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Arheoloski Mu zej lstre Poi a CDU: 904(497.13Cherso-Lussioo)«652>> Gennaio 1990 Riassunto-L'autore nella parte iniziale del saggio si sofferma brevemente sull'importanza delle isole di Cherso e Lussino nella preistoria e protostoria e sull a sottomissione dei Liburni alla potenza romana. In seguito illustra il processo di romanizzazione delle isole di Cherso e Lussino, la disposizione urbanistica di Crex a/Crepsa e Apsorus ed enumera le località di queste due isole nelle quali so no stati rinvenuti resti di architettura rurale.
Lana ac tela victum quaeritare
THE BESSA “AURIFODINAE” AND THE CSIC RESEARCHES. Some researchers of the Spanish National Research Counsil have undertaken, with the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Culture, studies on the Bessa Roman gold mine (Piemont, Itay) to find the origin of the techniques used in Spain and to teach us the history of this mine and of the Piemont territory romanization. To do that, and with the hope of also obtaining local economic contributions, they relied on a local non professional archeologist, already publicly discredited for his reveries, and from him they acquired incomplete, distorted and interested information on the bibliography and on the historical and technical knowledges of the Bessa mine exploitation. For their part, they have not bothered to carry out independent bibliographic searches, so that, in addition to having false information on the Bessa, they ignore the existence of other similar mines, more or less close, exploited by the Salassi or by the Romans with different techniques. And they do not take it into account when, following the first publications, their boss and principal author, Sanchez-Palencia, was personally warned. In any case, their "researches" was then limited to topographical surveys and to a few useless drillings carried out in alleged Roman "water basins" used during exploitations: instead, these are modern structures built for agricultural-pastoral purposes, as it was published time before.
Nuova Serie CULTURA e TERRITORIO Rivista di Studi e Ricerche sull'Area Stabiana e dei Monti Lattari, 2020
Dionigi di Alicarnasso si lasciò sfuggire a denti stretti la frase secondo cui «molti degli scrittori sostennero che la stessa Roma era una città Tirrena» (cioè Etrusca). A denti stretti perché anche lui tendeva a dimostrare che Roma non era affatto una «fondazione etrusca», come molti scrittori avevano detto, bensì era una «fondazione greca». Ebbene, esistono numerose e consistenti prove di carattere storico, religioso, culturale e soprattutto di carattere linguistico che dimostrano che effettivamente Roma come città fu fondata, non dai Latini o dai Sabini, bensì dagli Etruschi.
Quaderni Storici Esini IV, 2013
Una pagina della storia di Jesi quasi sconosciuta, in cui si ricostruiscono le vicende del Borgo del Mercatale che sorgeva fuori delle mura cittadine e della sua chiesa parrocchiale.
This paper aims to examine the two main issues of Husserl " s phenomenology, inten-tionality and reduction, as well as the issue of consciousness in Antonio Rosmini. This should be done not by searching a possible combination between the two authors, but by investigating the differences and trying to grasp the stakes of their reflection. So, without trying to compare the incomparable, with Rosmini we will investigate some issues that also Husserl intended to deal with. From another point of view – or, perhaps , from completely different points of view – we will finally search for that common viewpoint that avoids too easy comparisons and, according to different paths, asks to look at " the things themselves " .
Nessuna parte di questo volume può essere riprodotta in qualsiasi forma senza il permesso dell'Editore e/o della DEPUTAZIONE DI STORIA PATRIA PER LA SARDEGNA © Cagliari -2015
Vengono prese nuovamente in considerazione le armature di fiasca di Ornavasso, Carcegna e Cerrione; Lanfredo Castelletti ha nalizzato i frammenti di legno di fiasche da Madrano e Solduno.
There are two writings of Camus which present a strong closeness, from an ethical pint of view, to the novel "The Plague". The first, "Enigma", is an essay belonging to the collection "Summer" (1950), where we find a resumption of the theme of the roots of ethics; here the Author reflects on the source of the decisions that lead to the choices that determine us in life, that he calls Enigma, but that could be translated with conscience. Moreover, in this essay he shows his annoyance at the misunderstandings and the banalizations of the concept of absurd. The second is a short story "The growing stone", belonging to the collection "The exile and the Kingdom" in which the Author overcomes the perspective of the isolation of the individual typical of the previous works -classically identified as the «cycle of the absurd»- to accomplish a more sympathetic regard on man.
Here it is shown to what extent Rome and its dialect filter up to colloquial Italian in non-Roman speaking characters and in unexpected situations.
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ARCHEOMEDIA L'Archeologia on line , 2022
Viglevanum. Miscellanea di studi storici e artistici, 2021
Lana, linum, purpura, versicoloria. I legati «tessili» fra diritto romano e archeologia, 2020
Carte Romanze 8/1, 2020
LE VIE DELLA PIETRA Estrazione e diffusione delle pietre da opera alpine dall’età romana all’età moderna Atti del Convegno Ecomuseo del Granito del Montorfano (28-29 Ottobre 2017), 2019