Fixed function and its application to Medical Science



In the present paper, the concept of contraction has been extended in a refined manner by introducing $\mathfrak{D}$-Contraction defined on a family $\mathfrak{F}$ of bounded functions. Also, a new notion of fixed function has been introduced for a metric space. Some fixed function theorems along with illustrative examples have also been given to verify the effectiveness of our results. In addition, an application to medical science has also been presented. This application is based on best approximation of treatment plan for tumor patients getting intensity modulated radiation therapy(IMRT). In this technique, a proper DDC matrix truncation has been used that significantly improves accuracy of results. In 2013, Z. Tian \textit{et al.} presented a fluence map optimization(FMO) model for dose calculation by splitting the DDC matrix into two components on the basis of a threshold intensity value. Following this concept, a sequence of functions can be constructed through the presented ...