Special Issue: Post-Anthropocentric Creativity Editorial



Sue Gollifer has been the Art Space Editor for Digital Creativity since it's conception in 1998. An artist's space that includes the work of practice-based artists who use digital technologies significantly in their artistic work. Recent featured ‘Art Spaces’ includes work from the curated Exhibitions: ISEA2011 ‘Uncontainable’, Istanbul; the Alan Turing touring Exhibition ‘Intuition and Ingenuity’ celebrating 100th anniversary of his birth of Alan Turing, and the SIGGRAPH Art Gallery ‘Acting in Translation’ 2014. Sue is the Director of the ISEA International Headquarters and the Chair of the ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Arts Award. She is an artist a curator and a Principal Lecturer and the Course Leader for Digital Media Arts MA and a researcher at the University of Brighton, UK. Digital Creativity has a new look. The page layout for Digital Creativity will follow an updated design that responds to the overall update at the publisher and hopefully increase readability online ...