Counting polynomial subset sums

2018, The Ramanujan Journal


Let D be a finite subset of a commutative ring R with identity. Let f (x) ∈ R[x] be a polynomial of degree d. For a nonnegative integer k, we study the number In this paper, we establish several bounds for the difference between N f (D, k, b) and the expected main term 1 |R| |D| k , depending on the nature of the finite ring R and f . For R = Zn, let p = p(n) be the smallest prime divisor of n, answering an open question raised by Stanley [29] in a general setting, where . Furthermore, if n is a prime power, then δ(n) = 1/p and one can take C d = 4.41. Similar and stronger bounds are given for two more cases. The first one is when R = Fq, a q-element finite field of characteristic p and f (x) is genetic. The second one is essentially the well-known subset sum problem over an arbitrary finite abelian group. These bounds extend several previous results.