Al-Quran dan Pembahasannya


Al-Quran is the greatest gift given by Allah SWT. to Muslims and the universe, with whom the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Able to subdue humans and jinn, and silence those who like to save and do mischief on earth. Al-Quran is a comfort for everyone who reads, listens and studies it. Al-Quran is a book that is protected from forgery thanks to the praise and goodness of Allah SWT. however efforts to do so come and go. Indonesia is a country that has the largest Muslim community among other countries in the world, about 178 million people, almost 90% are devout Muslim residents, therefore the government's attention can be sought to build a community seeking religious spiritual welfare in addition to outward welfare. Among these efforts is to provide the holy book Al-Quran, we as Muslims made this paper to introduce Al-Quran more to students.