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2018, Przestrzeń. Urbanistyka. Architektura
The contemporary wine architecture built in the sacral landscape, their interaction and philosophy are the particular focus of this paper. The paper presents two recently completed winery complexes in Hungary, the Bazaltbor Winery (2010) and the St. Ilona Winery (2013). Both of them are built at the foot of the volcanic hills (Badacsony, Somló), which "witness" the reunion of man and nature through over two thousand years of wine culture. The research goal is to discover the architects' and landscape architects' intentions, how did they face the challenge? Did they subordinate the winery to the landscape, did they copy the shape of the natural landscape, did they hide the building under the earth or did they re-interpret the whole situation? Did they react to the sacrality of the place?
This paper considers the sacred and cultural dimensions of drinking. Particularly, we focus in one “elixir” that has accompanied humanity since Neolithic times: wine. Given the influence of alcohol in our mind, emotions and body and its association with our survival drive to ingest liquids, it is hardly surprising that wine has occupied a relevant position in many spiritual traditions. Furthermore, since wine comes from particular grapes cultivated on a particular land under particular sunlight and climate, it is rooted on a culture’s intimate relation to nature. We use the Salentein winery complex in Mendoza (Argentina) by Bormida & Yanson architects as our case study. Our study shows that this work is charged with material dimensions, clear concepts, strong design composition, phenomenological narrative, and kind sensibility to produce an extraordinary aesthetic experience. Its architecture of wine not only expresses its location and our world today but does so well that it makes us appreciate the nuanced connections between land, culture and spirituality.
Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies R&D, Volume 4 Issue 4., 2019
Winery Pforta"s historic edifices amongst the picturesque landscape are the evidences of its glorious past as it has experienced a long process of evolution under different regimes. The cultural heritage of this area is manifested by its buildings, street patterns, and use of space, lifestyle and religious practices and so on. Due to lack of awareness or conservation initiatives, all these historic monuments over the site are in a state of decay. Uncontrolled planning in terms of physical and visual quality resulted lost identity for the historic landscape. This site deserves serious attention being the reminiscence of Germany"s monastery based winery production and boarding practice for young scholars. The paper will illustrate potentiality of the site from today"s context and explore the ways to integrate them with the modern demand of production and wine tourism so the people are constantly aware of their glorious past. The evaluation of existing development pattern in terms of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat of the site were thoroughly observed. Based on analysis some recommendations are made for the redevelopment and conservation so that, if implementation is expected, to trigger harmonious improvement of this historic area.
Open Access Library Journal, 2024
The present work aims to decode the meaning of a rupestrian structure dug into the rock in the territory of Gravina in Puglia (Italy) to produce wine, being the same pro-foundly dissimilar from the others having the same function, present in the area and in other Italian locations. The distinctive characteristics of this structure have therefore been analyzed using a methodology that combines Semiotics and Psychoanalysis, since the same cannot be exhaustively decoded according to an approach aimed at reconstructing its functions according to the principles of the mere pursuit of maxi-mum efficiency and effectiveness for the production of wine. Mythology has therefore revealed itself as a code capable of explaining the peculiarities of the structure, sug-gesting an approach to the landscape aimed at recognizing in it the unconscious con-notations that accompany the processes of anthropomorphization of the natural en-vironment, leading to new perspectives on landscape research.
Revista PH, 2022
The cultural landscape of the Alto Douro Wine Region is a space with challenges in the management for the present and the future. The rural life mythification like a depository of the pure values and the architecture vernacular nostalgic promotes tensions between tradition and modernity and it is a challenge in the heritage preservation field. Our proposal is analysing the relationship between the development of a "heritage-landscape" concept and the development of contemporary architecture projects. The starting point reflection is about the valorisation of the cultural landscape of the Alto Douro Wine Region for the development of the territory and this contribution for the development of contemporary wine architecture in Douro Valley, between 2001 and 2011, as a factor for tourist activities and de valorisation of the territory.
Miscellanea Geographica
Considering the general typology of landscapes, winery landscapes are a subtype of agricultural landscapes. A winery landscape is an area in which the dominant land use or indigenous vegetation consists of extensive grapevine crops, that is, vineyards and/or areas covered by wild grapevines; where a specific wine culture has evolved, or grapes constitute an important part of the local diet. In this paper, winery landscapes are studied at two levels: typological (as a repeatable, specific type of area with precisely defined characteristic features), and regional (regional areas that are unique and individual). The authors analyze the evolution of winery landscapes over time and describe their natural and historical aspects. A wide range of factors were taken into consideration: historical and political, socio-economic, cultural and religious influences, as well as the natural environmental background. This paper aims to describe the evolution of winery landscapes in Europe and beyond...
Recent interpretations of heritage, as a territorial context which incorporates personal property, buildings, and landscapes shaped by economic development, within a well-defined natural environment with many historical references, offer enormous potential for wine tourism as a means of development. In this context, the wine sector is presented as an integrator of industrial, cultural and scenic heritage, which offers multiple possibilities for the development of wine tourism in rural areas dedicated to the production of wine. The aim of this paper is to explore vine and wine heritage in South-eastern Spain, an area made up of the provinces of Murcia, Alicante, and Albacete, where Monastrell is the main grape variety. With this purpose in mind, the text is organized into three sections. In the first part, a general approach to cultural and historical heritage of the wine sector, some references to the legislation in the area analyzed, together with outstanding examples of heritage v...
S. Celestino Pérez y J. Blázquez Pérez (eds.): Vine and Wine Cultural Heritage. Madrid: UAM Ediciones, pp. 291-301., 2013
Recent interpretations of heritage, as a territorial context which incorporates personal property, buildings, and landscapes shaped by economic development, within a well-defined natural environment with many historical references, offer enormous potential for wine tourism as a means of development. In this context, the wine sector is presented as an integrator of industrial, cultural and scenic heritage, which offers multiple possibilities for the development of wine tourism in rural areas dedicated to the production of wine. The aim of this paper is to explore vine and wine heritage in South-eastern Spain, an area made up of the provinces of Murcia, Alicante, and Albacete, where Monastrell is the main grape variety. With this purpose in mind, the text is organized into three sections. In the first part, a general approach to cultural and historical heritage of the wine sector, some references to the legislation in the area analyzed, together with outstanding examples of heritage valorisation of wine are accomplished. In the second section, focused on the territories of the Monastrell variety, an analysis of some of their most important heritage sites which are now preserved is undertaken. Also, issues such as the description and condition of the property, current uses, the potential for value enhancement or the analysis of a museological approach in the case of those elements already in museums are investigated. Likewise, the authors have also taken into account the importance that wine tourism has acquired recently and the benefits this sector has created by successfully deploying this activity with reference to wineries and landscapes of ineyards, as examples of industrial, cultural, and natural heritage. Finally, the third section reports some brief conclusions."
Fondation des sciences du patrimoine, 2022
Proceedings of TCL2016 conference. Tourism and cultural landscapes: towards a sustainable approach, 2016
Parte de ISSN: 1587-2386 Monasteries can be considered as one exponent of the concept of sacred places strongly related to the landscape where they are placed in. They are an example of how tangible and intangible heritage are interrelated: the buildings respond to specific needs related to the daily routine of the community (also religious needs) but also to symbolic meanings. Catalan monasteries have been one of the main transmitters of the Catalan Gastronomy through numerous recipes books, but also have emerged as a conservative of different products that they manufactured like chocolate or wine. In Catalonia there are several monasteries that stand out for their vineyards such as Sant Pere de Rodes (in the Designation of Origin Empordà), Santes Creus, Poblet and Scala Dei (in the Designation of Origin Tarragona) and Sant Benet del Bages (in de Designation of Origina Pla del Bages).What we propose in this paper is to explore the relationship that occurs between monasteries, gastronomy (specially wine but not only) and tourism in the current context and how it can enhance the value of these assets in order to promote their conservation while becomes a value added for tourism destinations.
Land, 2021
The dry stone wall landscape surrounding the town of Cres is a unique cultural landscape; it is one of the largest well-preserved historical olive groves in the Croatian Adriatic, while simultaneously serving as pasture for sheep. Still, there are currently no studies that capture this landscape as a multifunctional whole or which acknowledge its relevance within the current multidisciplinary discussions. The aim of this paper is to clarify past and current circumstances surrounding and affecting it. The study focuses on two main pillars of landscape preservation: (1) dry stone wall structures and (2) agro-pastoral practices; giving an overview of its historical formation and current management and trends. The goal is to establish knowledge that can be used as a foundation for the management of this area and present a good practice example for the preservation of historical landscapes in the Mediterranean region. The research involved combined desk and fieldwork: cartographic data analysis, literature analysis, GIS elaboration, terrestrial and aerial photographs and observations, followed by interviews with local informants. Continuous investing in the production of quality olive oil and the evolution of the landscape into a multifunctional agro-pastoral-touristic space is what enabled its preservation. This multifunctionality can only be matched by a diversity of scientific studies and this study aimed at providing the first step-a foundation for the identification of the values of the Cres landscape, with the scope of better precising further planning and management.
Landscape architecture and art, 2017
In the recent years, the wine culture, being mostly influenced by economic conditions, undergoing some transformations and moving more into the sphere of relaxation, and entertainment. Parallel with the development of the wine culture, the wine architecture also undergoing changes-they had not only to accommodate to the production but also to represent the firm, and being the part of the new brand. Nowadays, to fit into the landscape, to preserve and express its character as well as the tradition and the mystery of wine production is the basic evaluation criteria for wine architecture. The main focus of the research is to emphasize how to fit the architectural forms into viticultural landscapes. To carry out the study, were selected six examples of comtemporary wine arhitecture, which are located in a specially valuated and protected cultural landscape. The samples are analysed from two aspects: the context (the relevance to the landscape patterns / courtyard scale, connection with the terrain) and basic visual elements (materials, roof shape, form-imitation, view spots). The goal is to emphasize the techniques and strategies for the improvement of wine architecture and landscape, and provide an understanding about the current state of built forms and landscape design in vineyards.
In addition to offering the possibility of rational wine production, contemporary wineries also contribute to preservation of its prestige in society, by their form and materialization. The terrain is an important influential factor in designing of wineries. The paper examines the way in which terrain characteristics affect the functional disposition of facilities and winery visualization. This is illustrated by schemes, photos and comparative analysis of the examples. The results show that the flow of technological process and cost-effectiveness of production are directly related to terrain configuration, as well as, that its significance in terms of connection with nature is often emphasized by the integration of winery into environment and creation of sustainable buildings that meet the needs of the modern age.
Ekologia, 2011
The vineyards of almost a thousand years ago formed landscape structures and images of the Slovak countryside. This paper deals with vineyard structural developments in the Nitrianske Hrnčiarovce cadastre in the Nitra viticulture region. Herein, vineyards existing in 1896 are compared with those of 2010. This Cadastre's currently contain 991.33 hectares. Vineyards have been classified into five area groups. There are 554 parcels of vineyard covering 117.86 hectares (11.89% of all cadastre), and of these 53.07% or 294 plots, comprise small mosaic vineyards of less than 500 m 2. While the northern and eastern parts of the village have retained a well preserved historical vineyard structure regarding shape and area, the southern part now has large modern vineyards which were established during the 1970's. Space analysis of historical maps and aerial photos has documented the high cultural value of the vineyard's structure which is also enriched by specific fruit trees of the archeophyty group.
International Conference on Tourism Research
Verde wine has a traditional and unique range of patterns and processes of cultivation that result from the interactions between communities and environments. The result of this interaction characterizes the local wine culture and rural landscape and creates diversity of characteristics developed through times. In this context, vineyard historical landscape assures the range of differentiation of rural places and contributes to the image of wine as a cultural asset based on the cultural heritage accumulation and the slow transformation of the landscapes. Safeguard this historical resilient landscape could reinforce the local character in his own unicity, authenticity, significance, diversity as a testimony of identity. Safeguard the historical wine landscape promotes the preservation of old techniques and fragile tangible and intangible heritage condemned to disappearance with the new standardized exploitations. In this context, this study identifies the values of Verde wine landsca...
Wine is a cultural and emotional event in the life of European society. Europe has a long historical tradition of wine and Romania is part of that. Wine tourism is becoming more and more a drive of sustainable regional development by creating a more dynamic economy, new jobs and activities but also by reshaping communities and facilitating social interaction.. Integrated wine architecture has become a new tool that supports oenotourism as part of a modern approach that enhances wine experience. Romania has a great potential that is still unexploited. Wine studies, good practice and further research should become a departing point in shaping the future of the local wine tourism.
Open Archaeology, 2022
The paper examines the physical and contextual situation of a series of nine rock hewn pressing installations forming a complex of a winery workshop (ca. 5 decares) which was unearthed during excavations executed at the Roman site of Ambar village. Matching the Upper Mesopotamia and fed by a fair distance permanent water sourcethe Ambarçay Stream in close proximity, the site lies over limestone bedrock convenient for processing in a hard ground, right nearby a moderate size quarry besides two spring spouts. The site's scale and function is cross-questioned through the instrumentality of original data and interrelatedness of a couple of archaeo-environmental features as well as through a selection of comparative evidence and proxy figures addressed in the ancient and historical accounts. Appearingly; topography, surrounding agricultural land and hydrology were three driving agents of the positioning and planning of the complex which looks spacious for household usage but rather demonstrates itself as an atelier of inhabitants (belike run at the institutional level) that expanded into post 3rd century. When also confined to the economic convergence of the value of wine recorded in the ancient and pre-modern sources, total relative capacity of one-time pressing operation generates an idea over figures that could suffice to more than a latifundium or a resident population.
In today, one of the most attractive cultural landscapes are wine routes, especially in Europe. In Turkey's Europe side called Thrace host the first organized wine route. The route has created by Thrace development agency and wine producers in 2013. One of the most noticeable place in the route is St.Ioannis Theologos monastery and surrounding vineyards in " Ganohora " region. Ganohora has a recognized history dating from the 1st century; it was a religious centre for Christians during the Middle Ages with its many churches and monasteries. In this monasteries, people produced wine for many years. Combined works of nature and humankind, they express a long and intimate relationship between peoples and their natural environment. The rich historical and cultural heritage and traditions of the wine route in combination with a unique natural environment make the Thrace an ideal place for cultural and natural tourism. The route passes through mountains, forests, and numerous micro-climates surrounded by three different seas (the Sea of Marmara, Aegean Sea, and the Black Sea). Its natural beauty enriched by the diverse culture and history, makes the region an exciting and delicious destination. This study is about an examination of this relations in the context of St.Ioannis Theologos monastery with the surrounding vineyards and develop conservation proposals.
Przestrzeń Urbanistyka Architektura, 2019
Global trends in the revaluation of wine culture and the importance of viticultural landscapes have led to a new era of wine architecture which celebrates its relationship with the landscape; a new era where the philosophy of considerateness and 'fit into the character of the landscape' or "adaptation to the existing landscape" has top priority. The main focus of our research is to analyse if this new trend-"the quest for integration of architecture into the landscape"-is valid in each case. To perform this study, three recently built examples of remarkable wine architecture were selected; these are owned by prominent entrepreneurs and designed by three world-famous designers and located in the same, valuable and protected viticultural landscape. The research goal is to discover how the professional, highly commended architects faced this challenge. Did they intend to subordinate the wineries within the landscape or did they intend to make a contrast and mark the territory in order to represent their personal artistic style as a brand? Did they treat the surrounding viticultural landscape as inspiration for their architectural concepts or as a background? Are these new wineries a part of the surrounding landscape or are these distinct and separate objects from it?
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 2012
The article attempts to give an overview of how the different types of borders in Hungarian vine and wine culture can be manifested. In addition to the borders separating the different wine regions, there can also be borders within the individual vine-growing areas. The central purpose of the delimitation of a wine area is to establish a distinctive identity for the wines produced within it, and provide a means whereby the provenance of those wines can be guaranteed. The question and problem of drawing, strengthening and representing the borders can certainly throw light on new aspects of the grape and wine culture that can be regarded as related to the interests of vine-growing communities and to conflicts between them.
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