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Revista medica de Chile
Self efficacy refers to an individuals belief in his or her capability to produce given achievements and the individuals perception of his or her ability to perform an action. To evaluate the psychometric properties of the General Self-efficacy Scale in Chilean population. The study was carried out in 360 subjects, both sexes, 15-65 years of age, from Concepción, Chile, who answered Self-efficacy, Self-esteem and Health Status Perception instruments. Reliability was verified by Cronbachs alpha coefficient and validity by expert re-vision, univariate statistics, correlations among items, item-scale correlations, and correlations with Self-esteem and Perception of Health Status constructs. The structure of the scale is uni-dimensional, homogenous and positively related with the constructs examined. The General Self-efficacy Scale is a reliable and valid measure of the perception of self-efficacy in the Chilean population.
Revista Medica De Chile, 2010
Background: Self efficacy refers to an individual's belief in his or her capability to produce given achievements and the individual's perception of his or her ability to perform an action. Aim: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the General Self-efficacy Scale in Chilean population. Material and Methods: The study was carried out in 360 subjects, both sexes, 15-65 years of age, from Concepción, Chile, who answered Self-efficacy, Self-esteem and Health Status Perception instruments.
OBJECTIVE To adapt and validate in Spanish of Mexico scales to measure self-efficacy (SES) and empowerment for self-care (ES) among climacteric women. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted from February to July 2011 in two family medicine clinics in Mexico City. The adaptation phase was done through testing for language comprehension. To validate the scales we used the principal Axis factoring analysis with oblique rotation technique and estimation of Cronbach's alpha (CA). RESULTS Three hundred eighty women aged 45-59 years participated in the study. SES had 16 items with four factors: participation in the doctor-patient relationship; in the study control of mental health and sexual changes; risk of dying from cancer, and other health risks that explained 39.8% of the variability, CA = 0.84. ES had eight items with one factor explaining 47.1% variability; CA = 0.83. CONCLUSION Both scales had acceptable psychometric properties and are suitable for interventions aimed at...
Revista médica de Chile
The general self-efficacy scale (GSES): Reevaluation of its reliability and validity evidence in Chile Background: Self-efficacy is a psychological variable closely related to healthy behaviors. One of the most widely used instruments to measure this variable is the general self-efficacy scale (GSES). In Chile, the only psychometric study of this scale has important analytical limitations. Aim: To assess reliability and validity of GSES in a large Chilean sample. Material and Methods: The GSES and a self-esteem scale were applied to 2995 participants aged 11 to 76 years (60% women). Results: The scale showed optimal levels of homogeneity and internal consistency. The exploratory factor analysis and the parallel analysis suggested a one-dimensional internal structure. However, this model showed a mediocre fit in the confirmatory factor analysis due to the residual correlation between a pair of items with high semantic similarity. A one-dimensional model specifying this residual correlation attained an acceptable fit in a new confirmatory factor analysis. The new model reached strict invariance according to sex, and partial strict invariance according to age. The latent factor of the GSES showed a positive association with the latent factor of a self-esteem scale. Conclusions: The GSES is an adequate scale to measure general self-efficacy in the Chilean population and allows unbiased comparisons based on sex or age.
The purpose of this investigation was: 1) to analyze the psychometric properties of the (EAPESA in a sample of 3250 adolescents of Chile, and 2) to determine to what extent perceived academic self-efficacy predicts high learning and strategies tested by LASSY-HS. According to outcomes of the first study, the scale has a unidimensional structure, as show the confirmatory factor analysis, with high levels of internal consistency (α = .88), as well as adequate psychometric properties for the ten items that compose it. Regarding the second study, the logistic regression analysis showed that perceived academic self-efficacy positively and significantly predicted high levels of attitude, motivation, time magement, concentration, info processing, select the main ideas, study aids, self-testing and test strategies. Anxiety regarding, the results showed that the perceived academic self-efficacy predict anxiety negatively and significantly.
Resumen En este artículo se presenta la adaptación y validación de la escala de Autoeficacia Emprendedora en una muestra de más de mil estudiantes universitarios españoles. Esta escala fue desarrollada originalmente por De Noble, Jung y Ehrlich (1999) para evaluar las creencias del individuo sobre su propia capacidad para crear y gestionar una nueva empresa con éxito. La versión española de la escala está compuesta por las siguientes subes-calas: 1) Desarrollar nuevos productos, 2) Gestionar los Recursos Humanos, 3) Iniciar relaciones con inverso-res, 4) Construir un entorno innovador, y 5) Trabajar bajo estrés. Los resultados muestran que la escala obtie-ne una alta fiabilidad y permite predecir significativamente la intención de los estudiantes de desarrollar su carrera profesional a través del autoempleo. Abstract This paper presents the adaptation and validation of the Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy (ESE) scale in a sample of more than one thousand Spanish university students. This scale was originally developed by De Noble, Jung and Ehrlich (1999) in order to evaluate person's beliefs about his or her own capability to create and successfully manage a new business. The Spanish version of the scale is made of the following subscales: 1) Developing a new product, 2) Managing Human Resources, 3) Initiating investor relationships, 4) Building an innovative environment, and 5) Working under stress. The results show that the scale obtains high reliability and predicts students' intention of developing their career through self-employment.
Liberabit: Revista Peruana de Psicología, 2017
The purpose of this study was to translate and examine the psychometric properties of a driving self-efficacy scale developed by Dorn and Machin (2004). The factor structure, reliability and external validity of the scale were examined in a sample of 447 drivers from Cordoba, Argentina. In addition, measurement invariance across sex was also tested. Results from a confirmatory factor analysis support the unidimensional structure of the scale and the invariance of its parameters (configural, metric and scalar) between men and women. Reliability analyses using alpha and omega coefficients revealed high internal consistency (coefficients equal to .81 in both cases) and satisfactory evidence of external validity of the scale scores, with measures of risk perception, risky driving, history of traffic crashes and fines. Finally, results also showed that the scale seems to be relatively robust against response biases due to social desirability. In summary, findings support the validity and reliability of the scale in Argentina. However, further studies analyzing additional psychometric properties are needed.
Texto e Contexto Enfermagem
A society that increasingly demands quality services increasingly demands service assessment. In health care, patient satisfaction becomes a determining indicator in measuring quality care. Intending to offer a valid and reliable instrument for such nursing service assessment, this study aims to adapt the SERVQUAL scale to the Mexican culture. Cultural and semantic adaptation was performed by four experts in the area, who assessed the conceptual and cultural equivalence of the scale items. The internal consistency of the instrument was assessed through Cronbach's Alpha test, resulting in α=0.74 for the total scale, as well as through factor analysis, in which the five scale dimensions were detected. This demonstrates that the present scale is valid and reliable towards measuring nursing services offered to the Mexican population.
Cadernos de saúde pública, 2009
Self-rated health is a quality-of-life indicator. This study investigates the impact of individual-level and neighborhood-level socioeconomic characteristics, considered simultaneously, on the state of self-rated health at the individual level in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The study employs a two-level (individual and neighborhood) multilevel analysis, and the data sources were the 2005 Argentina National Risk Factor Survey (multistage probabilistic sample) and the 2001 Population Census. Linear regression shows that higher schooling and income, as well as occupational category, are related to better self-rated health, and increasing age with worse health. In the multilevel analysis, an increase in the proportion (per census tract) of individuals with less schooling was associated with an increase in the proportion of individuals with worse self-rated health. Improving the general health of the population requires strategies and action that reduce the levels of social inequalities in ...
Introduccion : La Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala inicio en 2011 el programa de Doctorado en Salud Publica para formar profesionales de alto nivel investigativo. Con los primeros graduados en el 2015 se realizo una autoevaluacion que concluyo con un plan de mejoras en busca de la acreditacion externa. Objetivo: Describir el proceso de autoevaluacion del Doctorado en Salud Publica, Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala, 2015. Metodos : Se realizo un estudio descriptivo en el que se consideraron los indicadores de la Agencia Centroamericana de Acreditacion de Programas de Posgrado y se aplico su guia de autoevaluacion para programas de posgrado en las fases de: sensibilizacion, preparacion, ejecucion y sintesis evaluativa. Los indicadores ponderados agruparon ocho categorias con el porcentaje de cumplimiento del programa en forma global, que describen tres niveles de madurez. Resultados : Se identificaron 165 indicadores para un 65 % de cumplimiento global. Por debajo de este val...
MLS Psychology Research, 2018
Resumen. Introducción: la autoestima puede ser una variable mediadora en el éxito de los procesos de rehabilitación en esquizofrenia. Algunos autores recomiendan el uso de escalas que diferencien entre las dimensiones positiva y negativa de la autoestima, como la Self-Esteem Rating Scale (SERS). El presente estudio pretende validar en español la forma abreviada de esta escala (SERS-SF). Método: el estudio se llevó a cabo con 370 participantes, 328 sujetos control y 42 pertenecientes a un grupo clínico (diagnóstico de esquizofrenia). Se analizó la existencia de dos dimensiones de la autoestima mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio, y se calcularon la fiabilidad test-retest, la validez de criterio y la consistencia interna para cada dimensión. También se estudiaron las relaciones entre autoestima y variables sociodemográficas en ambas muestras, así como con la sintomatología en el grupo clínico. Por último, se comparó el nivel de autoestima entre ambos grupos. Resultados: la adaptación al español de la SERS-SF mostró buenas propiedades psicométricas en ambas muestras. No se obtuvieron relaciones significativas con ninguna variable sociodemográfica. En el grupo clínico, la dimensión positiva de la autoestima se relacionó con los síntomas de ideas de grandeza, conciencia de enfermedad y depresión. La comparación entre sujetos control y clínicos mostró que éstos tenían peor autoestima, aunque en un alto porcentaje estaba dentro de valores normalizados. Discusión: estos resultados permiten concluir que la versión en español de la SERS-SF es una prueba adecuada para valorar de manera diferenciada las dimensiones positiva y negativa de la autoestima.
Rev Med Chile, 2023
Esta investigación tuvo apoyo financiero parcial del fondo concursable de investigación del colegio Médico de Chile Regional Santiago. Los autores declaran no tener conflictos de interés.
Escola Anna Nery
Resumen Objetivo Realizar validación y análisis de confiabilidad de la Escala de Valoración de Agencia de Autocuidado en adolescentes chilenos. Método Fue realizado en una muestra 199 adolescentes. La validación de contenido se hizo por revisión de expertos. Se exploró la confiabilidad y la validez de constructo por medio de análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y confirmatorio (AFC). Resultados Algunos términos de la escala se adaptaron culturalmente. La confiabilidad alfa de Cronbach de la escala de 24 ítems fue de 0,88. Los ítems 6, 11, 20 presentaron baja confiabilidad y correlación con la escala (<0,4). El AFE, sugirió solución factorial de cinco factores y un factor por gráfico de sedimentación. Las ecuaciones estructurales de los posibles modelos resultaron con valores de índices de ajuste, cercano a lo satisfactorio. Conclusiones e Implicaciones para la práctica Considerando la combinación de criterios: objetivos; basados en la teoría y en los análisis factoriales, la sol...
The aim of this study was to obtain the values of validity and reliability of the Instrument of Selfefficacy to Realize Healthy Behaviors in Healthy Children. The participants were 309 children between 6 and 12 years, without chronic diseases. A test-retest application of the instrument was carried out. The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha obtained showed an internal satisfactory consistence. There were no statistical differences between test-retest application, which means temporary stability. The exploratory factorial analysis did found two factors that explained 41.93 % of the variance: health protective activities and independence activities. In conclusion, the instrument showed sufficient psychometric properties to assess the dominion.
Anales del sistema sanitario de Navarra
To describe the reference values for the Spanish version of the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES-SF), considering the differences according to parity and previous breastfeeding experience. Cross-sectional study in five hospitals in Valencia and one in Murcia, Spain, in a convenience sample of 949 in-hospital breastfeeding women, with no medical problems in the mothers or newborns hindering breastfeeding. Data on sociodemographic and obstetric variables, and on breastfeeding self-efficacy, were collected using the BSES-SF. Central tendency, dispersion and percentile data were calculated to generate reference values for the entire sample, and by parity and previous experience. The level of self-efficacy was significantly lower (p <0.001) among primiparous women (mean =47.67±11.03) or those without previous experience (mean =47.30±11.18) than among multiparas (mean =52.87±10.66) or women with previous experience (mean =53.93±9.93). The P25 and P75 percentiles for t...
Ciencias Psiclógicas, 2021
Objetivo: Confirmar la estructura unifactorial de la Escala de Autoeficacia Percibida Específica de Situaciones Académicas (Eapesa), su fiabilidad y validez en relación con otras variables en universitarios ecuatorianos. Metodología: Estudio instrumental factorial de fiabilidad y validez de convergencia de la Eapesa. Participantes: 466 universitarios del Ecuador, 35.2 % hombres y 64.8 % mujeres, con edades entre 17 a 39 años (M= 21.27; DE= 2.9). Resultados: Se confirma el modelo unifactorial de la Eapesa con 7 ítems que presenta un adecuado ajuste: χ 2 = 40.01; p< .05; gl= 14; χ 2 /gl= 2.9; CFI= .966; TLI= .950; SRMR= .034; RMSEA= .063 IC95% [.050-.076] por encima de las versiones de 10 y 9 ítems. Una fiabilidad alta de ω= .92 [.90-.94] y convergencia moderada de r= .685; p< .01. Conclusiones: La Eapesa de 7 ítems es la versión de mejor rendimiento psicométrico para su aplicabilidad en universitarios del Ecuador. Objective: To confirm the unifactorial structure of the Scale of Specific Perceived Self-Efficacy of Academic Situations (Eapesa, by its acronym in Spanish), its reliability and validity in relation to other variables in Ecuadorian university students. Methodology: Eapesa's convergence validity, reliability and factorial instrumental study. Participants: 466 university students from Ecuador, 35.2% men and 64.8% women, aged between 17 to 39 years (M= 21.27; SD= 2.9). Results: Eapesa's unifactorial model is confirmed with 7 items that presents an adequate adjustment: χ 2 = 40.01; p< .05; gl= 14; χ 2 /gl= 2.9; CFI= .966; TLI= .950; SRMR= .034; RMSEA= .063 IC95% [.050-.076] above the versions of 10 and 9 items. A high reliability of ω= .92 [.90-.94] and moderate convergence of r= .685; p< .01. Conclusions: The 7-item Eapesa is the version with the best psychometric performance for its applicability in university students in Ecuador.
Nutricion hospitalaria, 2020
INTRODUCTION the Chilean "Programa Vida Sana" (Healthy Life Program) (PVS) seeks to reduce risk factors for chronic diseases in overweight/obese subjects between 2 and 64 years of age. OBJECTIVE to evaluate in 2-20-year-old participants the results of the PVS applied in 2017 in relation to nutritional status and fitness after a 6-month intervention. METHODS an observational study analyzing secondary data. During 6 months the PVS included: medical, nutritional and psychological consultations (PC), laboratory exams, physical activity sessions (PAS), and healthy life workshops (HLW). Subjects were categorized into: 2-5, 6-10, and 11-19 years. We analyzed participation in activities; improvement of nutritional status [BMI-Z] and fitness [standing long-jump test (SLJ), 6-minute walk test (6MWT), 30-second chair stand (30-SCS)] according to initial NS using Student's t-test for paired samples, and the contribution of the program´s activities to NS and fitness (logistic regre...
Retos digital/Retos, 2024
Resumen. La autoeficacia es un constructo psicológico que se refiere a la creencia en la propia capacidad para lograr metas y objetivos. Las evidencias científicas demuestran que la autoeficacia está positivamente asociada con la adopción de comportamientos saludables. En este punto, teniendo en cuenta la importancia que tiene la autoeficacia en aspectos de salud y su cuidado, el objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Autoeficacia en el Cuidado de la Alimentación y Salud Física (ACASF). Se realizó un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo y diseño transversal que involucró una muestra de 1339 sujetos de la ciudad de Chihuahua, México. El análisis psicométrico se llevó a cabo mediante análisis factoriales confirmatorios. Los resultados evidencian que la estructura pentafactorial del modelo ACASF-5Fm es viable y adecuada, además de diferencias significativas globales en los puntajes de la escala por rango de edad y género. Aun así, el alcance de estos resultados es limitado y se precisan investigaciones futuras que confirmen la estructura obtenida. Asimismo, es indispensable comprobar si la escala resulta útil para estudiar la relación entre la autoeficacia y el bienestar psicológico. Palabras clave: "propiedades psicométricas"; "ecuaciones estructurales"; "autoeficacia"; "cuidado de la alimentación"; "salud física"; "jóvenes".
PsycTESTS Dataset, 2020
Se presenta la adaptación al español y validación en una muestra chilena por conveniencia de la Escala de Auto-Ocultamiento (Self-Concealment Scale) de Larson y Chastain (1990). Participaron 193 adultos (100 hombres y 93 mujeres), con una edad media de 28,39 años (DE = 8,75), distribuidos en 3 grupos de la Región Metropolitana: 53 estudiantes universitarios, 64 estudiantes de un instituto de capacitación y 76 profesionales y dirigentes de una fundación sin fines de lucro. Para examinar la validez de la versión en español, se realizó un análisis factorial confirmatorio. Los resultados permiten inferir que la versión en español tiene propiedades psicométricas satisfactorias, presentando una alta consistencia interna (α = 0,85) y una aceptable estabilidad a través del tiempo (r = 0,74). Al igual que la escala original, la versión en español validada resultó ser unidimensional y las puntuaciones de la escala se correlacionaron directamente con sintomatología depresiva y ansiosa, medida a través del Outcome Questionnaire 30.2 (OQ 30.2). Estos hallazgos avalan el uso de la versión en español de la EAO en población de habla hispana. Palabras clave: escala de auto-ocultamiento, secreto, adaptación, validación, estudio metodológico This paper presents a Spanish-language adaptation of the Self-Concealment Scale (SCS) by Larson and Chastain (1990) and its validation in a Chilean convenience sample. The participants were 193 adults (100 men and 93 women) with a mean age of 28.39 years (SD = 8.75), grouped in 3 subsamples from the Metropolitan Region: 53 college students, 64 students from a technical institute, and 76 professionals and community leaders of a non-profit organization. In order to examine the validity of the Spanish-language version of the SCS, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. Results suggest that the Spanish-language version of the SCS has satisfactory psychometric properties, showing high internal consistency (α = 0.85) and acceptable stability over time (r = 0.74). Like the original scale, the validated Spanish-language version proved to be unidimensional and its scores correlated directly with anxious and depressive symptomatology as measured with the Outcome Questionnaire 30.2 (OQ 30.2). These findings support the use of this version of the SCS with Spanish-speaking population.
Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento ( RACC ), 2016
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