Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom III. Spadki (art. 922-1087 KC)

2013, Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom III. Spadki (art. 922-1087 KC) [Civil Code. Commentary. Volume III. Successions (art. 922-1087)]


A free sample taken from the published work. The book: Kodeks cywilny. Komentarz. Tom III. Spadki (art. 922-1087 KC) [Civil Code. Commentary. Volume III. Successions (art. 922-1087)] (pp. 1237), was edited by K. Osajda and published by C.H. Beck Publishing Company in 2013. Witold Borysiak was an Author of the commentaries to articles 922-923, 927-940, 1012, 1014-10291, 1047-1060, 1062-1063, 1066-1067, 1070-10701, 1079, 1081-1082, 1086-1087 of the Polish Civil Code (pp. 5-87, 101-249, 789-987; 1103-1228) - total pp. 553