2009, Chemie der Erde-Geochemistry
We performed an analysis of a family of models relevant for the integrated modeling in metals biogeochemistry by two approaches: a hierarchical one and a disciplinary one. The hierarchical approach was performed in a theoretical framework accepting the existence of a hierarchy of ecological systems, and split the population of analyzed models into classes based on their relevance for various biological and ecological hierarchical levels. We identified two types of integrated models: between abiotic and biotic components at the same levels, and between biotic components across hierarchical levels. The complementary, disciplinary approach, focused on bioremediation models. The delineation of the class of bioremediation models proved that practically all biogeochemical models are relevant for this class, while only some of the analyzed models have been explicitly declared as 'bioremediation models'. Based on these analyses we identified a set of research directions, and proposed an alternative, complementary theoretical framework for basic research problems. With regard to bioremediation models, we could identify three levels of potential for development. The strategic potential: if correctly evaluated, models in bioremediation are the most useful tools for rational decision making. The tactical potential, of reactive type: internalizing the future knowledge arising from systems biology, and many other fields such as cognitive sciences biogeochemistry, ecotoxicology, soil science or plant science. The tactical potential of proactive type: (a) combining physico-chemical mechanistic ''in principle'' approach with uncovering the mathematical laws directly at the bio-geo level by empirical research and use of the existing new mathematical tools and (b) empirical research for delineating in situ the elementary units of models application and the use of programming in geographic information systems (GIS) and new generation GIS software for up-scaling the models' results from the elementary units of application to the site. And, finally, the operational potential: long-term research network for the study of contaminated sites as basic science experimental areas for implementing the proactive operational potential.