Bibliography My greatest gratitude goes to my advisors, Emmanuel Bacry and Mark Hoffmann for their exceptional guidance. They have accepted me as a PhD student without hesitation even though I had been outside the academic world for a few years. Their support, both academic and personal was invaluable for the completion of this work. To Emmanuel, I am grateful for his constant availability, truly day or night, and for his vast knowledge and recommendations in all the aspects of my work, be it mathematics, finance or programming. To Marc, I am grateful for his hands off guidance and for allowing me to pursue interests that were not always to his best liking. "Our middle ground", as he calls it, was clearly biased in my direction. To both of you, thank you for your pleasantness, your constant motivations, understanding, and most of all for your patience at times I would not have been so kind with myself. To Jean-Francois Muzy, I extend my warmest regards and acknowledgements. Calling him my third advisor would not be an exaggeration. I thank you for your time and contribution, and also for your friendship and continuous support and motivations. Robert Almgren, my former boss at Bank of America in NY contributed significantly to my decision to pursue my PhD. I especially thank him for his guidance and advice, during my tenure with him and beyond. During my PhD, I really appreciated our numerous and lengthy conversations, and the invaluable ideas he shared with me. Thank you for being the gold standard of mentors and role models. I cannot thank Mathieu H. Rosembaum enough. One of the best things I am taking from this experience is my friendship with him. Thank you for always being 2 CONTENTS 3 there in my time of need. I am really going to miss our long and sometimes surreal conversations while we were stuck in traffic on the way to Paris. To the Financial Risks Chair of the Risk Foundation: thank you for your support and for part funding my PhD. Also, thanks to the GIS (X-ENSAE-HEC), for part funding my PhD. I am honored to have Fabrizio Lillo and Nour Meddahi as my thesis examiners. Many thanks to Jean-Philippe Bouchaud for being in my jury. Thank you all for your time and effort, and for traveling to Paris to be present at my defense. I also want to mention Charles-Albert Lehalle for introducing me to Emmanuel. Without his help, my career today would have been very different indeed. Thank you also for your numerous contributions and for your passion in market microstructure. Many thanks also for Frederique Abergel, Arthur Breitman and Carl Graham for the interesting discussions we had. These last three years at Polytechnique have been extremely enjoyable largely because working atmosphere at CMAP. I was immediately taken in as a member of the family. To Nassera, Alexandra, Sylvain, Nathalie, Wallis, Sandra: thank you for making even the most exasperating problems bearable, and for always being there when I needed you. I send my deepest recognitions to my fellow office partners, Camille, Clement, Isabelle, Emilie, Florent, Francisco, Sylvie, Soledad, and Zixian. You have made those three years extremely pleasant. Very special regards go to Julio Alexey Cen (aka Zhihao), for, well... being Julio. To Laurent Duvernet, my thesis brother, thank you for your motivations and help, and for painting such a pleasant picture of life in a PhD under Emmanuel and Marc. Your recommendations were certainly a major factor in my pursuit.