Using a programming language for digital system design

1997, IEEE Design & Test of Computers


become more complex, system designers are increasingly concerned about systemmodeling tools and their impact on productivity and hardware design quality. In addition, they want to quickly produce a working hardware model, simulate it with the rest of the system, and synthesize and/or formally verify it for specific properties. Toward this end, designers are using textual languages based on high-level programming languages to express executable behaviors. Indeed, languages such as C, VHDL, and Verilog are common in large-scale system design and debugging. Undoubtedly, this growth in the use of textual programming languages stems from system designers' familiarity with general-purpose, high-level programming languages. Using programming languages for hardware specification can significantly shorten the system designer's learning curve and enables simulation of complete systems for correct functionality. There are pitfalls, however, in following a pure software-programminglanguage description to model hardwaremainly, inefficient results from synthesis tools. Consequently, language developers often modify and extend software-programming languages to produce hardware description languages (HDLs) geared specifically to hardware modeling. Most semantic extensions concern structural components, exact event timing, and operational concurrency-concepts absent from most softwareprogramming languages.