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The research deals of language shift. the problems of this study are What factors that make language shift occurs in Java community members in Medan and Why does language shift occur in Java community members in Medan . T he objectives of the study are t o find out what factors make language shift occurs in Java community members in Medan and to find out why language shift occurs in Java community in Medan. the study is considered to enrich the theories in language planning especially about Java language shift in Medan, factors influence java language in Medan, reasons of the Javanese people shifts into Indonesian language in Medan . The method of collecting data for this research is qualitative research design with a single case study to get the understanding on this study . the research can claim that Java language shift is influenced by bilingualism, migration, and economic, value and attitude factor and reason of the Java language shift into Indonesian language is the status I...
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
This study aims to present language shift analysis of javanese language that is happened in South Tangerang. This study uses case study qualitative method that collects the data from 3 subjects about language shift that related to some theories and sources. The object of the study is language used of javanese language that provides subjects who have language shifting in their daily speaking. As a result, the research can claim that the Java language shift is influenced by bilingualism, migration, and economic, value, and attitude factor and the reason for the Java language shift into the Indonesian language is the status Indonesian language.
This research dissects the shift of Javanese into Acehnese in Pulo Loih village, Pidie. The Javanese live in the Pulo Loih village they followed the transmigration program which was not extended by the government and then moved to Pulo Loih village. This community is the focus of the researchers to conduct research that includes factors shifting Javanese into Acehnese and patterns of language shifting. Qualitative descriptive is a method applied in this study to collect data from 12 participants (eight adults and four children). After analyzing it, it was revealed that Javanese language users have disappeared among children while parents still interact with Javanese. There two factors that the researchers found in this study, namely internal factors and external factors. As for internal factors, parents do not teach Javanese and never interact in Javanese with their children. External factors include safety factors, economic factors, and social factors. These factors have proven tha...
As one of some big companies, Nikomas has more than 30 thousands population for its workers and it is spread within 26 companies. Most of the workers come from central and east Java, whereas the rest come from some districts in Banten Province: Serang, Pandeglang, and Tangerang For its large population, Javanese is used in daily communication among them. The fact is that, they are now living and working in Banten, the place where the language and culture are different from them. Deal with this phenomenon; it is interesting to find out how Javanese people preserved their own language and how they treat other languages, such as Sundanese and Javanese Banten. To reveal the fact, questionnaire is distributed to almost 200 workers. A number of workers are only taken from one division in Nike Company, i.e. production division. The questionnaire is intended to describe Javanese people preserve their mother tongue The questionnaire shows that they use their mother tongue
This article presents a case study of language acculturation particularly code-switching which emerges in Madurist community in Menduro, Jombang, East Java. The purpose of conducting this study was to portray the phenomenon of switching more than two languages and factors influencing it within the community to show the variety of Indonesian unique culture. To gain the data, interview was carried out and the recording script was elaborated. Based on the result, it was found that Madurist code-switch the languages of their mother tongue (Madurese), region based (Javanese) and national language (Bahasa Indonesia). The factors were marriage and trade.
Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan
This study aims to determine the language choice of Indonesian ethnic Javanese, especially of the Brang Kidul of Ponoragan; based on the distinguishing vocabulary and intonation in the narrative. “Ponorogo Brang Kidul” is the designation for the southern part of Ponorogo Regency of the East Java Province. Employing qualitative research method, sociolinguistic approach, and research communication model, this research was conducted in the higher education community toward three respondents who are native Ponoragan Javanese speakers. The research data were obtained from recorded dialogues of speakers in four speech contexts between students and lecturers and between fellow students. The language code selection patterns found were Bahasa Jawa (BJ), Bahasa Jawa Ponoragan (BJP), Bahasa Arab (BA), and Bahasa Indonesia (BI) which would had been considered mainly based on situations, age, and social status. The BJP vocabularies frequently found in the Brang Kidul dialect were "alah mend...
ENLIT Journal, 2021
The ability of the Tetun community to use two languages or bilingual will give birth to the transfer or transition of languages. In the transition or transfer of language, two very important things will emerge, namely positive and negative transfers. Negative transfers will cause interference and positive transfers will lead to integration. Integration arises from positive transfer because it benefits both languages from the donor language into the recipient language or the absorbing language. The recipient's language is Tetun and the granting language is Indonesian. The purpose of this study is to determine the forms of language integration Indonesian into Tetun in the conversation of traders and buyers in Pasar Baru Betun, Central Malaka Sub-District, Malaka District. The researcher focused on the integration of Indonesian into Tetun. This type of research is qualitative research, the technique used in collecting data is the technique of record, see and interview. The resu...
___________________________________________________________________ Tegal regency people is diglossic community having two languages namely Javanese and Indonesian. The adjustments of the role and the function of those languages are occured in the city, especially in Senior High School educational domain, taking form of the roles and functions of Javanese and Indonesian languages. The purposes of the research are to analyze the patternof Javanese-Indonesian language diglossic patterns in Tegal SHS educational domains. The research is descriptive qualitative and perspective sociolinguistics. The data collection uses observe and conversational methods. The diglossia of the domain uses Miles and Huberman, covering data collection, data reduction, then data serving and concluding. Based on analysis, the diglossic patters of the domain are: (1) Standardized Indonesian language and Javanese language are included in high language variation used in formal situation, and (2) non-standardized Indonesian and Javanese languages are used in non-formal situations and included in low language variation.
The purpose of this study was to determine the attitude of Javanese language through speech level in District of Bandar Selamat, Medan. The method used in this research is qualitative research. The results showed that (1) there were two types of speech levels in District of Bandar Selamat, namely Madya and Ngoko. They use the Intermediate speech level not because they know about the speech level well, but such speaking style comes naturally to themselves because of the influence of family and environment and they still maintain and care about manners, Andap-ansor, and Tanggap ing sasmita even though they live in another city. And they use Ngoko's speech level because of the transmigration effect that requires them to use Indonesian because they are in an environment that consists of many tribes, therefore they speak the same as the people there and don't care anymore with manners, Andap-ansor and Tanggap ing sasmita ( 2) Javanese language character and attitude in District o...
This research is about sociolinguistics which focuses on choosing the language used by the young Balinese generation on the Sanur beach. This research used Joshua Fishman's theory. The purpose of this study was to identify the choice of Balinese language for the young generation in Sanur, the factors that influence the choice of the use of Balinese in the young generation, the importance of language use, the choice of language according to the young Balinese generation, and the obstacles of the young Balinese generation in using the language. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive approach to manage the data selection in this study. The data is taken from the questionnaire results given by the researcher as the instrument of this research. The data collection results show that the language chosen by the young Balinese generation in Sanur beach is Indonesian. The overall results of this study show that the language choice of the young Balinese generation influenced the language recipient factor and the level of importance of the language itself.
Medan is the biggest city in North Sumatera. In Medan, there are so many vernacular languages. Vernacular language is a symbol of ethnic identity. Maintaining vernacular language means maintaining identity. This study focuses on the dominant factor and the ways in vernacular language maintenance in Javanese-Batak families in Medan, Indonesia. There are four couples as subjects. This study applies qualitative research, especially case study. Data are taken from interview and observation. The technique of data analysis uses Miles and Huberman model which is divided into four steps; data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. The findings of the data are 1) Attitude and parents' role at home are the dominant factor from three factors which influence the vernacular language maintenance in Javanese-Batak families. 2) Language maintenance can be done through three ways, they are: language choice at home, bringing children to ethnic church, and hearing traditional songs.
In the research paper named Language Shift and "Language Maintenance of Local Languages toward Indonesian" the writer talks about language shift and many factors attached to it. This study aims to investigate the tendency of everyday language use with the aid of Indonesians and the choice of using local languages or Indonesian in ordinary life. The outcome from this survey shows that Indonesian people have a very positive attitude towards their language and dialects. The information acquired showed that most respondents favour utilizing Indonesian language in the family and neighbourhood areas, where they spend practically the entirety of their time. However, Indonesian is frequently utilized in the instructive and general places because of the interest and the adequacy of correspondence. Significantly, the finding from this study exhibits that Local dialects have not been moved at this point since they are still as often as possible utilized in the family and neighbourhood. Basically after this research it proved that they preserve the local language for their future generations.
Bilingual : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
This study focused in Indonesia Language influences shifting in Simalungun Language. The problem of the study is “How is Simalungun Language shift in Pematangsiantar.” The objective of the study is to determine the factor influences Simalumgun Language shift in Pematangsiantar. The significance of the research are: 1) Theoritically, the study considered to enrich the theory of language planning especially about Simalungun language shift in Pematangsiantar and the reason of Simalungunese shift into Indonesian. 2) Practically, the result of the study is considered to contribute information about language shift in Simalungunese for the researcher. The findings of the research are Language shift (especially Simalungunism) in the second and the third generation is influence by bilingualism, migration, economic factor, value and attitude, The pattern of Language shift is done through the shift of Simalungun Language to Indonesian Language in second and the third generation and The reason ...
A research of language attitude is getting much attention for years in some fields. Due to the importance of the language attitude, this research intends to describe the language attitude of Sundanese towards English language in Eastern Priangan, West Java Province. This study employed a descriptive qualitative research. The data used is the data obtained through questioners, observations, and in-depth interviews to know the attitude of the Sundanese community language. Respondents which were involved in the research are respondents living in Eastern Priangan, such as Ciamis, Banjar, Tasikmalaya city, Tasikmalaya regency, Sumedang, Garut, and Pangandaran. This research took a social situation. The result of the research shows that Sundanese people in Eastern Priangan have different language attitude, in terms of cognitive, behavioural, and affective aspects towards English as a foreign language. It indicates that the language attitudes of Sundanese community have different language ...
SALTeL Journal (Southeast Asia Language Teaching and Learning)
This research was intended to investigate the types, the factors, and the reasons of language maintenance. Research design in this study was in case study approach by using descriptive qualitative method. The data were the intensity of using utterances of Javanese language in transcript of the interview to the Javanese early family in language maintenance. The data source of this research was intermarriage Javanese family. Techniques of collecting the data in this research were observation, interview and documentation. Data were analysed by using Miles, Huberman, and Saldana’s theory with the processes of data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Result of the research showed that the language maintenance was based on active language maintenance type. Factor of language maintenance was the loyalty to maintain its language although it face. The reason of language maintenance was to keep ethnic identity. Meanwhile, it did not happen to their fourth child, ...
Santri: Journal of Pesantren and Fiqh Sosial, 2020
This study reveals the role of Pesantren and Kitab Kuning in maintaining Javanese Language. This focus on how the Javanese language maintenance process through the transmission of cultural values and learning at the Pesantren Al-Falah Salafi Brebes and other supporting factors of the Javanese language maintenance process. This qualitative research uses a sociolinguistic approach. The type of data is the form of socio-cultural words and expressions, learning curricula, and Javanese language maintenance programs in Pesantren. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and document study. Data analysis technique is done by identifying, classifying and interpreting the data. The results showed that the process of maintaining Javanese language takes place on several ways: 1) Learning Kitab Kuning through Sorogan, Bandongan, Pasaran methods. 2) Tradition of dialogue through Khitobahan, Majlis Orda and Bahtsul Masail. 3) Personification of Kiai with the necessity to use...
Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies eBooks, 2010
Lire Journal (Journal of Linguistics and Literature)
Historically, the immigrant has been living and interacting with Makassar people and others in Makassar since 2014 until today. These interactions result unique way of how these immigrant use language to communicate. This article mainly aimed to describe how was the language used among immigrant in Makassar. The data were collected through observation by recording the conversation and interviewing some of the participants to confirm how and why they used certain dialect during the conversation. These interactions by using some language variation or dialects can be called a language contact situation. In their early presence that immigrant used English (Eng) and Indonesia language (IL) formally to communicate with IOM staff, UNHCR staff, among immigrant, and out of them, but when they have access to live for a while in Makassar, they interact with Makassar people freely and they use various languages such as Makassar language (ML), Indonesian language by Makassar Malay language (MML...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022
The study reported here aims to figure out the language attitudes of the community members of the Konjonese language, a minority language in the Bulukumba Regency of South Sulawesi Indonesia. It involves three villages of sub-district Bonto Tiro; Batang, Bonto Bulaeng, and Tamalanrea. The study is descriptive quantitative assigning two independent variables; the age group comprising three categories; teenagers, adults, and the olds. The educational background consists of two groups; the less-educated, and well-educated groups. Data were obtained from 45 respondents through questionnaires and additional data were obtained from field observation and interviewing the villages figures such as the village heads, teachers, and religious leaders. The study identified four contributing factors as the skeletal bones of language attitudes; high appreciation to their local language, pride in using their local language, open-mindedness to everyone, and modesty. The study then concluded that the Konjonese language is developed and growing and as such it is relatively safe from endangerment due to the positive attitudes of the community members. A language shift is occurring in the community because of the increased use of the Indonesian language in the community. However, this is not alarming as the community members possess those skeletal bones protecting them from shifting their local language to the other language, including the Indonesian language, from their genuine and natural domains like homes, neighborhood, and the likes. Rather, it results in a stable bilingual for the community
Proceedings of the 2nd Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference: Establishing Identities through Language, Culture, and Education (SOSHEC 2018)
The aim of this study is to describe the form, the socio-cultural context, and the social meaning of the Javanese language varieties. In this research, the researchers used descriptive qualitative research with case study design. The data of this research were obtained from the people utterances. Observation, interview, and documentation were used to collect the data. There were 30 participants involved in this research. The instruments of this research were an audio recording, a questionnaire, and note. Triangulation was applied to measure the validity of data. The researchers used content analysis for peeling utterances in text form. For analyzing the data, the researchers used An Interactive Model of Analysis. The results of this study revealed that 40 words differ from the basic vocabulary. The context of the Javanese language varieties is particular context and general context based on the participant, setting, topic, and the function. There are four social meaning such as group identity, solidarity, politeness, and pride. The participants in this study were relatively small. Conducting similar studies with more participants involved would be helpful. Moreover, it would be insightful to examine the use of Javanese language varieties among people around Java.
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