Unfinished conversations: A tribute to Sonja Luehrmann (1975–2019)

2020, History and Anthropology

As her colleagues and friends, we mourn the loss of a brilliant intellect, distinctive voice, and generous soul. The third and youngest daughter of Dieter and Renate Lührmann, she grew up with her sisters Silke and Susanne in Cyriaxweimar, a village outside of Marburg, Germany. She began her training as an anthropologist at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt where she obtained her MA in 2000 before heading to the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor where she began her doctoral studies in anthropology and history in 2002. Under the supervision of Alaina Lemon, Webb Keane, William Rosenberg, and Douglas Northrop, she wrote her dissertation on Soviet atheism and the complex affinities between secularism and post-Soviet religious revival in Russia's Upper Volga region. After obtaining her PhD in 2009, Sonja went on to Vancouver where she held a Killiam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship position at the University of British Columbia before joining the faculty in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Simon Fraser University in 2011. For her next eight years at Simon Fraser, Sonja was