Right to Education Act 2009 and Gender Skill development in India

2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 8 August 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882


Abstract- The paper examines the issue of girls’ access to skill development in India in light of the constitutional provisions. Drawing on existing literature and various statistics pertaining to female skill development the objective of this paper is to study the positive or negative impact of constitutional provisions on skill development especially female skill development and, to examine the influence of Right to Skill development on initiating gender equality in skill development in negative or positive manner. It also highlights some of the issues and, barriers to girls’ education. Based on an analysis of emergent issues, some recommendations and suggestions are offered in terms of grassroots level interventions, strategic initiatives and enabling policy framework, towards improving girl's access to education. Findings: The outcomes demonstrated that skill development is found to have a significant impact on the participation of girl’s labor force. The only drawback that discourages the commercial employment of girl are the concepts of culture and social norms. Practical Implications: A higher participation of females in computer science, engineering and technologyoriented jobs would spur innovation and economic advances in all countries. Originality Statement: The research also depicted procedures to accomplish girl’s participation as a fundamental requirement for the achievement of developmental goals.