Scottish Government Consultation: Community Empowerment Bill



Q1 Do you agree with the definition of community body at section 1? Do you have any changes to suggest? We find this definition to be somewhat restrictive and legalistic, and that this could act as a deterrent to those without skills, or access to networks to obtain those skills, to designate their group as a 'community' There is a danger that the definition confuses the common-sense understanding of a community (as something place-based, inclusive or between those who feel that they share something in common, such as beliefs, behaviour, interest, kinship or ethnicity) with a more legalistic definition of a voluntary association. This definition is also confusing when considering the one given in the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003. Q2 Do you agree with the list of public bodies to be covered in this Part at Schedule 1 (Annex C page 21)? What other bodies should be added, or removed? We think that third parties that have some involvement with public bodies, for example charities and churches, should also be considered. Q3 What do you think would be reasonable timescales for dealing with requests, making an offer and concluding a contract, in relation to sections 5(6), 6(2)(c) and 6(6)? No opinion.