Copyright in Digital Age



The paper discusses the evolution of copyright law in response to technological advancements, particularly focusing on the impact of digital technology. It highlights the challenges faced by copyright systems in adapting to new forms of creative expression and reproduction methods, emphasizing the need for continuous updates to copyright regulations. The importance of balancing copyright law with public access to information and its implications for democracy and liberty are also examined.

Key takeaways

  • Some copyright scholars 25 argue that DMCA went far beyond the requirements of the WIPO Copyright Treaty and that by banning all acts of circumvention and all technologies and tools that can be used for circumvention.
  • In short they claimed that it helped to circumvent the technological measures put in place by them circumvention of which is prohibited by the DMCA.
  • Relying on the provisions of DMCA, which prohibited circumvention of technological measures such as the CSS and trafficking in such circumvention technology the court injuncted Corley from providing hyperlinks to DeCSS sites 36 .
  • What the DMCA does is to ban the availability of all technologies, which enable circumvention and thus make fair use impossible.
  • It follows that developing countries, or indeed other developed countries, should not follow the example of the DMCA in forbidding all circumvention of technological protection.