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2020, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
College life is one of the most memorable experiences which everyone want to cherish. The ecosystem including vibrant environment, friends and the various academic and cocurricular activities chisels the overall personality of a person. They paves the way to the future. In this highly competitive era, they need to prepare themselves for their future life and career. Sometimes the expectation from the various spheres of their surroundings leads to pressure, which ultimately leads to anxiety, stress and mental trauma. In order to represent youth, researchers have considered students undergoing postgraduate in Business management studies. This paper identifies the factors leading to stress among management students
The objective of this study is to explore the components of academic stress among the post graduate management students. Academic stress among students has long been researched on, and researchers have identified different stressors. The study further tries to make an in-depth investigation into each component of academic stress such as curriculum and instruction, team work related issues, assessment, and placement, to identify the micro issues that are causing stress. Around twelve micro issues have been identified under the curriculum and instruction component while four stressors were prioritized related to team work; five sub issues regarding assessment and three micro issuses under placement components of academic stress. The sample comprises of 500 postgraduate management students from various management institutes spread across the Warangal district of Andhra Pradesh in India. Data was collected through self designed academic stress questionnaire based on previous models available.
Tij S Research Journal of Commerce Behavioural Science Rjcbs, 2014
Stress is normal and it can help a student keep track of his tasks but it only becomes a deterrent to good life when it gets in the way of living a healthy lifestyle. Youngsters today are experiencing high levels of stress. The sources of stress are diverse for youngsters in different age levels. Among 13-17 year old, academics is by far most commonly mentioned source. Among 18-24 old, it is jobs and financial matters. Academic and career related pressures are ruining the life of young people. An average teenager today wants excel in school, perform well in sports, keep up with the latest trends and choose the right higher education stream. Youngsters in their 20's want a well paid job, they want saving for buying assets and also want to choose the right life partner. Added to this is the pressure to try and meet the expectations of the parents. This study attempted to find the level of stress among the post and under graduate students , which group of student face more stress. It was found thatunder graduate students have higher level of stress as compared to post graduate students.
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 2016
Stress situations confronted in anyone’s study and work environment are seen as a chief characteristic of our modern society. Therefore, researchers from different scientific fields, perpetually, are studying this phenomenon and trying, by several tools and methods to suggest an appropriate conceptualization. This hard exercise conducted by researchers emphasize how this concept called stress is related to a complex phenomenon, why its study is significant for many stakeholders (public administrations, private organizations, universities, families, students, etc.) and to what extent the results obtained from empirical investigations could be beneficial to establish efficient strategies or at least adjust others deployed somewhere. This article is in search of explaining the business students’ stress on the subject of the situations that could explain their emergence in a university context. Methodologically, our research paper was based on a quantitative questionnaire distributed to...
Background Stress is the wear and tear a human body experience in order to adjust to the continually changing environment. However, too much stress affects health, productivity and relationships. There is increase recognition of stress in academic literature. Stress is basically an emotional imbalance incurred due to multiple reasons e.g. test, projects, paper competitive nature within your chosen field, future projects prospects and financial worries about school. Study Design Cross Sectional Study Survey Size Surveying 100 of Regular and Executive MBA students Survey Side Business Institute of Karachi Duration Four months from Sep to Dec 2014 Sampling Technique Random Sampling Technique Statistical Analysis Include Frequency, Mean±SD and Chi Square Statistical Analysis Tools EpiData, SPSS and Excel Main Outcome Measure Stressors and Stress Management Result Data were collected using Random sampling techniques from 100 participants through a cross sectional survey. The significant stressors reported were pressure due to vastness of curriculum, numerous assignments and dissatisfaction with the class lectures. Major stress reactions were found to be pressure trembling, crying and excessive smoking. Coping strategies were organizing and prioritizing task, getting enough sleep and even taking antidepressants. Conclusion This study provides an insight for initiating efforts to reduce the intensity of academic stress and work out of counseling trial to aid in the sound progression of students' mind and bodies.
CVCITC Research Journal, 2014
College students are exposed to many problems from family, financial, peers, and school environment. As he proceeded, continued and finally ended his courses enrolled in college, various stressors hamper the successful attainment of his primary and secondary goals. There are common stressors that affect college students: intrapersonal, interpersonal, academic and environmental stressors. The focus of this study is on the pressures affecting the college student in dealing with his family, friends and signifi-cant persons. His major concept of stress and stressors in the college envi-ronment and which of the sources of stress caused him to be more prone most. A questionnaire on Student-Life Stress Inventory was adopted to gather the needed data among 150 college students. Frequency count, percent, rank, mean and Pearson-r correlation were used. Results show that the interpersonal stressors of students ranked the highest while the environmental stressors the lowest. Specific results under the interpersonal stressors include working to people they do not know, trouble with parents, and relationship with opposite sex. These results support the idea in creating a stress management program for higher education institution to consider implementation.
Background Stress is the wear and tear a human body experience in order to adjust to the continually changing environment. However, too much stress affects health, productivity and relationships. There is increase recognition of stress in academic literature. Stress is basically an emotional imbalance incurred due to multiple reasons e.g. test, projects, paper competitive nature within your chosen field, future projects prospects and financial worries about school. Study Design Cross Sectional Study Survey Size Surveying 100 of Regular and Executive MBA students Survey Side Business Institute of Karachi Duration Four months from Sep to Dec 2014 Sampling Technique Random Sampling Technique Statistical Analysis Include Frequency, Mean±SD and Chi Square Statistical Analysis Tools EpiData, SPSS and Excel Main Outcome Measure Stressors and Stress Management Result Data were collected using Random sampling techniques from 100 participants through a cross sectional survey. The significant stressors reported were pressure due to vastness of curriculum, numerous assignments and dissatisfaction with the class lectures. Major stress reactions were found to be pressure trembling, crying and excessive smoking. Coping strategies were organizing and prioritizing task, getting enough sleep and even taking antidepressants. Conclusion This study provides an insight for initiating efforts to reduce the intensity of academic stress and work out of counseling trial to aid in the sound progression of students’ mind and bodies.
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2024
The Aim of the present study was to examine the stress among college undergraduate students. Total 96 UG students from various departments of Swarnim Gujarat Sports University, Gujarat (India) were selected as the subject for the study. The questionnaire designed by Pallavi Bhattnagar and others was used to evaluate stress level among the subject. Descriptive statistics i. e. mean, standard deviation, and percentage were for the analysis of the collected data on stress. From the result of the study, it may be concluded that there is a high level of stress in Grade-B and D levels in UG female students, whereas in Grade-C, E and F a higher level of stress has been seen in UG male students.
This research paper aims to review the literature on stress; sources of stress; signs and symptoms of stress; and adverse effects of stress on students health and well-being. Students of the modern era are living in a highly competitive world which exerts lots of stress on students to survive in this era. Stress is an unavoidable phenomenon in all aspects of human life. Stress is an emotional imbalance which may occur due to various reasons such as tests, papers and projects, competitive nature within one’s chosen field, financial worries about school and future employment prospects (Ross et al., 1999). Stress can be negative or positive to an individual, depending on the strength and persistence of the stress, the individual’s personality, cognitive appraisal of the stress, and social support. Stress affects students academically, socially, physically and emotionally.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a dramatic change in teaching-learning practices in higher education across the world. The post-pandemic era with a new shift of teaching-learning phase raises the concern of students' psychological well-being, especially the novice, i.e., first-year undergraduate students, as first-year students often struggle to adjust to the new environment of higher institutions, thereby depressive symptoms are more prevalent among them. In this regard, a qualitative study was conducted followed by a dyadic approach to explore the symptoms of students' psychological stressors, their causes, and provide essential remedies for coping with such behaviors in the post-pandemic era. The findings show that students' stressors were commonly reported due to the academic workload, institutional regulations, lack of resources, and financial constraints. Regarding indications, unusual behavior, lack of confidence, improper sleep, and lack of motivation were identified as the primary symptoms of students' stress. However, participants reported a lack of understanding regarding stress-related matters. Yet, students and faculty members try to adopt several strategies for reducing such stressors. By examining the perceived psychological stress, indications, and coping behaviors, this study enriches the literature by bridging pragmatic and theoretical gaps regarding students' stressors of business management. Furthermore, the study mainly suggests that adequate institutional support should be provided to deal with students' problems that cause stress. Also, universities should organize workshops or seminars to cultivate psychological health awareness among students and faculty members.
The study primarily attempted to determine the stress level of university students and identify the factors causing stress.Convenience sampling was used to collect data and Perceived Stress Scale was used to determine the stress level and the factors that affecting stress level were determined by using multiple linear regression model. Findings from the study show that most of the students (58.06%) feel medium stress. But only 16.06% students feel low stress and 26.80% students feel high stress. Some factors were identified in the study which affects the stress level such as unnecessary writing of practical notebooksand overloaded academic study (p=0.0489), uncertain job opportunities (p=.01) and ongoing education life(p=0.02)
ACADEME University of Bohol, Graduate School and Professional Studies, 2017
The term 'stress' generally refers to the response of a person when he is in a situation that forces him to act, change or adjust in order for him to be in balance or maintain footing. Stress can make students sick and can affect their feelings, thoughts, personalities, and performance. Peer Reviewed Journal Thus, it is essential to ensure that they have the necessary skills and appropriate attitude in dealing with various school activities and schoolrelated stress. It is the researcher's objective to identify the stressors that affect the lifestyle of the third year students of the College of Hospitality Management, Tourism and Nutrition (CHMTN), and the mechanisms they practice to manage stress. Quantitative method of research was used with the aid of questionnaires. The data gathered were statistically treated making use of weighted means, composite means and analysis of variance. The respondents included 80 students (82.47%) from the three courses of the CHMTN namely BSHRM, BSTM AND BSND. Results showed composite means of Sometimes Affected (SA), Sometimes Manifested (SM), and Sometimes Elicited (SE) for the three respective areas of School-related Stress Experiences; Sometimes Affected (SA) for Stress in relation to the students' studies, school performance, mood and relationship to family, friends and community; and, Sometimes Applied (SA) for Stress Management Techniques. The outcome of the study served as a guide in constructing intervention measures.
Stress has become as unavoidable part of our life. Everybody is experiencing stress irrespective of age occupation race, social status and cultural background. World health Organization (WHO) (2002) has cited stress as a global epidemic. The Researchers, Vermunt and Steensma (2005), Topper (2007), Pines and Keiman (2007) have defined stress as the insight of incongruity between environmental burdens and the person ability to fulfill these demands. Auerback and Grambling (1997) defined stress as an unpleased state of emotional and Physiological arousal that individual experience in situation that they perceive dangerous or threatening to well being. Stress in felt by an individual when demands of the situations are more than his capacity. Since stress has serious consequences, researchers have studied it extensively in last few decades. Particularly students stress and its impacts have been studied very well by many researchers like Ahmad et al (2013) Thawabish and Quaisy (2012), Agolla and Ongori (2009). Our modern educational system places so many burdens on students that they get easily stressed. Smith, Johal, Wadworth, Smith and Peters (2000) have found advanced educational organizations place many burdens on students, that students are prone to experience stress. Misra and Mckean (2000) have propounded 'a person environment model', that is valuable for understanding stress among university students. This model suggested that individuals can consider stressful events as demanding or frightening. Perception of educational goal as a challenge brings stress and in turn this stress creates a sense of competence and enhanced learning capability. But perceptions of education as a threat brings such stress which brings hopeless and foreboding sense of loss and consequently leads to lower academic achievement. Stress is not always negative for the students. It is sometime beneficial for the students' performance. Researchers have suggested that for students an optimal level of stress can enhance learning ability. Kaplan and Sadock (2000), Linn and Zeppa (1984) have found that stress leads to both positive and negative effects to students. Auerbach and Grambling (1998) have found that moderate stress motivates individuals to achieve and fuels creatively, although it may hinder individuals from performance on difficult tasks. Stress can lead to serious problems to students if it is not managed at early stage. When a student in exposed to chronic stress, his physical and psychological well being is endangered and his academic performance or success is also negatively gets affected. Stress is considered to be a part of students' life. Academic work and success of students is gained after long stressful effects. Students report higher level of stress before their examination and declaration of results. Agolla and Ongori (2009) found that the academic work done by students is always accomplished with stressful activities. Masih and Gulrej (2006) have listed following sources of stress in students i.e. admission procedure, high expectation of parents, curriculum comprised of complex concept, unsuitable school timings, unbalanced student teacher ratio, physical environment of classroom, unhealthy students teachers interaction, hard and fast rules of
Seventh International Research Conference on Management and Finance - IRCMF, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2012
The main purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence, determinants and predictors of stress among undergraduates. This was conducted as a cross sectional field study among a sample of 100 undergraduates in public universities. The excessive level of stress is negative, dysfunctional and harmful which significantly hinders the academic performance of undergraduates. Investigation was done in all the faculties of four public universities in Colombo where convenience sampling was applied to select the sample. Data was collected through a self administered pre tested questionnaire which ensured the validity and reliability. Frequencies and percentages were used to present the demographic data while mean and standard deviation were used to rank stressors in terms of the gravity. Stepwise regression analysis was performed to determine the predictors of stress.Findings revealed that the prevalence of stress among university undergraduates is high. There was an upward tendency of stress prevalence from the first year to the final year. It was found that, heavy academic workload, large amount of contents to be learnt, examinations, lack of time to review what have been learnt, getting poor marks, assignments, inflexible academic schedules, higher self expectations, lack of time for family concerns and having difficulty of understanding contents were the major stressors ranked by university undergraduates. Nine out of top ten stressors were academic related. Male undergraduates experienced greater stress than females. Stepwise regression analysis showed that, the level of academic workload was the best predictor of an undergraduate's stress level; where large amount of contents to be learnt and examinations were also significant predictors. It is hoped that these findings will help the individual student, lecturers, counselors and university administrators to instigate stress alleviation mechanisms and, to detect stressed students earlier in order to prevent harmful long term effects of stress on students. It is recommended to review, the duration of study leaves, amount of work load and assignments given, amount of contents of subjects plus the way it delivers and the flexibility of academic schedules in public universities.
Stress has become part of students' academic life due to the various internal and external expectations placed upon their shoulders. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the problems associated with academic stress as transitions occur at an individual and social level. It therefore, becomes imperative to understand the sources and impact of academic stress in order to derive adequate and efficient intervention strategies. The study employed a quantitative research design where participants were screened using Academic Stress Scale (Rajendran& Kaliappan,1991 from four streams namely, commerce, management, humanities, and basic sciences. The five dimensions of sources such as personal inadequacy, fear of failure, interpersonal difficulties with teachers, teacher pupil relationship and inadequate study facilities were further analysed and gender differences were also obtained. Understanding the sources of stress would facilitate the development of effective counselling modules and intervention strategies by school psychologists and counsellors in order to help students alleviate stress.
The objective of this study is to explore the components of academic stress among the Masters of Business Administration students of GTU affiliated colleges. Many researchers have identified the components of Academic stress and different stressors which impact the students. This study further tries to enlighten each component of academic stress such as curriculum and instruction, team work related issues, assessment, and placement, impact on performance and outcomes of Academic stress. Three major stressors have been identified which affect the performance and three major outcomes of stress. Around twelve micro issues have been identified under the curriculum and instruction component while three stressors were prioritized related to team work; seven sub issues regarding assessment and three micro issues under placement components of academic stress. The sample comprises of 118 Masters of Business Administration students of GTU affiliated colleges from all the five zones of Gujarat. Data was collected through structured academic stress questionnaire.
Research Guru Vol.12 Issue 2, 2018
The modern world is a world of stress. Now a day"s stress is not confined to adults alone but also affects children and adolescents. The main objective of present study was to compare the academic stress of senior secondary students enrolled in different streams i.e. science, arts and commerce. For the purpose a sample of 150 senior secondary students was selected by simple random sampling method out of which 50 were enrolled in science stream, 50 were enrolled in arts stream and 50 were enrolled in commerce stream. The Academic Stress questionnaire (ASQ) developed by Md. Akram, Ilias Khan and Sabiha Baby was used for data collection. The results revealed that students enrolled in science and commerce streams were found academically more stressed as compared to students enrolled in arts stream. However there was no significant difference found between academic stress of students enrolled in science and commerce stream. It was also observed that girls and boys enrolled in science stream didn"t vary significantly in their academic stress. Similarly girls and boys enrolled in commerce stream didn"t vary significantly in their academic stress while unlike science and commerce girls and boys enrolled in arts stream vary significantly in their academic stress. Boys enrolled in arts stream were found academically more stressed than girls enrolled in arts stream. It was concluded that students enrolled in science and commerce streams might come across a variety of stress inducing situations which may increase the stress particularly in academics. It was also concluded that boys enrolled in arts stream might come across a variety of stress inducing situations regarding their worry about their future responsibilities and inadequate academic environment that increase the level of stress among them. It is, therefore, suggested to develop programmes and strategies to cope up with the students" stressors.
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 2020
The transition from high school level to college level is naturally stressful for students. Stress is an imperative part of our life. Stress is an insistent effect caused by various fixed and difficult routine tasks in every part of our lives. Stress has a positive and negative impact. College students are among the most vulnerable segments of the population. College is a stressful time because many students have to adapt to a new academic and social environment. College based factors greatly affect college students. Stress has become a part of students 'academic lives, Because of various internal and external expectations Is placed on their shoulders. Few studies have been conducted at a global level to assess the prevalence of stress among students. Stress among college students is an ignored public health problem in India. Stress is a normal factor for all college students. Stress is usually arises from various academic, social, environmental, physical and psychological aspects also. But in this study was only focus on academic stress. The major academic factors that will contribute to more stress among college students greatly focus in this study. Furthermore, the researcher examines whether academic stress and their nature of the course of study are interrelated. In order to obtain reliable data, a total of 150 students of Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy Scholars of the College of Education were randomly and conveniently selected to fill out a self-developed questionnaire. Data were analyzed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) facilitated the data computation process. the test shows that there is significant difference between causes of academic stress and the consequences of stress. The researcher suggested that the stress and stressors among the college students can be tackled by following the system of analyzing the individual behavior and to act upon and the students are advised to be ready to recognize their stress and take necessary steps to reduce the stress.
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It plays an important role in wellbeing of human beings. Today we face stress in each and every part of our lives, right from our student life at school and college till our old age. The college student from biotechnology and other field related to biology come to the S. S. Hospital and Research Institute, Patna for partially fulfillment of their training program. In this case study, the stress of trainees who come from different universities and educational institutes of Bihar to S.S. Hospital and Research Institute, Patna was measured. The data regarding the quality of work of student submitted at different time periods were analyzed and the case were assessed. It was found that both B.Sc. 2nd and B. Sc. Final year students suffered from stress. The work was followed by some questions which helped to analyze the main reason for the stress to complete the training program. It was observed that the students suffered from different types of stress that was educational, personal, financial, future settlements and health issue..
stream. The study revealed that academic stress are highly correlated with social and financial stress and it also found out positive coping strategies helps to combat academic stress.
Stress can have an impact on a student's academic performance which can be both positive and negative depending on its severity. Minimal level of stress can lead to positive outcomes such as motivation and improved task performance while severe stress can result in anxiety, depression, social dysfunction and even suicidal intention. Gender role and academic disciplines are two of many possible stressors for students. Level of academic stress of 100 students (M 19.9 years SD 1.2) studying BBS and BASW in three different private colleges of Kathmandu was measured using Scale for Assessing Academic Stress. Participants scored 14.18 in average (SD=4.01). There was no significant difference in level of academic stress between students from BBS and students from BASW t(98)= 1.43, p = 0.156 , and there was no significant difference in level of academic stress between male students and female students t(98) = 1.40, p= 0.166. Role of social, psychological, academic, and cultural factors as stressors are discussed.
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