1996, The American Historical Review
BOOK REVIEWS I INTERNATIONAL Wallerstein's account of coerced labor on the periphery of the world economy. Also included are an extremely thorough treatment of Africa in the world by Frederick Cooper, and paired essays reviewing the peasantries of Africa and Latin America by Allen Isaacman and William Roseberry. An introductory essay by Stern and a meditative response to the core essays by Florencia E. Mallon complete the volume. The cumulative demonstration in these essays that the big picture is, up close, full of flaws is not the end of the discussion but the beginning. This is what gives this book its distinctive character. The volume suggests that historians of Africa and Latin America have something to say not only to each other but to historians generally. Instead of seeing mere "fragmentation" of historical knowledge in the new emphases on previously underdeveloped subject areas-which so seriously question received ideas-Stem's introductory essay considers "reverberation," the way scholars of one specialization develop modes of explanation that can be fruitful for scholars from other specialties. Every essay is provocative in the good sense of making the reader rethink. A catalogue, let alone an assessment, of the "reverberations" is beyond any brief review such as this, but I offer two observations (reverberations?) of my own. First, the book's central theme is the actual and potential dialogues of Africanists and Latin Americanists; it contains little on the interplay of Africa and Latin America. I would think that the myriad ways in which Africans and their descendants figure in Latin American history would be a central terrain on which scholars of both continents might fruitfully meet. Second, I find a theme that is not quite fully spelled out (although it is certainly referred to). What actually makes possible all these reverberations? I think the answer lies in the frequency with which the literature reviewed in these essays addresses the great theme of coping with domination. The ways people deal with the power of others over them are various, but not infinitely so. This is one important reason why those who do research about the periphery of capitalism, or about people subordinated because of class or race or gender, find parallel processes, however disparate are their concrete research settings.