Dematerialization in Public Administration


Public sector entities face huge challenges, with a view to meet the objectives of a more competent, softer, effective and efficient Public Administration, regarding its services to citizens and firms The change resulting from public policies in the framework of e-gov, oblige to rethink the way organizations interact with one another, the way they perform their processes, with whom and with what kind of competencies. Dematerialization became inevitable and the implementation of transversal document, content and process management systems gain relevance as well as all the issues related to the document lifecycle. The complexity of these projects requires a very strict project planning and management, in order to help the organization to fulfill the established objectives. Assuming that these projects transform the organization, all the matters related to the people become a key aspect to manage. The way people is involved in the change process is decisive to their commitment with the common objective that the project aims to attain. Professional training, as well as the development and emergence of new competencies make the change easier and contribute to individual and collective learning.