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2022, Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies…
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WINER, Andrew (2022). "The making of a lyric: Pessoa's theory ". Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 21, Fall, pp. 472-479. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library. Graça Capinha The making of a lyric: Pessoa’s theory [A elaboração de uma lírica: A teoria de Pessoa] [Recensão do livro Fernando Pessoa and the Lyric. Disquietude, Rumination, Interruption, Inspiration, Constellation, 2022] RAMALHO-SANTOS, Irene (2022). Fernando Pessoa and the Lyric. Disquietude, Rumination, Interruption, Inspiration, Constellation. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. 190 pp. [ISBN: 9781666903133].
Literary Onomastics Studies, 2014
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2012
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2012 FERRARI, Patricio., "Genetic Criticism and the Relevance of Metrics in Editing Pessoa's Poetry" de Fernando Pessoa" (2012). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 2, Fall, pp. 1-57. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library. Is Part of: Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, Issue 2 Genetic Criticism and the Relevance of Metrics in Editing Pessoa’s Poetry [Crítica genética e a relevância da métrica na edição da poesia pessoana] ABSTRACT Ever since the posthumous editorial process of Fernando Pessoa's writings began in 1942, editors have found themselves confronted with several challenging tasks: one of them, undoubtedly, has been the deciphering of the author's handwriting. Today, seventy years later, an important number of manuscripts remain unpublished, while numerous other transcriptions need to be revised. The present article concerns a small corpus that falls within the latter group of texts insofar as it reviews the transcriptions of one Portuguese poem, an unfinished French sonnet, three fragmentary English odes and a later English poem. I propose to undertake the revision of the selected corpus essentially with the aid of metrics. Particular attention shall be given to the genesis of each one of these compositions. RESUMO Desde que o processo editorial póstumo dos escritos de Fernando Pessoa começou em 1942, os editores têm-se confrontado com diversos desafios, um deles sendo, indubitavelmente, a decifração da caligrafia do autor. Hoje, setenta anos mais tarde, uma importante quantidade de manuscritos mantém-se inédita, outra parte ainda necessita de ser revista. O presente artigo diz respeito a um pequeno corpus deste segundo conjunto, na medida em que revê as transcrições de um poema em português, um soneto inacabado em francês, três odes fragmentárias em inglês e um poema posterior em língua inglesa. Proponho-me abordar a revisão do corpus seleccionado essencialmente com base na métrica. Será dada uma atenção particular à génese de cada um destes poemas. BIBLIOGRAPHY I. PRIMARY SOURCES 1.1.FERNANDO PESSOA’S ARCHIVE National Library of Portugal (Archive 3) 1.2. FERNANDO PESSOA’S WORKS PESSOA, Fernando (2009). Cadernos. Edição de Jerónimo Pizarro. Edição Crítica de Fernando Pessoa, Série Maior, Volume XI, tomo I. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. ____ (2005). Poesia. 1902-1917. Edição de Manuela Parreira da Silva, Ana Maria Freitas e Madalena Dine. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim. ____ (2001). “Aux frontières de la littérature: les poèmes français de Fernando Pessoa”, in Fernando Pessoa: OEuvres poétiques. Edition et établissement des textes par Patrick Quillier. Paris: Éd. Gallimard, pp. 1611-48 and 2046-52. ____ (2000). Fernando Pessoa. Poesia Inglesa II. Edição e tradução de Luísa Freire. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim. ____ (1999). Alexander Search. Poesia. Edição e tradução Luísa Freire. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim. ____ (1997). Poemas Ingleses. Poemas de Alexander Search. Edição de João Dionísio. Edição Crítica de Fernando Pessoa, Série Maior, Volume V, 3 tomos. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, t. II. ____ (1993). Pessoa Inédito. Orientação, coordenação e prefácio de Teresa Rita Lopes. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte. II. Other Works by Fernando Pessoa PESSOA, Fernando (2011). Sebastianismo e Quinto Imperio. Edição de Jorge Uribe e Pedro Sepúlveda. Obras de Fernando Pessoa. Nova Série. Prosa. Colecção coordenada por Jerónimo Pizarro. Lisboa: Ática. ____ (2010). Livro do Desasocego. Edição de Jerónimo Pizarro. Edição Crítica de Fernando Pessoa, Série Maior, Volume XII, 2 tomos. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. ____ (2009). Sensacionismo e Outros Ismos. Edição de Jerónimo Pizarro. Edição Crítica de Fernando Pessoa, Série Maior, Volume X. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. ____ (2006). Escritos sobre Génio e Loucura. Edição de Jerónimo Pizarro. Edição Crítica de Fernando Pessoa, Série Maior, Volume VII, 2 tomos. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. ____ (2002). Obras de António Mora. Edição e estudo de Luís Filipe B. Teixeira Edição Crítica de Fernando Pessoa, Série Maior, Volume VI. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. ____ (1999). Poemas Ingleses. The Mad Fiddler. Edição de Marcus Angioni e Fernando Gomes. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Edição Crítica de Fernando Pessoa, Série Maior, Volume V, tomo III. ____ (1997). Quadras. Edição de Luís Prista. Edição Crítica de Fernando Pessoa, Série Maior, Volume I. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. ____ (1997). Quadras e outros cantares. Edição de Teresa Sobral Cunha. Lisboa: Relógio d’Água. ____ (1993). Poemas Ingleses. Antinous, Inscriptions, epithalamium, 35 Sonnets. Edição de João Dionísio. Edição Crítica de Fernando Pessoa. Série Maior, Volume V, 3 tomos. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, t. I. ____ (1993). “Apêndice: Manuscrito 122”, in Lemos, Fernando Patrício de. Fernando Pessoa e a nova métrica: a imitação de formas e metros líricos greco-romanos em Ricardo Reis. Lisboa: Editorial Inquérito, pp. 93-128. ____ (1967). Páginas de Estética e de Teoria e Crítica Literárias. Edição de Georg Rudolf Lind e Jacinto Prado Coelho. Lisboa: Ática. ____ (1965). Quadras ao gosto popular. Textos estabelecidos e prefaciados por Georg Rudolf Lind e Jacinto do Prado Coelho. Lisboa: Ática. III. Fernando Pessoa’s Private Library ADDISON, Joseph and Richard STEELE (1896). The Spectator. A new edition, reproducing the original text both as first issued and as corrected by its authors. With introduction, notes and index by Henry Morley. London; Manchester; New York: George Routledge and Sons, Limited. (Casa Fernando Pessoa 8-3). ARNOLD, Matthew (1927). Essays in Criticism: second series. First pocket edition. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited. (CFP 8-14B). [The essays were published separately between 1879 and 1888]. BAUDELAIRE, Charles. Les Fleurs du mal. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, éditeur, 1934. (CFP 8-29). [1st ed.: Paris: Poulet-Malassis et de Broise, 1857]. BELL, William (ed.). (1902). Palgrave’s Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics. Book second. Edited with notes by William Bell. London: Macmillan and Co. Limited. (CFP 8-37). [Palgrave’s first edition dates from 1861]. BRIDGES, Robert (1901). Milton’s Prosody. Including Classical Metres in English Verse by William Johnson Stone. Oxford: Henry Frowde. (CFP 8-64). [Bridges: 1st ed.: Oxford: B. H. Blackwell, 1889; Stone: 1st ed. in 1898]. JOHNSON, Samuel (1890). Johnson’s Lives of the Poets. Edited, with notes, by Alexander Napier. Introduction by J. W. Hales. 3 vols. London: George Bell and Sons, vol. I. [1st ed.: London, 1781]. (CFP 9-37). MILTON, John [n.d.]. The Poetical Works of John Milton. Ed. Thomas Newton. London: Routledge and Sons. (CFP 8-359). PALGRAVE, Francis Turner (ed.) (1926). The Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language. Selected and arranged by Francis Turner Palgrave. Oxford: University Press. [Palgrave’s first edition dates from 1861]. (CFP 8-409). TRENT, William P. (1899). John Milton: a short study of his life and works. New York: Macmillan & Co. (CFP 5-552). IV. Works Cited on Fernando Pessoa CARDIELLO, Antonio (2010). “Selos [Stamps]”, in Biblioteca Digital de Fernando Pessoa. Fernando Pessoa House Site. Bilingual article. ( CASTRO, Ivo (1990). Editar Pessoa. Edição Crítica de Fernando Pessoa. Colecção “Estudos.” Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. CÔRTES-RODRIGUES, Armando (n.d. [1945]). “Notas sobre Fernando Pessoa”, in Fernando Pessoa. Cartas a Armando Côrtes-Rodrigues. Lisboa: Confluência, pp. 85-92. DIONÍSIO, João (2008). “Before Alexander Search: A Report on a Notebook”, in Portuguese Studies, vol. 24, nº 2, pp. 115-127. [Special number dedicated to Fernando Pessoa, Review of the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, King’s College London, published by the Modern Humanities Research Association. Jerónimo Pizarro and Steffen Dix, guest editors]. FERRARI, Patricio (2012). “Meter and Rhythm in the Poetry of Fernando Pessoa”. Ph.D dissertation presented to the Department of Linguistics, Universidade de Lisboa. [Policopied text]. ____ (2010). “Fernando Pessoa, poète-lecteur-théoricien: des expériences métriques et rythmiques entre-langues”, in Loxias, revue en ligne de littératures française et comparée (avec comité de lecture), 7ème année, nº 30, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, automne 2010, (
Pessoa Plural - Journal of Fernado Pessoa Studies, 2015
Here we present two unpublished essays by Hubert Jennings about the challenges of translating the poetry of Fernando Pessoa: the first one of them, brief and fragmentary, is analyzed in the introduction; the second, longer and also covering issues besides translation, is presented in the postscript. Having as a starting point the Pessoan poem “O que me doe” and three translations compared by Hubert Jennings, this presentation examines some aspects of poetic musicality in the Portuguese language: verse measurement, stress dynamics, rhymes, anaphors, and parallelisms. The introduction also discusses how much the English versions of the poem, which are presented by Jennings, recreate (or not) the musical-‐‑poetic dimensions of the original text.
The essays that follow derive from these two events. The first one was held at the Fernando Pessoa House in Lisbon on 3 July 2014 and the second on 17 and 18 April 2015 at Brown University. Major sponsorship for this event came from the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies. «Among the many things they cover, the essays gathered in this important and highly original volume, sometimes individually but certainly cumulatively, make the case for taking seriously Fernando Pessoa’s large body of poetry written in English. Moreover, they suggest, if only by implication, that Pessoa deserves a place in the long and distinguished traditions of English poetry. Few if any have hitherto had the courage to make the claim for his inclusion in the illustrious group of English poets» [George Monteiro]. Inside the Mask: The English Poetry of Fernando Pessoa [A printed edition of Pessoa Plural—a Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, nº. 10] Gávea-Brown Publications at Brown University Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies © 2018 Brown University All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Various authors Editor: Patricio Ferrari Editors-in-Chief of Pessoa Plural: Onésimo Almeida, Paulo de Medeiros, and Jerónimo Pizarro Copyeditor: Mark Streeter Design and cover art: Gabriela Lissa Sakajiri Typeset: Perpetua by Eric Gill; Josefin Sans by Santiago Orozco ISBN: 978-0-943722-42-9 (paperback) Library of Congress Control Number: 2017945064
Journal of Digital Art & Humanities, 2020
The Lyrical Art of Ana Cristina Cesar / Antonio Donizeti da Cruz and Dhandara Capitani Cite: Cruz A.D., Capitani D. The Lyrical Art of Ana Cristina Cesar. Journal of Digital Art & Humanities, Vol.1, Iss.1, pp. 25-32. Abstract. Ana Cristina Cesar is one of the great poets of the 1970s and 80s in Brazil. In this paper, some of her poems are analyzed in the perspective of how her lyrical narrative presents an interactive dialogue with the reader and criticizes modernity. Ana Cristina Cesar’s poetic work privileges critical-reflexive language, the theme of identity, alterity, lyrical memory, poetic synthesis, and questioning, as marks of modernity. The word-memory is the essential factor that moves the aspirations and feelings of poetic self, because at the moment of reminiscing, the self recollects, in depth, the events and experiences previously experienced. The word is a force that drives the Word Artist to realize dreams, goals, and achievements. Through the poetic word, the poem develops the continuous transmutation of language, generating new possibilities of being and effecting poetic procedures through the lyrical genres, centered in the articulations of the poetic creation. The poetic craft is essentially of creating oneself, thus poetry being also self-creation, knowledge, and transmutation. Keywords: Brazilian Poetry, Lyrical Analysis, Poetic Craft. References Cesar, A. C. Inéditos e Dispersos: poesia/prosa. Ática, São Paulo (1998). Freitas Filho, A. Apresentação da obra. In: Cesar, A. C. Inéditos e Dispersos: poesia/prosa. Ática, São Paulo (1998). Cesar, A. C. A teus pés: prosa/poesia. Ática, São Paulo (1998). Paz, O. O arco e a lira. Nova Fronteira, Rio de Janeiro (1982). Bachelard, G. O Direito de Sonhar. 4th edn. Bertrand Brasil, São Paulo (1994). Cesar, A. C. Poética. Companhia das Letras, São Paulo (2016). Jung, C. G. Os Arquétipos e o Inconsciente Coletivo. Vozes, Perrópolis (2000). Bilen, M. Comportamento Mítico-Poético. In: Brunel, P. (Org.). Dicionário de mitos literários. José Olympio, Rio de Janeiro (1998). Durand, G. As Estruturas Antropológicas do Imaginário. Martins Fontes, São Paulo (2001). Gonzáles, J. El cuerpo y la letra: la cosmología poética de Octavio Paz. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México; Madrid; Buenos Aires (1990). Cesar, A. C. Inéditos e Dispersos. Editora Brasiliense, São Paulo (1985). Published online 08.10.2020
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2015
FERRARI, Patricio, "'Bridging Archives: twenty five unpublished English poems by Fernando Pessoa" (2015). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 8, Fall, pp. 365-431. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library. Is Part of: Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, Issue 8 Bridging Archives: twenty-five unpublished English poems by Fernando Pessoa [Conectando Arquivos: vinte e cinco poemas ingleses inéditos de Fernando Pessoa] ABSTRACT Critical transcription preceded by a brief presentation of twenty-five unpublished English poems by Fernando Pessoa. The introductory text offers a historical background in regard to Hubert Jennings's pioneer work with Pessoa's English poems. RESUMO Transcrição crítica, precedida de uma breve apresentação, de vinte e cinco poemas ingleses inéditos de Fernando Pessoa. O texto introdutório oferece uma contextualização histórica do trabalho pioneiro de Hubert Jennings junto aos poemas ingleses de Pessoa. BIBLIOGRAPHY [SEVERAL AUTHORS] (2015). Variaciones Borges, n.º 40, Fall.‑borges. CAMPBELL, Roy (1957). Portugal. London: M. Reinhardt. CRESPO, Angel (1989). “EI último amor de Fernando Pessoa,” in Revista de Occidente, n.º 94. Madrid, March, pp. 5-‐‑26. DUFFELL, Martin J. (2013). “Tennyson’s ‘Metre of Catullus’: The Ambivalent Hendecasyllable,” in Language and Literature, n.º 22, pp. 19-‐‑31. ____ (2008). A New History of English Metre. London: Legenda. JENNINGS, Hubert D. (1986). Fernando Pessoa in Durban. Durban: Durban Corporation. ____ (1984). Os Dois Exílios: Fernando Pessoa na África do Sul. Porto: Centro de Estudos Pessoanos & Fundação Eng.º António de Almeida. ____ (1966). The Durban High School Story 1866-‐‑1966. Durban: The Durban High School and Old Boys Memorial Trust. LIND, Georg Rudolf (1968). “9 unbekannte englische Gedichte F. Ps, Diskussion und Kommentar von Ulrich Suerbaum und Vf, ” in Poetica, n.º 2 (2). Munich, April, pp. 229-‐‑36. FERRARI, Patricio (2015). “Pessoa and Borges: In the Margins of Milton,” in Variaciones Borges, n.º 40, Fall, pp. 81-‐‑101. ____ (2012). “Meter and Rhythm in Fernando Pessoa’s Poetry.” Ph.D dissertation presented to the Department of Linguistics, Universidade de Lisbo. [Unpublished]. FERRARI, Patricio & PITTELA-‐‑LEITE, Carlos (2015). “Four Unpublished English Sonnets (and the Editorial Status of Pessoa’s English Poetry,” in Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies, n.º 28, Fernando Pessoa as English Reader and Writer. Dartmouth: University of Massachusetts, Tagus Press, Spring, pp. 227-‐‑246. GASPAROV, Mikhail Leonovich (1996). A History of European Versification. Translated from Russian by Gerry Smith and Marina Tarlinskaja. Ed. by Gerry Smith with Leofranc Holford-‐‑Strevens. Oxford: Clarendon Press. [First edition in Russian, 1989]. HOBSBAUM, Philip (1996). Metre, Rhythm and Verse Form. London; New York: Routledge. MONTEIRO, George (2000). Fernando Pessoa and Nineteenth-‐‑Century Anglo-‐‑American Literature. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky. PESSOA, Fernando (2015). No Matter What We Dream: Selected English Poems. Edited and selected by Patricio Ferrari and Jerónimo Pizarro. Second edition. Lisbon: Tell-‐‑a-‐‑story. ____ (2014). Poèmes français. Edition established and annotated by Patricio Ferrari with the collaboration of Patrick Quillier. Preface by Patrick Quillier. Clepsydre Collection. Paris: Éditions de la Différence. ____ (2013A). Livro do Dessassocego. Edited by Jerónimo Pizarro. Fernando Pessoa Collection. Lisbon: Tinta-‐‑da-‐‑China. ____ (2013B). Eu Sou Uma Antologia: 136 autores fictícios. Edited by Jerónimo Pizarro and Patricio Ferrari. Fernando Pessoa Collection. Lisbon: Tinta-‐‑da-‐‑China. ____ (2011). Sebastianismo e Quinto Imperio. Edited by Jorge Uribe and Pedro Sepúlveda. Fernando Pessoa’s Works, New Series. Lisbon: Ática. ____ (2009). Cadernos. Edited by Jerónimo Pizarro. Fernando Pessoa Critical Edition, Major Series, Vol. XI, Tome I. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional-‐‑Casa da Moeda, 2009. ____ (2006). Escritos sobre Génio e Loucura. Edited by Jerónimo Pizarro. Fernando Pessoa Critical Edition, Major Series, Vol. VII, 2 vols. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional-‐‑Casa da Moeda. ____ (2000). Poesia Inglesa II. Edited and translated by Luísa Freire. Lisbon: Assírio & Alvim. ____ (1999). Poemas Ingleses. The Mad Fiddler. Edited by Marcus Angioni and Fernando Gomes. Fernando Pessoa Critical Edition, Major Series, Vol. V, Tome III Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional-‐‑Casa da Moeda. ____ (1997). Poemas Ingleses. Poemas de Alexander Search. Edited by João Dionísio. Fernando Pessoa Critical Edition, Major Series, Vol. V, Tome II. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional-‐‑Casa da Moeda. ____ (1995). Poesia Inglesa. Edited and translated by Luísa Freire. Preface by Teresa Rita Lopes. Lisbon: Livros Horizonte. ____ (1971). Selected Poems by Fernando Pessoa. Translated by Edwin Honig. With an Introduction by Octavio Paz. Bilingual edition. Chicago: Swallow Press. ____ (1967). Sixty Portuguese Poems. Introduction, selection, English translation of the poems and notes by F. E. G. Quintanilha. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. ____ (1921). English Poems I-‐‑II. Antinous. Inscriptions. Lisbon: Olisipo. ____ (1918). 35 Sonnets. Lisbon: Ed. Monteiro & Co. PIZARRO, Jerónimo; FERRARI, Patricio & CARDIELLO, Antonio (2010). A Biblioteca Particular de Fernando Pessoa. Collection of the Fernando Pessoa House. Bilingual edition. Lisbon: D. Quixote. PIZARRO, Jerónimo (2012). Pessoa Existe? Lisbon: Ática. SANTOS, Maria L. N. dos; CRUZ, Alexandrina; MONTENEGRO, Rosa M.; PIMENTEL, Lídia (1988). “A inventariação do espólio de Fernando Pessoa: tentativa de reconstituição,” in Revista da Biblioteca Nacional, S. 2, Vol. 3, N. 3, Sep-‐‑Dec. 1988. Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional, pp. 199-‐‑213. SEVERINO, Alexandrino (1969). Fernando Pessoa na África do Sul. Marília: Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Marília [doctoral thesis presented in 1966 to the Universidade de São Paulo]. TENNYSON, Alfred (1902). The Works of Alfred Tennyson. London: Macmill and Co., 1902. [Queen Victoria Memorial Prize awarded to Fernando A. N. Pessôa in 1903. Fernando Pessoa House, Call number 8-‐‑541].
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2020
SCHWARTZ, John Pedro, "Problems in translating Pessoa's poetry into English" (2020). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 17, Spring, pp. 42-75. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library. Is Part of: Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, Issue 17 Problems in translating Pessoa’s poetry into English [Problemas ao traduzir a poesia de Pessoa para o Inglês] ABSTRACT This paper focuses on five problems all translators of Fernando Pessoa's poetry into English must grapple with. The first is whether or not to distinguish the poetry of Pessoa (orthonym), Álvaro de Campos, Alberto Caeiro and Ricardo Reis through the use of stylistic and lexical markers. The second is: to what degree should the translator imitate Pessoa's occasional labyrinthine constructions? Third, every translator must decide at the outset whether or not to use rhyme and meter, where these occur in Pessoa's poetry. The final two problems concern Portuguese grammar: how to translate the pretérito perfeito do indicativo [simple past tense], which lends itself in English to both simple past and present perfect tenses; and how to translate the personal infinitive, a form unique among all languages for handling a change in subject within a sentence. RESUMO Este artigo foca-se nos cinco problemas com os quais qualquer tradutor da poesia pessoana tem de batalhar quando traduz para inglês. O primeiro é distinguir ou não a poesia de Pessoa (ortónimo), da de Álvaro de Campos, Alberto Caeiro e Ricardo Reis através de indicações estilísticas e lexicais. O segundo é até que ponto o tradutor deve imitar as construções labirínticas ocasionais. Terceiro, o tradutor tem de decidir no início se deve usar rima e métrica ou não, quando e onde estas ocorram na poesia de Pessoa. Os dois problemas finais referem-se à gramática portuguesa: como traduzir o pretérito perfeito do indicativo, que em inglês empresta-se ambos ao simple past tense e ao present perfect tense; e como traduzir o infinitivo pessoal, uma forma única de todos os idiomas para lidar com uma mudança de sujeito dentro de uma frase. BIBLIOGRAPHY BLANCO, José (2008). “Fernando Pessoa’s Critical and Editorial Fortune in English: A Selective Chronological Overview.” Portuguese Studies, vol. 24, n.º 2, special issue (“Pessoa: The Future of the Arcas”, guest editors: Jerónimo Pizarro, Steffen Dix), pp. 13-32. BOSLEY, Keith, trans. (1995). “Poetry” [by Fernando Pessoa], in A Centenary Pessoa. Eugénio Lisboa, with L.C. Taylor (eds.). Manchester: Carcanet Press, pp. 21-114. BROOKS, Cleanth (1947). The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. BUTLER, David ([2004] 2009) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Selected Poems. Dublin: The Dedalus Press. DANIELS, Chris (2009) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Collected Later Poems of Alvaro de Campos: 1928-1935 (v. 2). Exeter: Shearsman Books. ____ (2007) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro (v. 1). Exeter: Shearsman Books. FILHO, Cruz (2009). História e teoria do soneto. Annotated by Glauco Mattoso. Rio de Janeiro: Elos. FISCHER, Claudia J. (2012). “Auto-tradução e experimentação interlinguística na génese d'’O Marinheiro’ de Fernando Pessoa.” Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, n.º 1, Spring, Brown Digital Repository, pp. 1-69. DOI: FRANCE, Peter (2000) (ed.). The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. FREITAS, Filipa de (2015). “Naval Ode Translations: Reading the Poet’s Dispositions.” Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, n.º 8, Fall, Brown Digital Repository, pp. 128-90. DOI: GRIFFIN, Jonathan ([1992] 2007) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Mensagem / Message. Introduction by Helder Macedo. Exeter: Shearsman Books and Menard Press [London: Menard Press and King’s College London, 1992]. _____ ([1974] 1982) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Selected Poems. London: Penguin Books. _____ (1971) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. I: Alberto Caeiro; II. Ricardo Reis; III. Álvaro de Campos; IV. Fernando Pessoa. Oxford: Carcanet Press. GUYER, Leland (1996). “Translating ‘Tabacaria’.” Indiana Journal of Hispanic Literatures, n.º 9, Fall, Special Issue on Fernando Pessoa, pp. 193-210. HONIG, Edwin (1971) (trans.). Selected Poems by Fernando Pessoa. Introduction by Octavio Paz. Chicago: Swallow Press. HONIG, Edwin; BROWN, Susan M. ([1986] 1998). Poems of Fernando Pessoa. San Francisco: City Lights Book [New York: The Ecco Press, 1986]. JENNINGS, Hubert D. (2019). Fernando Pessoa. The Poet with Many Faces: A Biography and Anthology. Edited by Carlos Pittella. Lisbon: Tinta-da-china. KRUMMRICH, Philip (2003) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Quadras ao Gosto Popular / Quatrains in the Popular Style. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press. LADEIRA, Antonio (2019). “Fernando Pessoa nos Estados Unidos: redesenhando fronteiras.” Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, n.º 16, Fall, Brown Digital Repository, pp. 241-80. DOI: LEY, Charles David (1938). “Poema” [O céu, azul de luz quieta.]. Presença – Folha de Arte e Crítica, n.º 53-54, Coimbra, p. 11. LISBOA, Eugénio; with L.C. TAYLOR (1995). A Centenary Pessoa. With an introductory essay by Octavio Paz, trans. by Michael Schmidt, and contributions from Antonio Tabucchi, José Blanco, and others. Manchester: Carcanet in association with the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Instituto Camões, the Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro. LOPES, Teresa Rita (1993) (org.). Pessoa Inédito. Lisbon: Livros Horizonte. LÓPEZ, Nicolás Barbosa (2018) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Mensaje / Mensagem. Illustrated by Samuel Castaño Mesa. Medellín: Tragaluz Editores. LONGLAND, Jean R. (1970). Poet Lore—A National Quarterly of World Poetry and the Drama, Autumn, 1970, pp. 1-13. MONTEIRO, George. (2013). As Paixões de Pessoa. Trans. Margarida Vale de Gato. Lisbon: Ática. _____ (1988) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Self-Analysis and Thirty Other Poems. Lisbon: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. _____ (1998). The Presence of Pessoa: English, American, and Southern African Literary Responses. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky. _____ (1982) (ed.). The Man Who Never Was: Essays on Fernando Pessoa. Edited with an introduction by George Monteiro. Providence: Gávea-Brown. PARKER, John (1985). “Fernando Pessoa, Selected Poems, trans. by Jonathan Griffin.” Book review. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 62, n.º 15, p. 215. Pessoa. All Art is a Form of Literature (2008). Curated by Ana Ara and João Fernandes. Organized by Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía with the support of the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Now it is online: PESSOA, Fernando (2018). Poesia—Antologia Mínima. Edition by de Jerónimo Pizarro. Lisbon: Tinta-da-china. _____ (1993). Mensagem. Poemas Esotéricos. Critical edition by José Augusto Seabra [with the collaboration of Maria Aliete Galhoz]. Madrid: CSIC. Colección Archivos. _____ (2009). Sensacionismo e Outros Ismos. Critical edition by Jerónimo Pizarro. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. PIZARRO, Jerónimo (2018). Ler Pessoa. Lisbon: Tinta-da-china. _____ (2017). “Álvaro de Campos Revisited.” Estudos Regianos, n.º 22-23 (commemorative number), Vila do Conde, Centro de Estudos Regianos, pp. 67-90. QUINTANILHA, F.E.G. (1971) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Sixty Portuguese Poems. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. RATTIGAN, Michael Lee (2007) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Alberto Caeiro: The Complete Poems. London: Rufus Books. RICKARD, Peter (1971) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Selected Poems. Edinburgh; Austin: Edinburgh University; University of Texas Press. RODITI, Edouard (1956). “Four Poems.” Poetry, vol. 87, pp. 26-29. SCHWARTZ, John Pedro (2019). “Pessoa, Concrete Poet, Influence, Muse.” Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, n.º 15, Spring, Brown Digital Repository, pp. 36-61. DOI: _____ (2018). “Rendering the Formless: Language and Style in Fausto.” Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, n.º 14, Autumn, Brown Digital Repository, pp. 59-83. DOI: SCHWARTZ, John Pedro; SCHWARTZ, Robert N. (2020) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Poetry—Minimal Anthology. Edited by Jerónimo Pizarro. Lisbon: Tinta-da-china. WOOD, Michael (1972). “Mod and Great.” The New York Review of Books, September 21. Online: ZENITH, Richard ([2008] 2016) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. Message. Illustrated by Pedro Sousa Pereira. Lisbon: Oficina do Livro. _____ (2006) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems. London: Penguin Books. _____ (1997) (trans.). Fernando Pessoa. 21 poemas de Álvaro de Campos. Illustrated by Manuel Graça Dias. Lisbon: Casa Fernando Pessoa.
En Eero Tarasti (ed.), Global Signs. Proceedings of the 2003-2006 Summer Congresses of the International Semiotics Institute. Acta Semiotica Fennica XXIX. Helsinki. , 2008
On-line version: (Consultado o descargado [día, mes y año]) (Accessed [Day Month Year of access]) The Expressive Zone Rubén López Cano Rubén López Cano 2001 2 1. In the beginning there was Rhetoric. As with many semiotic concepts (and indeed the whole of life itself), this concept originates from the topoi concept of Aristotelian rhetoric. Rhetoric conceived of five different phases of discourse preparation: inventio (arriving at basic arguments), dispositio (how to distribute them into discourse), elocutio (choice of adequate words and rhetorical figures), pronuntatio (speech performance) and memoria (memorization). Topoi belongs to the inventio section. It concerns itself with a system for obtaining arguments with a minimum of indispensable information. Orators understood memory as a conglomerate of small sites (topoi): the topical network. In each of them was found a question (who?, where?, when?, with the aid of?... etc.). By applying one of these questions to a specific subject, seminal information was obtained. Afterwards, this information was processed into complex mechanisms of rhetorical (non-logical) argumentation as the exemplum or the entimema or rhetorical syllogism. In such way very effective rhetorical arguments were obtained though of doubtful logical consistency.
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2016
STOUGH, Cary , "The Incomplete English Poems of Fernando Pessoa" (2016). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 10, Fall, pp. 568-574. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library. Is Part of: Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, Issue 10 The Incomplete English Poems of Fernando Pessoa [Os Poemas Ingleses Incompletos de Fernando Pessoa] PESSOA, Fernando (2000). Poesia Inglesa II. Edited and translated into Portuguese by Luisa Freire. Lisbon: Assírio & Alvim.
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2016
PORTELA, Manuel, "Putting Your Heart to Sleep with Pentameters: A Prosodic, Lexical, and Syntactic Analysis of Fernando Pessoa's Sonnet X" (2016). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 10, Fall, pp. 173-192. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library. Is Part of: Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, Issue 10 Putting Your Heart to Sleep with Pentameters: A Prosodic, Lexical, and Syntactic Analysis of Pessoa’s "Sonnet X" [Pondo o Coração para Dormir em Pentâmetros: Uma análise prosódica, sintática e lexical do "Sonnet X" de Pessoa] ABSTRACT This article analyses Fernando Pessoa's Sonnet X ("As to a child, I talked my heart asleep") as a modernist parody of the Shakespearean sonnet. The presence of that highly constrained form is clearly recognizable at the level of both versification and language. At the same time, a number of "marked and essential differences" indicate that this poem is not a mere stylistic or thematic imitation of its model. The text's reflexive reference to the possibilities of splitting and binding sound to sense, on the one hand, and of splitting written self from writing self, on the other, highlight Pessoa's awareness of a self who is constituted in and through language. Weaving word-as-sound and word-as-sense with self-as-grammatical person, the text becomes the material evidence for the self-inventing and self-deceiving nature of literary activity. RESUMO Este artigo analisa o "Sonnet X" de Fernando Pessoa ("As to a child, I talked my heart asleep") como uma paródia modernista do soneto Shakespeariano. A presença desta forma tão constritiva é claramente reconhecível em ambas as dimensões da linguagem e da versificação. Ao mesmo tempo, um número de "marked and essential differences" (diferenças marcadas e essenciais) indicam que este poema não é apenas uma imitação estilística ou temática do seu modelo. A referência reflexiva do texto às possibilidades de dividir e amalgamar som e sentido, por um lado, e de separar o eu escrito do eu escritor, por outro lado, enfatizam a atenção de Pessoa a um eu que é construído na e através da linguagem. Entretecendo palavra-como-som e palavra-como-sentido com o eu-como-pessoa-gramatical, o texto torna-se a evidência material para o inventar-se e o iludir-se característicos da atividade literária. BIBLIOGRAPHY DARRAS, Jacques (ed.) (1999). Les métamorphoses du sonnet. Bruxelles: Le Cri. DUFFELL, Martin J. (2002). “The Italian line in English after Chaucer.” Language and Literature, nº 11, pp. 291-305. FERRARI, Patricio (2012a). “Meter and Rhythm in the Poetry of Fernando Pessoa.” Department of Linguistics. Unviersity of Lisbon. PhD Thesis. _____ (2012b). “Genetic Criticism and the Relevance of Metrics in Editing Pessoa’s Poetry.” Pessoa Plural —a Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, nº 2, Onésimo Almeida, Paulo de Medeiros, and Jerónimo Pizarro, eds., Brown University, Warwick University, and University of the Andes, Fall, pp. 1-57. _____ (2015). “Bridging Archives: Twenty-Five Unpublished English Poems by Fernando Pessoa.” Pessoa Plural, nº 8, Carlos Pittella, guest editor, Brown University, Warwick University, and University of the Andes, Fall, pp. 365-431. FRIEDBERG, Nila (2011). English Rhythms in Russian Verse: On the Experiment of Joseph Brodsky. Berlin: De Gruyter. FROTA, Sónia, Charlotte Galves, Marina Vigário, Verónica Gonzalez-Lopez, and Bernadete Abaurre (2012). “The Phonology of Rhythm: from Classical to Modern Portuguese.” Journal of Historical Linguistics, nº 2.2, pp. 173–207. FULLER, John (1972). The Sonnet. London: Methuen. HUTCHEON, Linda (1985). A Theory of Parody: The Teachings of Twentieth-century Art Forms. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. MEHLER, Jacques and Marina Nespor (2004). “Linguistic Rhythm and the Acquisition of Language.” Structures and Beyond: The Cartography of Syntactic Structures. Adriana Belleti, editor. Oxford: Oxford University Press, vol. 3, pp. 213-222. PESSOA, Fernando (1993). Poemas Ingleses. Antinous, Inscriptions, Epithalamium, 35 Sonnets. Edited by João Dionísio. Lisbon: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. Critical Edition of Fernando Pessoa. Major Series, Volume V, Tome III. _____ (1974). Poemas Ingleses. Antinous, Inscriptions, Epithalamium, 35 Sonnets e Dispersos. Bilingual edition with preface, translations, variants and notes by Jorge de Sena, and translations by Adolfo Casais Monteiro and José Blanc de Portugal. Lisbon: Ática. PORTELA, Manuel (2010). “‘O Corvo’ de Poessoa: Uma Filosofia da Tradução.” Revista da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, nº 7, pp. 40-52. Web: /bitstream/10284/2800/3/40-53.pdf PRINCE, F. T. (1977). “The Sonnet From Wyatt to Shakespeare.” Shakespeare: The Sonnets. Edited by Peter Jones. London: MacMillan. [Article first published in 1960]. RUSSOM, Geoffrey (2016). “Metrical Complexity in Pessoa's 35 Sonnets.” Pessoa Plural —a Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies (Inside the Mask: The English Poetry of Fernando Pessoa), nº 10, Patricio Ferrari, guest editor, Brown University, Warwick University, and University of the Andes, Fall. SHAKESPEARE, William (1986). The Sonnets and A Lover’s Complaint. Edited by John Kerrigan. London: Penguin. _____ (1998). Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Online. Renaissance Electronic Texts, University of Toronto. _____ (2000). The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Online MIT, 1993-2000.
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Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2016
Pessoa Plural - A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2014
Pessoa Plural - A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2012
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2016
Creating Through Mind and Emotions, 2022
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2014
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2014
Pessoa Plural - A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2016
Pessoa Plural—A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2018
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2019
A Companion to Lope de Vega, 2021
The Translator, 2020
Musica Theorica, 2017
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2022
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2016
Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, 2017