2007. Language, mind, and the lexicon. Hamburg: Peter Lang.



We all know that language is not possible without a mind. However, there are different ways in which language involves mental activity. The focus of the volume presented here will be precisely on one of those ways, in which the lexicon is the guiding principle of linguistic activity. This volume presents a selection of contributions around the topic of 'language, mind and the lexicon' which were part of the discussions at the fourth biannual conference of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association, held in Saragossa (Spain) in 2004. The main topic of the conference was lexical meaning and different approaches to its study, and this choice was a consequence of the study that at the time the organizers were carrying out within the research project sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology entitled "Contrastive lexical categorization, with special emphasis on English" (ref. BFF2002-168). The main lines of this research project are described in the first chapter of the book, and are a good starting point for the discussion of many related issues that are presented by all the contributors in the following pages.