La represión franquista de los maestros freinetianos



During and after the Spanish civil war, teachers of the first education were put under purge, with the intention of eradicating opposite ideas and customs with the Francoism regime out of the classrooms. Spanish Freinet Movement, one of the more significant groups of school renovation in the decade of 1930, was not separated from such process, being a result itself the dismantling of the Spanish Cooperative of the Freinet technique and the point of the group of snipers freinetist’s followers who fed it. In this research it is investigated the Francoism repression of the members of that group, completing and clarifying the previous works published around this subject and contributing to an ample and rigorous quantitative study of the processes and results of such repression, as well as an updated relationship of members of the mentioned Movement, where are detailed the main data on the purge undertaken by the new Regime.