
Marriage is a sacrament between two people which is so pure. But raping the partner is an inhuman act and has much more gravity than safeguarding an artificial institution of marriage. A person's bodily and mental integrity is so much above to it. If the sole object behind not criminalizing marital rape is to preserve the conjugal rights of husbands or the marriage institution, "such an object itself is unconstitutional and the exception can't remain in the statute book". It was in the second half of the 20 th century that the concept of marital rape sparked the International interest and momentum. It was then that several international bodies began their work against this marital rape so as to kill the darkness and violence to women. Various International covenants and laws came into being to stop this crime of marital rape. Many nations of the world adopted these laws and rules, but so many of them are still left to adopt and make laws against it. India is one of these countries.