2022, Academic Essay
The science that studies living organisms and the interaction among those in the environment is named biology. Biology is all over the world considered as science of life. The word biology is derived from the Greek words “bios,” which means life, and “logos,” which means study. Aristotle, considered as the father of biology, and creator the basic theory of biology, to describes biological processes such as metabolism, regulation of temperature, inheritance, processing of information, and embryogenesis. Cell theory, gene theory, homeostasis, evolutionary, and the laws of thermodynamics are the five elements that compose them major principles of biology. Biological principles are based on the concept that all living organisms on the earth planet has similar characteristics such as composition, growth, heredity, reproduction, metabolism, and homeostasis. As a result, the interest of biologists in studying and understand ancient life, the life of bacteria, or how human beings could live in a place different from earth planet, these are based on the four of the five principles of biology. Biology can be defined as the scientific study of living things that one may call organisms, and including its characteristics, functions, and interactions. The study of biological science is relevant for vastly increase of agricultural production; study of biological science matter as, understanding and treatment of several diseases it is required to integrate principles of biology and biology science is increasing relevant to understand the interaction among organisms in the environment. This course is designed to examining the hierarchy that ranges from the fundamentals of cell biology to the physiology of organisms, and the interactions among those organisms in their environment as well as discusses the relevance of biology science in understanding and appreciating the diverse living world. It identifies and describe the cell biology, genetics, molecular biology, evolution, physiology, and ecology