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2020, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
Smart contracts can be regarded as one of the most popular blockchain-based applications. The decentralized nature of the blockchain introduces vulnerabilities absent in other programs. Furthermore, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to patch a smart contract after it has been deployed. Therefore, smart contracts must be formally verified before they are deployed on the blockchain to avoid attacks exploiting these vulnerabilities. There is a recent surge of interest in analyzing and verifying smart contracts. While most of the existing works either focus on EVM bytecode or translate Solidity contracts into programs in intermediate languages for analysis and verification, we believe that a direct executable formal semantics of the high-level programming language of smart contracts is necessary to guarantee the validity of the verification. In this work, we propose a generalized formal semantic framework based on a general semantic model of smart contracts. Furthermore, this framework can directly handle smart contracts written in different high-level programming languages through semantic extensions and facilitates the formal verification of security properties with the generated semantics.
2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 2020
Bitcoin has been a popular research topic recently. Ethereum (ETH), a second generation of cryptocurrency, extends Bitcoin's design by offering a Turing-complete programming language called Solidity to develop smart contracts. Smart contracts allow creditable execution of contracts on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) without third parties. Developing correct and secure smart contracts is challenging due to the decentralized computation nature of the blockchain. Buggy smart contracts may lead to huge financial loss. Furthermore, smart contracts are very hard, if not impossible, to patch once they are deployed. Thus, there is a recent surge of interest in analyzing and verifying smart contracts. While most of the existing works either focus on EVM bytecode or translate Solidity smart contracts into programs in intermediate languages, we argue that it is important and necessary to understand and formally define the semantics of Solidity since programmers write and reason about smart contracts at the level of source code. In this work, we develop a formal semantics for Solidity which provides a formal specification of smart contracts to define semantic-level security properties for the high-level verification. Furthermore, the proposed semantics defines correct and secure high-level execution behaviours of smart contracts to reason about compiler bugs and assist developers in writing secure smart contracts.
Facta Universitatis, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics
Vulnerabilities of smart contract are certainly one of the limiting factors for wider adoption of blockchain technology. Smart contracts written in Solidity language are considered due to common adoption of the Ethereum blockchain platform. Despite its popularity, the semantics of the language is not completely documented and relies on implicit mechanisms not publicly available and as such vulnerable to possible attacks. In addition, creating formal semantics for the higher-level language provides support to verification mechanisms. In this paper, a novel approach to smart contact verification is presented that uses ontologies in order to leverage semantic annotations of the smart contract source code combined with semantic representation of domain-specific aspects. The following aspects of smart contracts, apart from source code are taken into consideration for verification: business logic, domain knowledge, run-time state changes and expert knowledge about vulnerabilities. Main adv...
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security, 2016
Ethereum is a framework for cryptocurrencies which uses blockchain technology to provide an open global computing platform, called the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). EVM executes bytecode on a simple stack machine. Programmers do not usually write EVM code; instead, they can program in a JavaScript-like language, called Solidity, that compiles to bytecode. Since the main purpose of EVM is to execute smart contracts that manage and transfer digital assets (called Ether), security is of paramount importance. However, writing secure smart contracts can be extremely difficult: due to the openness of Ethereum, both programs and pseudonymous users can call into the public methods of other programs, leading to potentially dangerous compositions of trusted and untrusted code. This risk was recently illustrated by an attack on TheDAO contract that exploited subtle details of the EVM semantics to transfer roughly $50M worth of Ether into the control of an attacker. In this paper, we outline a framework to analyze and verify both the runtime safety and the functional correctness of Ethereum contracts by translation to F , a functional programming language aimed at program verification.
ACM Computing Surveys, 2022
A smart contract is a computer program that allows users to automate their actions on the blockchain platform. Given the significance of smart contracts in supporting important activities across industry sectors including supply chain, finance, legal, and medical services, there is a strong demand for verification and validation techniques. Yet, the vast majority of smart contracts lack any kind of formal specification, which is essential for establishing their correctness. In this survey, we investigate formal models and specifications of smart contracts presented in the literature and present a systematic overview to understand the common trends. We also discuss the current approaches used in verifying such property specifications and identify gaps with the hope to recognize promising directions for future work.
Smart contracts on a blockchain behave precisely as specified by their code. A vulnerability in this code can lead to unexpected behaviour, which is hard to fix because a blockchain does not allow to change smart contract code after its deployment. Such vulnerabilities have led to several incidents. In the aftermath of such an event, a hard-fork between Ethereum and Ethereum classic was the result. This thesis proposes to develop a new smart contract programming language with the primary focus on safety, auditability, and the intention to prevent as many of the known categories of vulnerabilities by design as possible. The programming language's code is validated during deployment and afterwards isolated from other smart contracts running on the same blockchain to enforce compile-time guarantees during runtime. The designed programming language does evaluate new concepts and paradigms rarely used in non-smart contract environments for their potential benefit in a smart contract ...
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
We present a methodology to develop verified smart contracts. We write smart contracts, their specifications and implementations in the verification-friendly language Dafny. In our methodology the ability to write specifications, implementations and to reason about correctness is a primary concern. We propose a simple, concise yet powerful solution to reasoning about contracts that have external calls. This includes arbitrary reentrancy which is a major source of bugs and attacks in smart contracts. Although we do not yet have a compiler from Dafny to EVM bytecode, the results we obtain on the Dafny code can reasonably be assumed to hold on Solidity code: the translation of the Dafny code to Solidity is straightforward. As a result our approach can readily be used to develop and deploy safer contracts. Extended version of the FMICS'22 conference paper.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022
Smart contracts are the building blocks of the "code is law" paradigm: the smart contract's code indisputably describes how its assets are to be managed-once it is created, its code is typically immutable. Faulty smart contracts present the most significant evidence against the practicality of this paradigm; they are well-documented and resulted in assets worth vast sums of money being compromised. To address this issue, the Ethereum community proposed (i) tools and processes to audit/analyse smart contracts, and (ii) design patterns implementing a mechanism to make contract code mutable. Individually, (i) and (ii) only partially address the challenges raised by the "code is law" paradigm. In this paper, we combine elements from (i) and (ii) to create a systematic framework that moves away from "code is law" and gives rise to a new "specification is law" paradigm. It allows contracts to be created and upgraded but only if they meet a corresponding formal specification. The framework is centered around a trusted deployer : an off-chain service that formally verifies and enforces this notion of conformance. We have prototyped this framework, and investigated its applicability to contracts implementing two widely used Ethereum standards: the ERC20 Token Standard and ERC1155 Multi Token Standard, with promising results.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Tezos is a blockchain launched in June 2018. It is written in OCaml and supports smart contracts. Its smart contract language is called Michelson and it has been designed with formal verification in mind. In this article, we present Mi-Cho-Coq, a Coq framework for verifying the functional correctness of Michelson smart contracts. As a case study, we detail the certification of a Multisig contract with the Mi-Cho-Coq framework.
The concept of smart contracts (SCs) is becoming more prevalent, and their application is gaining traction across many diverse scenarios. However, producing poorly constructed contracts carries significant risks, including the potential for substantial financial loss, a lack of trust in the technology, and the risk of exposure to cyber-attacks. Several tools exist to assist in developing SCs, but their limited functionality increases development complexity. Expert knowledge is required to ensure contract reliability, resilience, and scalability. To overcome these risks and challenges, tools and services based on modeling and formal techniques are required that offer a robust methodology for SC verification and life-cycle management. This study proposes an engineering framework for the generation of a robust and verifiable smart contract (GRV-SC) framework that covers the entire SC life-cycle from design to deployment stages. It adopts SC modeling and automated formal verification methodologies to detect security vulnerabilities and improve resilience, extensibility, and code optimization to mitigate risks associated with SC development. Initially, the framework includes the implementation of a formal approach, using colored Petri nets (CPNs), to model cross-platform Digital Asset Modeling Language (DAML) SCs. It also incorporates a specialized type safety dynamic verifier, which is designed to detect and address new vulnerabilities that can arise in DAML contracts, such as access control and insecure direct object reference (Idor) vulnerabilities. The proposed GRV-SC framework provides a holistic approach to SC life-cycle management and aims to enhance the security, reliability, and adoption of SCs.
Static Analysis, 2021
Solidity smart contracts are programs that manage up to 2 160 users on a blockchain. Verifying a smart contract relative to all users is intractable due to state explosion. Existing solutions either restrict the number of users to under-approximate behaviour, or rely on manual proofs. In this paper, we present local bundles that reduce contracts with arbitrarily many users to sequential programs with a few representative users. Each representative user abstracts concrete users that are locally symmetric to each other relative to the contract and the property. Our abstraction is semi-automated. The representatives depend on communication patterns, and are computed via static analysis. A summary for the behaviour of each representative is provided manually, but a default summary is often sufficient. Once obtained, a local bundle is amenable to sequential static analysis. We show that local bundles are relatively complete for parameterized safety verification, under moderate assumptions. We implement local bundle abstraction in SmartACE, and show order-of-magnitude speedups compared to a state-of-the-art verifier.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019
Ethereum smart contracts are executable programs, deployed on a peer-to-peer network and executed in a consensus-based fashion. Their bytecode is public, immutable and once deployed to the blockchain, cannot be patched anymore. As smart contracts may hold Ether worth of several million dollars, they are attractive targets for attackers and indeed some contracts have successfully been exploited in the recent past, resulting in tremendous financial losses. The correctness of smart contracts is thus of utmost importance. While first approaches on formal verification exist, they demand users to be well-versed in formal methods which are alien to many developers and are only able to analyze individual contracts, without considering their execution environment, i.e., calls to external contracts, sequences of transaction, and values from the actual blockchain storage. In this paper, we present Annotary, a concolic execution framework to analyze smart contracts for vulnerabilities, supported by annotations which developers write directly in the Solidity source code. In contrast to existing work, Annotary supports analysis of inter-transactional, inter-contract control flows and combines symbolic execution of EVM bytecode with a resolution of concrete values from the public Ethereum blockchain. While the analysis of Annotary tends to weight precision higher than soundness, we analyze inter-transactional call chains to eliminate false positives from unreachable states that traditional symbolic execution would not be able to handle. We present the annotation and analysis concepts of Annotary, explain its implementation on top of the Laser symbolic virtual machine, and demonstrate its usage as a plugin for the Sublime Text editor.
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
Smart contracts are tempting targets of attacks, since they often hold and manipulate significant financial assets, are immutable after deployment, and have publicly available source code, with assets estimated in the order of millions of US Dollars being lost in the past due to vulnerabilities. Formal verification is thus a necessity, but smart contracts challenge the existing highly efficient techniques routinely applied in the symbolic verification of software, due to specificities not present in general programming languages. A common feature of existing works in this area is the attempt to reuse off-the-shelf verification tools designed for general programming languages. This reuse can lead to inefficiency and potentially unsound results, since domain translation is required. In this paper we describe a carefully crafted approach that directly models the central aspects of smart contracts natively, going from the contract to its logical representation without intermediary steps...
ArXiv, 2020
The exploitation of smart-contract vulnerabilities can have catastrophic consequences such as the loss of millions of pounds worth of crypto assets. Formal verification can be a useful tool in identifying vulnerabilities and proving that they have been fixed. In this paper, we present a formalisation of Solidity and the Ethereum blockchain using the Solid language and its blockchain; a Solid program is obtained by explicating/desugaring a Solidity program. We make some abstractions that over-approximate the way in which Solidity/Ethereum behave. Based on this formalisation, we create Solidifier: a bounded model checker for Solidity. It translates Solid into Boogie, an intermediate verification language, that is later verified using Corral, a bounded model checker for Boogie. Unlike much of the work in this area, we do not try to find specific behavioural/code patterns that might lead to vulnerabilities. Instead, we provide a tool to find errors/bad states, i.e. program states that d...
Computer Communications , 2021
The use of blockchain and smart contracts have not stopped growing in recent years. Like all software that begins to expand its use, it is also beginning to be targeted by hackers who will try to exploit vulnerabilities in both the underlying technology and the smart contract code itself. While many tools already exist for analyzing vulnerabilities in smart contracts, the heterogeneity and variety of approaches and differences in providing the analysis data makes the learning curve for the smart contract developer steep. In this article the authors present ESAF (Ethereum Security Analysis Framework), a framework for analysis of smart contracts that aims to unify and facilitate the task of analyzing smart contract vulnerabilities which can be used as a persistent security monitoring tool for a set of target contracts as well as a classic vulnerability analysis tool among other uses.
IEEE Access
Blockchain-and smart-contract technology enhance the effectiveness and automation of business processes. The rising interest in the development of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) shows that blockchain technology has the potential to reform business and society. A DAO is an organization wherein business rules are encoded in smart-contract programs that are executed when specified rules are met. The contractual-and business semantics are sine qua non for drafting a legally-binding smart contract in DAO collaborations. Several smart-contract languages (SCLs) exist, such as SPESC, or Symboleo to specify a legally-binding contract. However, their primary focus is on designing and developing smart contracts with the cooperation of IT-and non-IT users. Therefore, this paper fills a gap in the state of the art by specifying a smart-legal-contract markup language (SLCML) for legal-and business constructs to draft a legally-binding DAO. To achieve the paper objective, we first present a formal SCL ontology to describe the legal-and business semantics of a DAO. Secondly, we translate the SCL ontology into SLCML, for which we present the XML schema definition. We demonstrate and evaluate our SLCML language through the specification of a real life-inspired Sale-of-Goods contract. Finally, the SLCML use-case code is translated into Solidity to demonstrate its feasibility for blockchain platform implementations.
ArXiv, 2021
We present a smart legal contract platform to support a wide range of smart legal contract use cases. We see this as a step towards improving existing approaches to representing the complexity of legal agreements and executing aspects of these agreements. The smart contract is a coded computer program that will automatically execute when something triggers it. In contrast, the smart legal contract is a legal agreement in digital and executable code that connects terms and can interact with other software systems. Clack et al. (2016) provides an encompassing definition of smart contract and smart legal contract by considering the operational aspect and legal focus of both while basing the definition in the topics of automation and enforceability: “A smart contract is an automatable and enforceable agreement. Automatable by computer, although some parts may require human input and control. Enforceable either by legal enforcement of rights and obligations or via tamper-proof execution ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2022
Solidity smart contract allow developers to formalize financial agreements between users. Due to their monetary nature, smart contracts have been the target of many high-profile attacks. Brute-force verification of smart contracts that maintain data for up to 2 160 users is intractable. In this paper, we present SmartACE, an automated framework for smart contract verification. To ameliorate the state explosion induced by large numbers of users, SmartACE implements local bundle abstractions that reduce verification from arbitrarily many users to a few representative users. To uncover deep bugs spanning multiple transactions, SmartACE employs a variety of techniques such as model checking, fuzzing, and symbolic execution. To illustrate the effectiveness of SmartACE, we verify several contracts from the popular OpenZeppelin library: an access-control policy and an escrow service. For each contract, we provide specifications in the Scribble language and apply fault injection to validate each specification. We report on our experience integrating Scribble with SmartACE, and describe the performance of SmartACE on each specification.
2010 8th International Conference on Communications, 2010
Converting a conventional contract to an electronic one that can be enforced, queried and verified by computers is a challenging task. The difficulties are mainly caused by the ambiguities that the original human oriented text is likely to contain. In this paper, we present new templates to specify the requirements of e-contracts, to securely check the well-execution of their clauses and to verify some security properties. To achieve this goal, we first analyze the contract of an illustrative e-commerce example. Then, through this example, we derive the most relevant security requirements of e-contracts. In particular, we characterize econtract security rules / clauses by defining obligations, prohibitions, permissions, temporal constraints, responsibilities and disputes. We demonstrate how this kind of security requirements can be described using a timed automata formalism. Moreover, we show how verifying methods, such as model-checking, can be applied to this kind of models to check some security properties.
IEEE Access, 2021
Blockchain has become a pervasive technology in a wide number of sectors like industry, research, and academy. With the emergence of blockchain, new solutions with this technology to existing problems were devised, leading to the introduction of smart contracts. Smart contracts are similar to traditional contracts with the benefits provided by blockchain, such as immutability, privacy, and decentralisation. These contracts are usually defined based on a specific domain, and this domain knowledge can be represented through an ontology. Researches have explored the benefits of using domain ontologies with smart contracts, such as code generation, discovering other contracts in the network, or interaction with other contracts. Notwithstanding, the representation of smart contract languages themselves has not been studied. In this paper, we present an ontology for a well-known smart contract language, Solidity, defining all entities needed to cover the whole language and aligning it to other standardised ontologies such as EthOn, in a way to improve the knowledge of the ontology developed. Furthermore, the ontology has also been validated with already deployed contracts in the Ethereum blockchain. Thus, Solidity will be able to benefit from the advantages provided by ontologies, such as interoperability and the use of semantic web technologies.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023
The Ethereum protocol implements a replicated state machine. The network participants keep track of the system state by: 1) agreeing on the sequence of transactions to be processed and 2) computing the state transitions that correspond to the sequence of transactions. Ethereum transactions are programs, called smart contracts, and computing a state transition requires executing some code. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) provides this capability and can execute programs written in EVM bytecode. We present a formal and executable semantics of the EVM written in the verification-friendly language Dafny: it provides (i) a readable, formal and verified specification of the semantics of the EVM; (ii) a framework to formally reason about bytecode.
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