculum 2013 made by English teachers who participated in the 2013 curriculum implementation training at LPMP Kal-teng.This research used qualitative method. The research subject was taken from the KD 2 lesson plan prepared by four teachers in one group. The data were obtained through documentation. The researcher used a manual coding sheet in analyzing the collected data. The results showed that the teacher implemented KD into the LP well based on the components of 2013 curriculum, it is evidenced by the preparation of a continuous LP based on the format of the Ministry of Education and Culture no 22 of 2016. All written stages were complete even though there were some lacking in writing some indicators of the lesson plan such as in writing time allocation, giving motivation in pre-activity, formulating learning objectives, using operational verbs and selecting learning material for students.
Research Papers in Economics, 2014
The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast yearly and daily lesson plans in both U.S. and Turkish education. Similarities and differences of lesson plans of both countries were worked out, and their functions and effects in learning and teaching process were analyzed. How the lesson plans were prepared and implemented in education process was explained. New ways of writing and implementing lesson plans are proposed in this study taking into account effective use of class time and classroom management by having positive expectations for student. More effective use of lesson plans via incorporation of C-Scope program into Kindergarten thru 12 th grade United States public schools' academic program is examined.
The Journal of English Language Teaching, Literature, and Applied Linguistics, 2020
Developing lesson plans which significantly influence the successful teaching learning process is not an easy thing for some teachers in three different school levels. It is because there are some influential aspects which should be considered in developing it. Thus, this research was conducted to investigate the aspects taken in developing lesson plan as well as to investigate whether there is any difference between the lesson plans developed for three different school levels. It employed qualitative method with descriptive design towards teacher of elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. The data were obtained through document analysis and interview as the confirmation. There were 6 lesson plans gathered from 3 English teachers of different school levels. This research was analyzed using theories adapted from Reiser and Dick (1996) and Brown (2001). The research revealed that generally the aspects consisted in most of lesson plans analyzed were likely consistent with the theories proposed except in terms of coherence in using specific verbs stated in objectives and activities. In addition, it was revealed that there were no any significant differences between lesson plans developed for Elementary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School except in terms of Bloom's ability level (1965) stated in objectives. Thus, further research might investigate how teachers can use more coherent specific verbs stated in objectives and activities to make the better lesson plans and teaching learning process.
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