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The paper discusses the evolution of copyright law in response to technological advancements, particularly focusing on the impact of digital technology. It highlights the challenges faced by copyright systems in adapting to new forms of creative expression and reproduction methods, emphasizing the need for continuous updates to copyright regulations. The importance of balancing copyright law with public access to information and its implications for democracy and liberty are also examined.
Copyright and technology have a long and intertwined history during which both have felt their influence on each other. The exclusive rights of reproduction and distribution given to the creators of artistic and literary works today are very different from what they were 500 years ago when this relationship began. Copyright developed as a direct consequence of the invention of the printing press. Before its invention, the principle protecting author’s rights did not exist because the mass reproduction of literary works was not possible. Gutenberg’s invention of movable type, however, revolutionised the industry and the stationers in England moved from reproducing single volumes by hand, to producing many more copies to match the growing demand, which resulted in books gaining significant financial value. Value that was difficult to access by the authors of the books until 200 years later when the Statute of Anne, in an effort to encourage the sustained production of original works, granted the authors exclusive rights to their works and started the whole copyright story. Modern national copyright legislation has evolved with different influences throughout history. However, as the world continued to develop and cross-border activity flourished, national copyright legislation was not sufficient to govern what had become a global concern. International agreements were developed over time that reacted to technology’s influence on copyright while at the same time setting the baseline for national copyright legislation to grow around. The Berne Convention remains the most important international agreement on copyright and most national laws and international instruments have developed with reference to it. Following the age of the printing press, the next major technologies to influence copyright were the new recording and broadcast technologies that brought revolutions that forced major shifts in copyright legislation in its efforts to curb infringement. The current digital era poses the biggest challenge copyright legislation has had to face in its history with technology enabling copyright infringements of a scale that by far exceeds all other periods combined. A lot of laws and litigation have marked the path leading up to the situation today, with many remedies proving ineffective in reversing the scale of copyright infringement. It is time that the copyright industry stopped fighting new technology and realise that their survival might depend on finding new business models that incorporate technologies like Peer to Peer networks into their strategies.
This paper explores two assumptions on intellectual property right. The first assumption claims that the development of copyright law is essentially determined by features of the technology used by the author to create copyright works. In other words, copyright law doctrines and laws are shaped and created in response to types of copyright works created through use of certain technologies, and to relations arising from the use of such works. This is easily shown by historical analysis from which it is evident that the development of creation is followed by the development of copyright. The latter one always legs behind with legal solutions to precisely that extent to which it is necessary for the social relations to be shaped and created by the use of copyright works that are made using certain technologies in the process of creation. The second assumption is a bit more complicated to prove, because it claims that, due to its characteristics, intellectual property right is insufficiently explored in its essence. Although this paper does not dwell on argumentation why the existing doctrinal dichotomy between copyright and related rights on the one hand, and industrial property rights on the other, cannot actually be sustained, because of the need to consider the intellectual property as a single branch of law, the paper still addresses certain ontological issues of the subject of intellectual property right protection in order to better illustrate the arguments for the first claim. If the view that intellectual property right is significantly determined by the basic characteristic of its subject of protection is accepted, numerous further questions arise on the present role of intellectual property right in modern societies. If we identify the basic characteristic of the subject of intellectual property right protection as non-material nature of the subject of protection itself, then we get a clearer view of intellectual property as a branch of law extending its protection to non-material objects, unlike the traditional property right protection. These non-material objects were simply not perceived as protectable before a certain level of development of civilization has been reached and certain copying technologies have been developed.
Contemporary Intellectual Property
This chapter considers the evolution of modern copyright law against the background of its historical development in the UK and the international and European legal frameworks within which UK copyright law has been increasingly set since the nineteenth century. It examines the rationale and justifications for copyright and identifies the general policy context within which law and policy has developed in the UK and the EU. It also highlights the rapid development of new technologies which has brought copyright reform to the forefront in recent times, the difficulties which this new environment presents for the copyright framework, and how the framework has developed to such challenges.
"Abstract. The history of something, gives the reader a wide knowledge of what happened in the past, what is currently happening and manage to anticipate the future from the past and present incidents. Tracing back the history of copyright worldwide is not an easy task. This is simply because one has to find conclusive and supportive documents to develop the basis of originality. Once Balzac said that; “Writing is easy…… all you have to do is to think, till the drops of blood appear on your forehead”. This is true because in this work it has been just the religious concept of copyright protection which laid down the background of copyright. Looking at the basis of God’s Commandments as stipulated but holy Books such as the Bible and Quran. Then the history of copyright was traced back from European Countries, such as Britain, Rome, Greek and France through looking at various statutes composing copyright protection. America history of copyright protection followed by the African history of copyright protection. Since the author is a Tanzanian, the origin of the legal basis of copyright protection is important. The last parts are international copyright protection and the first recorded copyright case. "
Comparative Research in Law Political Economy, 2011
This ArTicle suggesTs A pATh To develop A principled concepTuAlizATion for copyright of limitations and exceptions at the international level. The paper argues that, normatively, copyright has always sought to reflect a balance between protection and access. It demonstrates that this balance was present to the minds of the negotiators of the 1886 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and may have been somewhat overlooked in revisions of the Convention. It was ultimately replaced by a three-step test designed to restrict the ability of individual legislators to create limitations and exceptions. The article also considers the conflicts between copyright and rights such as the right to privacy, human rights principles of free expression and cultural diversity, the right to information, the right to education, and the nascent right to development, all of which imply striking a balance in intellectual property protection. The article begins with a historical look at the public interest foundations of the Berne Convention and its revisions until 1971. The article then proceeds to a conceptualization of limitations and exceptions in order to show the policy linkages of each type of exception and proposes a set of principles for limitations and exceptions. The article also examines the meaning and impact of the three-step test because it would be pointless, not theoretically, but from a policy perspective, to ignore the application of the test in suggesting international principles for limitations and exceptions.
This book review compares two recent titles on copyright law: THE COPYRIGHT WARS: THREE CENTURIES OF TRANS-ATLANTIC BATTLE by Peter Baldwin, and COPYFIGHT: THE GLOBAL POLITICS OF DIGITAL COPYRIGHT REFORM by Blayne Haggart. Both books are meticulously researched and carefully written, and each makes an excellent addition to the literature on copyright. Contrasting both titles in this joint review, however, helps to reveal a few respects in which each work is incomplete; indeed, each book occasionally reads as a critique of the other. Baldwin’s book places contemporary debates in a much deeper historical context, but in so doing overlooks some of the unique challenges contemporary technology poses to the law as well as the historically unprecedented obstacles that contemporary law raises to some forms of socially valuable innovation. Haggart’s book, in contrast, maintains a narrower focus on the contemporary era, yielding a superior accounting of the institutional and social interests...
Digital technology is challenging traditional copyright principles. Despite suggestions from a number of commentators that copyright cannot survive the challenge, this thesis aims to demonstrate that copyright can evolve and adapt rather than face elimination. This hypothesis is tested and illustrated by means of an examination of law in conjunction with technology, and by means of concrete examples. Analysis of the author's position in the face of digital technology requires firstly, an investigation of the way in which the existence and exercise of the author's copyright itself is affected by such technology, and secondly, an examination of how the author's standing in relation to dissemination of works generally is concerned (e.g. as regards freedom of speech). It is with the first of these aspects that this thesis is mainly concerned, although, for the sake of a more comprehensive view, some considerations on the second aspect are also advanced. This thesis examines challenges raised in the copyright field by digital technology and the consequential problems in relation to classification of subject matter, identification of authors, fixation and reproduction, the criterion of originality, the meaning of publication, recognition of moral rights, recognition of economic rights, exceptions and limitations, liability of service providers, authenticity of works, infringement, feasibility of enforcement and conflict of laws. Broader issues relating to Government and private control of access to the new media are also analysed.
Critical Arts, 2006
Book History, 2013
A brief overview of the history of copyright should provide cardinal points for newcomers to use in navigating this relatively new interdisciplinary field. Copyright law is not coincident with the introduction of printing, but rather emerges at the beginning of the eighteenth century as a tool for governments to use to limit the power of print monopolies. In early modern Europe, monarchs regulated the print trades through prepublication censorship and monopoly grants or "privileges" designed to align the technology of print with state interests. The first copyright law, the British Statute of Anne (1710), marks the beginning of a transition from royal privileges to commercial rights and a shift from a patronage system to a market for books. The Statute of Anne separated literary property from censorship, granting authors
Bepress Legal Series, 2005
The Internet has affected information flow in copyrighted content in a profound manner. Authors and artists are enabled through the Internet to assert greater control over the flow of information in their works as these new technologies offer new and different distribution channels for content. These new technologies also allow consumers to use content in ways, which had not been anticipated by the copyright industries. This paper presents that copyright law was developed for a specific purpose, which was to encourage learning and growth. As new technologies emerge and as content industries experience changes in information flow in copyrighted works, copyright law had been used to maintain control over existing information flows. The law has a pivotal role to play as the industries assert greater control over the flow of information in content. The role of copyright law in this instance is not to maintain the existing status quo as the industries undergo changes and loss of control over information flow in copyrighted works. Rather, the law serves a more fundamental purpose of balancing information flow between private and public interests. As the law was designed to encourage authors and artists to produce creative works for the public purposes of education, socioeconomic and cultural growth, copyright law in the global information society plays an even more important role in ensuring that society has access to information in copyrighted works. 1 Analog platforms ""fix" works of authorship through some human or mechanical process of deforming a physical object (such as stone, paper, vinyl, film) in a manner that conveys an image (a letter, number, or graphic image) or signal varying in audio frequency (sound) or light or color intensity (film). The term "analog" is used to signify that the medium uses an "analogy" to represent the phenomenon."
Information & Communications Technology Law, 2014
The paper reviews copyright philosophical, economic and social justification confronted by the dematerialization of creative outputs. Digital Rights Management (DRM) is the tool implemented by copyright owners to adjust to the advent of the Digital Era. The claim is that DRM effectively addresses digital threats and market failures. If this is true, what is left of the role of copyright law in the digital environment? This review suggests an argument for traditional copyright justifications to resist in the digital environment. As a consequence, digital tools as DRM need to be engineered according to these justifications, in order to preserve the balance between law and technology.
Colum. JL & Arts, 2011
Multimedia Research and Documentation of Oral Genres in Africa: The Step Forward., 2012
Title says it all
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