Seminar Magazine CPEC 2022

2022, Seminar Magazine

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has been widely touted as a ‘game changer’ for Pakistan. Part of China’s wider Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), it was to include enormous amounts of Chinese ‘investments’ to improve Pakistan’s infrastructure and energy as well as expanding the port (and airport) of Gwadar. Officially launched in 2015, it has been variously described either as the solution to all of Pakistan’s problems, increasing Pakistan’s exports and improving its GDP, or as a Chinese trap to saddle Pakistan with debts so large that Pakistan would have to cede control of vital parts of its territory and infrastructure to China in lieu of repayment. Partly building on research co-authored with Filippo Boni, this paper assesses how CPEC progressed under the premiership of Imran Khan, whether there is any evidence of CPEC delivering on its promises, and where we should look to the future following the return of the PML-N to power.