Nāṭyasiddhi (नाट्यसिद्धि)

2015, Dhimahi (Journal of Chinmaya International Foundation) Special Issue Volume 6, 2015


This paper is a focused textual study on the 27th chapter of Nāṭyaśāstra. As is well known the Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharata is a comprehensive treatise on dramaturgy. Such a systematic work on dramaturgy could not have been conceived without the pre-existence of a vibrant stage tradition. Abhinavagupta the celebrated commentator had a clear vision of a stage which fact is reflected in all his interpretations of the text (Nāṭyaśāstra) as well as in his observations on dramaturgy. The text of Nāṭyaśāstra itself will provide valuable information in this regard. This paper is a humble attempt to read the Siddhivyanjakādhyāya (27th chapter) of the text with a view to see whether we could make out anything regarding the behaviour of audience as well as the actors/directors or drama troupes.