Wineries in communication with holy mountains

2018, Przestrzeń. Urbanistyka. Architektura


The contemporary wine architecture built in the sacral landscape, their interaction and philosophy are the particular focus of this paper. The paper presents two recently completed winery complexes in Hungary, the Bazaltbor Winery (2010) and the St. Ilona Winery (2013). Both of them are built at the foot of the volcanic hills (Badacsony, Somló), which "witness" the reunion of man and nature through over two thousand years of wine culture. The research goal is to discover the architects' and landscape architects' intentions, how did they face the challenge? Did they subordinate the winery to the landscape, did they copy the shape of the natural landscape, did they hide the building under the earth or did they re-interpret the whole situation? Did they react to the sacrality of the place?