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1998, … in computer and information sciences' 98: …
Effective co-operation among agents requires a common communication language. In the past, research on software agents concentrated on agent architectures, problem-specific agent types, and general agent properties. Since, research on agent co-operation was problem-oriented or domainspecific, there is still a wide gap between the various existing software agent models. The lack of communication standards prevents from effective agent co-operation. In this work we present the first results of an ongoing research that aimed at defining a formal language for agent communication and experimenting with it in a prototype, with the goal to identify general properties of an agent communication language. These properties than can serve as a basis for related standards. We present our work first by discussing the status quo of software agents in short and by referring to related technologies, such as distributed objects. Thereafter, general agent architecture, agent properties, common agent types, and agent communication languages are analysed. We introduce the agent communication language AgentCom and present its experimental utilisation in the prototype CourseMan, which is responsible for managing courses in a distributed environment. Through learning by observation of sample transactions, we present how the language semantics of AgentCom can be improved in CourseMan. Finally, general properties of agent communication languages and distributed objects are compared with each other. * This paper was published at ISCIS'98.
Today's software platforms that support the construction of agent systems in accordance with the FIPA specifications essentially provide enabling infrastructure services, and are still far away from adequately rendering support to current methodologies and theories for building agent systems, especially when social concepts play a significant role. Elsewhere, we have presented the RICA theory, that smoothly integrates relevant aspects of Agent Communication Languages and Organisational Models, so as to provide guidelines for agent system design. This paper explores the impact of this theory on the actual development and implementation of agent-based applications. For this purpose, the RICA metamodel is considered as a programming language, in which roles, interactions, communicative actions, etc., are first-class language entities. We show how this language can be effectively implemented as a software framework that extends the JADE platform, and provide an example that illustrates its potential.
With the rapid technological development particularly in the computer industry, many computer programming languages are being developed with many computer programs written in these languages. Writing good programs takes time and effort. It is therefore necessary that programs once written should be able to work together (interoperate) with each other so that a program written in one language can benefit from the advantages that may be associated with another program written in another language. One of the problems with interoperation of programs is the heterogeneity of the programs. This is because programs are written by different people, at different times, in different languages and with different interfaces. Agent-base Software Engineering is an attempt to facilitate the creation of software products that can easily interoperate in such settings. In Agent-base Software Engineering, programs are written as software agents (software components) that communicate with each other by exchanging messages through a communication language. For a successful communication in such heterogeneous environments, the agents have to share knowledge with each other. The aim of this tutorial is to discuss agent communication and knowledge sharing. A discussion about agent communication, methods of agent communication, agent communication languages, content languages and knowledge sharing between agents is presented together with constraints that may inhibit successful knowledge sharing and agent communication.
Agent technology is a new emerging paradigm for software systems. In order to fully utilize the capability of this technology, multiple agents operate in software environment by cooperating, coordinating or negotiating with each other. However, these interactions require these agents to communicate with each other through a common language or protocol. Agent communication language (ACL) is a vital component in multiagent system (MAS) to enable the agents to communicate and exchange messages and knowledge. However, there are no universally agreed agent communication language that is widely adopted. Different agent communication languages and different semantic models have been developed to ease the communication between agents in MAS. The purpose of this paper is to review and highlight advances in the development of ACL.
In the last decades, a significant growth of agent oriented systems has been observed, which has stimulated a more precise formalism for the definition of both agent and multi-agent systems, as well as the release of a huge number of agent development environment. In this work a new programming paradigm is proposed, that is agent oriented programming instead of object oriented programming. The guidelines for the realization of a suited agent programming language, that is an agent oriented language, can be derived according to the basic characteristics that software agents must have. As well as object oriented programming fully exploits the structured programming basic concepts, agent oriented programming will strongly benefit of both the object oriented model and logic programming theoretical basis. A project for the development of a novel architecture has been presented for software agents' development in an agent based system that is an Agent Programming Framework based on the Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR).
Knowledge and Information Systems, 2000
Like societies of humans, there is a need for agents in a multi-agent system to rely on one another, enlist the support of peers in order to solve complex tasks. Agents will be able to cooperate only through a meaningful communication language that can bear correctly their mental states and convey precisely the content of their messages. In search for the ideal agent communication language (ACL), several initiatives like the pioneering work of the Knowledge Sharing Effort and the Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) are paving the way for a platform where all agents would be able to interact regardless of their implementation environment. ACL is a new field of study that could gain from a survey in expanding its application areas. For this purpose, we examine in this paper the state of the art in ACL design and suggest some principles for building a generalized ACL framework. We then evaluate some existing ACL models, and present the current issues in ACL research, and new perspectives.
Agent technology is an exciting and important new way to create complex software systems. Agents blend many of the traditional properties of AI programs—knowledge-level reasoning, flexibility, proactiveness, goaldirectedness, and so forth—with insights gained from distributed software engineering, machine learning, negotiation and teamwork theory, and the social sciences.
This article presents informal and formal specifications of some basic concepts (terms) and properties of agent theory, the design and imperative and recursive implementations of intelligent agents and supports agent approach in computer science.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008
In this paper we are concerned with proposing, analyzing and implementing simple, yet flexible, constructs for multi-agent programming. In particular, we wish to extend programming languages based on the BDI style of logical agent model with two such constructs, namely constraints and content/context sets. These two aspects provide sufficient expressive power to allow us to represent, simply and with semantic clarity, a wide range of organisational structures for multi-agent systems. We not only introduce this approach, but provide its formal semantics, through modification of an operational semantics based on the core of AGENTSPEAK, 3APL and METATEM. In addition, we provide illustrative examples by simulating both constraints and content/context sets within the Jason interpreter for AGENTSPEAK. In summary, we advocate the use of these simple constructs in many logic-based BDI languages, by appealing to their applicability, simplicity and clear semantics. ⋆
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1996
Thischapter d i scusses t h e d e sirablefeatures o fl a nguages a n d p r otocols f o r communication a m ong i n telligent i n formation a g ents. T h ese desiderata ared i videdintosevencategories:f o rm,content,semantics,im plementation,n e tworking, e n vironment, a n dreliability. T h e K n owledge Q u ery a n d M anipulation Language K QML i s a n e wl a nguage a n d p r otocol f o r e xchanging i n formation andk n owledge. T h is w o rki sp a rto fal a rger e ort, t h e A R PAKn owledge S h ar-ingE ort,wh ichisaimedatdevelopingtechniquesandmethodologiesforb uildinglarge scale k n owledgeb a sesthataresharablea n dreusable.K Q MLisbo tha messageformatandamessage handlingprotocoltosupportrun timeknowledge sharinga m onga g ents. K Q MLis described a n de valuateda sa na g ent c o mmunicationlanguagerelative t o t h edesiderata. ToappearinIntelligentAg entsV olume I I P r oceedingsofthe1995Workshopon Agent T h eories, A r chitectures, a n d L a nguages. M. W ooldridge, J .P. M u ller a n d M.T ambeeds.L e ctureN o tesi nA r ti cialI n telligence,S p ringer-Verlag,1 9 96. Software agent technologies Scripting languages Agent communication languages Languages for software agents Theoretical frameworks Models of human communication Coordination protocols Agent languages KQML Tcl/Tk Java Telescript CORBA ILU OpenDoc OLE
Increasingly, software applications involve open systems consisting of autonomous and heterogeneous participants or agents who carry out loosely coupled interactions. Accordingly, understanding and specifying communications among agents is a key concern for such systems. A focus on ways to formalize meaning distinguishes agent communication from traditional distributed computing: meaning provides a basis for flexible interactions and compliance checking.
Our main objective is to demonstrate that agent techniques can be used successfully in web applications. Developing systems using agents covers a wide range of issues that might be overwhelming, particularly in a teaching environment. After describing essential qualities of software agents we present the Software Agent Architecture Pattern, used for teaching agent concepts and for reuse by undergraduate students in the development of course projects. Future plans include a working example based on this approach and a framework to develop web applications using agents.
2014 Ieee Wic Acm International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technologies, 2014
Complex software systems development require appropriate high-level features to better and easily tackle the new requirements in terms of interactions, concurrency and distribution. This requires a paradigm change in software engineering and corresponding programming languages. We are convinced that agent-oriented programming may be the support for this change by focusing on a small corpus of commonly accepted concepts and the corresponding programming language in line with the current developers' programming practices. This papers introduces SARL, a new general-purpose agent-oriented programming language undertaking this challenge. SARL comes with its full support in the Eclipse IDE for compilation and debugging, and a new version 2.0 of the Janus platform for execution purposes. The main perspective that guided the creation of SARL is the establishment of an open and easily extensible language. Our expectation is to provide the community with a common forum in terms of a first working testbed to study and compare various programming alternatives and associated metamodels.
In this paper, we present the GD-calculus witch is an elementary functional distributed agent language with a new approach of messages communication between agents in a distributed environment. This strategy is based on a static analysis which allows determining the parts of a message that must be transmitted. The agents we consider have a functional script and manipulate the terms of the GD- calculus. The expressions of this language correspond to those of -calculus extent by agent primitives.
This paper deals with communication protocols between agents and between agents and users [3]. It presents a new communication model which is based on a careful analysis of speech act theory and on two fundamental principles applied to communication: a) communication is considered as a negotiation process and, b) communication results in an exchange of mental states. Using this model of communication and the conceptual graph formalism for the representational level, we propose a new agent communication language, called CG-KQML+ which is an extension of the KQML language. The paper also shows the use of CG-KQML+ in a MAS called POSTAGE which aims at helping users in their correspondence task. In POSTAGE, software agents manage administrative correspondence on behalf of and in cooperation with their users. Users and agents have interactions which respect administrative correspondence rules. A POSTAGE agent is responsible for sending the generated message to the addressee's POSTAGE agent. The paper presents the second version of POSTAGE which is implemented using the Prolog+CG language. This paper deals with communication protocols between agents and between agents and users [ 3]. It presents a new communication model which is based on a deep analysis of speech act theory [ 22] [28] and on two fundamental principles: a) communication is considered as a negotiation process [14, 18], b) communication results in an exchange of mental states [7, 24]. Thus, we consider agents' communication as exchanges of mental states (goals, beliefs, etc.) and exchanges of what we call communicational states (CS). Communication is considered as a negotiation game where agents negotiate about proposed CSs. An agent proposes a CS and other agents react to the proposal by accepting, rejecting the proposed CS or even asking for further information. Such an action establishes a relationship between the CS and the agent that is called an agent's positioning. Using this model of communication and the conceptual graph formalism for the representational level, we developed a new agent communication language, called CG-KQML+ which is an extension of the KQML language [12]. CG-KQML+ overcomes some limitations of KQML: KQML performatives are limited to the assertive and directive categories, inappropriate choice of performatives, different interpretations of KQML performatives. The paper also shows the use of CG-KQML+ in a MAS called POSTAGE (POSTman AGEnt) [2]. The aim of this MAS is to help users to achieve correspondence tasks. In POSTAGE, software agents manage administrative correspondence on behalf of and in cooperation with their users. Users and agents interact respecting administrative correspondence rules. A POSTAGE agent is responsible for sending the generated message to the addressee's POSTAGE agent. A first version of POSTAGE has been implemented using ECLIPSE [11] and Delphi [9]. Since that time and by using the Conceptual Graph formalism more fully, we enhanced our standardization work as well as our formulation of POSTAGE. Now, a new version of POSTAGE has been implemented with Prolog+CG language [ 15]. Being a CG-based extension of Prolog, Prolog+CG provides the abstraction level needed to easily implement a CG-based application. Indeed, our new version of POSTAGE is more concise and readable. Moreover, the integration of Java and Prolog+CG [16] enabled us to develop the front/end interface using Java and the kernel of the system using Prolog+CG. Section 2 presents our agent communication model. Section 3 presents CG-KQML+. Section 4 presents the POSTAGE multi-agent system. Section 5 discusses some future works and concludes the paper. 2 The communication model When interacting, agents can engage in two kinds of communication: agent/user communication and inter-agent communication (Figure 1). Agents communicate with users in order to characterize their needs and to provide them with answers or solutions. Agents communicate with each other in order to exchange various kinds of information. When communicating with other agents, an agent uses a specific Agent Communication Language (ACL). An agent's architecture contains a communication process which handles communication activities as well as other processes used to perform various tasks such as planning, decision making or negotiation. In this paper, we focus on the communication activity.
Agent communication is a core issue when studying all possible ways for agents to organize and collaborate to achieve their goals. We can count on communication standards, as the FIPA Interaction Protocols. On the other hand we can count on high level agent programming languages, like AgentSpeak, which allow us to model and represent the agent and its knowledge and behavior. When implementing a conversation between agents it is necessary to deal with synchronization, communication fails, security, consistency,. . . This may lead to leave aside the core issue: the information that the agents must exchange and the reasoning process to obtain the results.
The metaphors of autonomous agents and agent societies have t h e p o t e n tial to make a signi cant impact on the processes of analysis, design, and development of complex software systems on the Internet. In this chapter, we concentrate predominantly on agent societies, and show h o w w ork on coordination models and technologies provides a p o werful framework for the engineering of Internet-based, multi-agent systems. First, we introduce the concepts of agent, multi-agent system, and agent-oriented software engineering, and highlight the speci c issues that arise when we take the Internet as the environment t h a t a g e n ts inhabit. We t h e n p r o vide a brief survey of the state of the art in the area of agent-oriented methodologies, paying particular attention to the Gaia methodology for agent-oriented analysis and design. Gaia was originally conceived for benevolent agents inhabiting closed systems. However, to broaden its scope, we s h o w how insights from the area of coordination models can be incorporated in order to make it more suitable for developing Internet-based applications. Published as Chapter 13 in the Book: Coordination of Internet Agents: Models, Technologies and Applications, A . O m i c i n i , F . Z a m bonelli, M. Klusch, R. Tolksdorf (Eds.), Springer, 2000.
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2008
Proceedings of the first …, 2002
As multi-agent systems research nears the end of its second decade, researchers have moved beyond stand-alone, one-off systems and have begun to create the software infrastructure for quickly creating new, highly interoperable systems. However, the desire for seamless interoperability ("open" systems) brings with it the push to standardize on agent communication languages and related agent service facilities. Although a host of theoretical and practical controversies surround the specification of such standards, some shared, guiding principles have emerged.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008
Collective operation is a concept of parallel programming in which many processes participate in an operation. Since collective operations are suitable for modeling the coordination of many processes, they can be used to model cooperating agents in a multiagent system. In this paper, we propose an agent oriented programming language that exploits collective operations to abstract the cooperating process of agents. We also present a method for implementing collective operations while maintaining the autonomous computational model of agent. Our experiment shows that our language and cooperation model have many advantages in developing multiagent systems... .
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