A Validation Test of a Field-Based Phosphate Analysis Technique

1996, Journal of Archaeological Science

In this report, we evaluate a modified version of Eidt's (1973) field-based phosphate analysis technique to explore its validity. Soil samples were collected and analysed from an archaeological site in the Sunol Valley, Alameda County, California. Four characteristics were recorded for all soil samples. To evaluate the technique statistically, a ranking method was developed for each character and phosphate values were calculated. Based on site boundaries established by other archaeological techniques, including survey and mechanical subsurface testing, these phosphate values were designated as either ''on-site'' or ''off-site''. Discriminant function analysis was then used to determine whether the phosphate values could be used reliably to classify sample locations. A valid threshold phosphate value, which we believe is predictive for other archaeological sites in the immediate geologic region, was developed for the Sunol Valley site. We suggest that once a minimum ''site'' value for phosphate is established in a region, Eidt's modified technique can be used to identify areas of prior human occupation. In field situations where vegetation is dense and surface visibility is poor, this technique can offer a quick and inexpensive assessment of soil and site presence when other investigative approaches are not feasible.