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2018, National Conference of Creative Industry
8 pages
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dengan 14 daya tarik wisata. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diketahui bahwa Kawasan Minapolitan memiliki potensi yang bisa dikembangkan melalui diferensiasi produk dan kegiatan wisata diharapkan dapat menarik minat wisatawan untuk berkunjung. Didukung dengan sumber daya manusia yang terampil dan aksesibilitas yang memadai. Diketahui juga dari hasil analisis di lapangan, terbuka luas kesempatan berusaha di industri pariwisata khususnya Kawasan Minapolitan baik dari segi daya tarik wisata, kawasan pariwisata, jasa transportasi wisata, jasa makanan dan minuman, penyediaan akomodasi, penyediaan kegiatan hiburan dan rekreasi, jasa informasi wisata, hingga wisata tirta. Kata Kunci: minapolitan, destinasi wisata, pariwisata, daya tarik wisata, industri pariwisata PENDAHULUAN Salah satu sektor peningkatan perekonomian adalah pembangunan pada bidang pariwisata. Sektor pariwisata merupakan salah satu sektor penting sumber devisa negara dan sebagai sumber pendapatan daerah.
The objective of the present survey was to map the potency of locations for developing of minapolitan area in Aceh province. The survey was conducted on November-December 2011 and it was focused on the four districts i.e. Aceh Jaya, Aceh Besar, Bireuen and Aceh Timur. The data were categorized into two types, i.e. secondary data which was compiled from annual reports, research report and other references. The primary data were collected throught direct and indirect interviewed the key persons in fisheries sector by using the questionnaire. Primary data were also obtained by direct observation in the fields. The results showed that every site has the advantages and disadvantages. However, generally all of the locations have potency to be developed as minapolitan region. Minapolitan models that can be developed are the combination between of capture fisheries, aquaculture, processing and marine tourism.
Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Widya Praja, 2019
Kemang based on aquaculture. The development of minapolitan in Bogor Regency also indicates the existence of problems that need to be resolved. This study seeks to evaluate the development policy of Minapolitan in Bogor Regency. The method used was descriptive qualitative research. The policy evaluation theory used is based on William Dunn's thought for policy evaluation covering 6 dimensions: effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, distribution, responsiveness, and accuracy. Collection of data through interviews, direct observation, and documentation. The results of the study show that from these 6 dimensions 2 dimensions show good conditions that support the success of policies, namely dimensions of effectiveness and efficiency. While there are 4 dimensions that have weaknesses, namely responsiveness, distribution, adequacy and accuracy of policies. Suggested several things: 1) need to increase monitoring on the provision of the main transportation infrastructure for regional connectivity in wider region; 2) increasing community power through empowerment; 3) increasing the local government facilitation togethe with community efforts in increasing the awareness of millennial generations on the prospects for developing the primary sector in the region; and 4) Need to increase fairness in the distribution of government assistance, as well as facilitation of local governments in maintaining the stability of fish feed prices.
The objectives of this qualitative research were to explore the potentials of minapolitan in the prime zone of PPP Tamperan Pacitan which can be developed as tourist attraction, identify the facilities which support the development of minapolitan as tourist attraction in the prime zone of PPP Tamperan Pacitan, and to investigate the supporting factors and the resisting factors of minapolitan development as tourist attraction in Pacitan. Data consisted of primary and secondary data and were collected using site observation, interview, document study, and focus group discussion. Data were analyzed using interactive model of analysis. Results indicate that basically Pacitan, especially the prime zone of PPP Tamperan as part of the minapolitan area has the potentials to be developed as tourist attractions which functions as the alternative source of income for the local people. There have been adequate facilities for developing the area as tourist attractions even though those facilitated need to be improved. The supporting factors include good will of the Local Government of Pacitan, good participation of the local people, good support from the Central Government, good participation of the private sector, and the strategic location of Pacitan.
The objective of the present survey was to map of the potency of locations for developing of minapolitan area in Aceh province. The survey was conducted on November-December 2011 and it was focused on the four districts i.e. Aceh Jaya, Aceh Besar, Bireuen and Aceh Timur. The data were categorized into two types, i.e. secondary data which was compiled from annual reports, research report and other references. The primary data were collected throught direct and indirect interviewed the key persons in fisheries sector by using the questionnaire. Primary data were also obtained by direct observation in the fields. The results showed that every site has the advantages and disadvantages. However, generally all of the locations have potency to be developed as minapolitan region. Minapolitan models that can be developed are the combination between of capture fisheries, aquaculture, processing and marine tourism.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, 2024
Pelaksanaan kebijakan pemerintah daerah Indramayu dalam mengembangkan kawasan minapolitan yang berpotensi menjadi kawasan minawisata, belum optimal. Hal ini menyebabkan potensi minapolitan yang dimiliki Indramayu belum dapat mendorong industri minawisata untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah Indramayu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi kebijakan dalam pengembangan kawasan minapolitan sebagai potensi minawisata di Kecamatan Losarang Kabupaten Indramayu, faktor pendorong dan penghambat yang terjadi, serta strategi dan upaya yang dilakukan. Data dari jenis penelitian studi kasus dengan metode kualitatif ini diperoleh melalui studi pustaka dan studi lapangan, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif dengan tiga langkah, yaitu reduksi, penyajian, dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) implementasi kebijakan pengembangan kawasan minapolitan sebagai potensi minawisata di kabupaten Indramayu belum optimal sebagaimana dilihat dari dimensi-dimensi implementasi kebijakan yang belum terpenuhi dengan baik yaitu aspek komunikasi kebijakan, sumber daya, disposisi, dan struktur birokrasi; 2) faktor yang mendukung kebijakan ini adalah adanya sumber daya alam yang potensial dan kekayaan budaya lokal, dan faktor yang menghambat adalah masalah kualitas SDM, infrastruktur, kurangnya peraturan daerah dan perangkat hukum pada tataran teknis pelaksanaannya, anggaran, kesadaran masyarakat, teknologi, dan media informasi publik; 3) upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah daerah menuangkan pengembangan minawisata pada rencana pembangunan daerah dan mengomunikasikannya pada pihak-pihak terkait. Pihak pengusaha minapolitan melakukan modernisasi produksi garam sehingga memiliki daya tarik pariwisata. Sedangkan upaya masyarakat adalah melakukan aksi nyata melakukan penataan daerah, pembersihan limbah-limbah sehingga menarik wisatawan untuk datang ke daerahnya.
The objective of the present survey was to map the potency of locations for developing of minapolitan area in Aceh province. The survey was conducted on November-December 2011 and it was focused on the four districts i.e. Aceh Jaya, Aceh Besar, Bireuen and Aceh Timur. The data were categorized into two types, i.e. secondary data which was compiled from annual reports, research report and other references. The primary data were collected throught direct and indirect interviewed the key persons in fisheries sector by using the questionnaire. Primary data were also obtained by direct observation in the fields. The results showed that every site has the advantages and disadvantages. However, generally all of the locations have potency to be developed as minapolitan region. Minapolitan models that can be developed are the combination between of capture fisheries, aquaculture, processing and marine tourism.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan model dan strategi pengembangan kawasan pesisir perairan Pacitan dalam rangka penetapan Kabupaten Pacitan sebagai Kawasan Minapolitan. Penetapan ini didasarkan pada letak perairan Pacitan berhadapan langsung dengan laut Pasifik sehingga memiliki potensi beragam jenis ikan bernilai ekonomi tinggi, hal ini menjadi sebuah harapan terutama dalam pengembangan ekonomi kelautan dan perikanan baik sebagai daya tarik wisata mupun pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah Kabupaten Pacitan. Kajian mengenai pengembangan kawasan pesisir digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi sinergisitas serta digunakan sebagai model dasar pengembanganmodel yang lebih relevan. Hasil analisis kontribusi sektoral menjelaskan bahwa produk andalan yang sustainabel pada komoditas perikanan tangkap Kabupaten Pacitan sebanyak 9 komoditi, komoditi inilah yang berpeluang sebagai bahan dasar industri perikana di Pacitan. Dalam merumuskan model pengembangan Kawasan Minapolitan Pacitan harus terintegrasi secara vertikal maupun horisontal, Keterpaduan vertikal dan keterpaduan horisontal diintegrasikan dengan pendekatan lintas wilayah, lintas sektoral dan lintas kegiatan dengan pertimbangan daya dukung sumber daya wilayah di Kawasan Minapolitan Pacitan (KMP), kedua pendekatan diharapkan dapat dihasilkan suatu bentuk kegiatan pengembangan produk yang secara teknis dapat segera diimplementasikan, secara ekonomis menguntungkan (pendapatan petani dapat ditingkatkan dan berpeluang terhadap minat investor), serta secara sosial dapat diterima oleh masyarakat.
Media Bina Ilmiah, 2018
The purpose of this research is to find 1) the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Minamulyasari in the village of Bendosari as tourism object. 2) the obstacles in the development of tourism object, and 3) to formulate strategies for the development of Minamulyasari tourism object. It is expected that the formulated strategy can increase the income of member group of Minamulyasari. Minamulyasari is a group of ornamental and freshwater fish farmers in Bendosari village, Blitar district which cultivate fish for consumption and ornamental fish. The pool area is about 3 hectares. Initially they were farmers who planted rice crops, corn and beans but saw the potential of better fish farming then they changed their farmland into fish ponds.This research is intended to find the potential that exists within the business group that can be developed into a tourism object. To achieve these objectives, the research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. Data includes primary data and secondary data. The data will be analyzed using SWOT analysis. The research results will also be used as a reference for business development of the group. To make Minamulyasari a tourism object there must be additional infrastructures and human development training.
SPECTA Journal of Technology
Kutai Kartanegara Regency has 7 subdistricts which are included in the Minapolitan area, including Marang Kayu, Muara Badak, Loa Kulu, Loa Janan, Samboja, Muara Jawa and Anggana. In developing the Minapolitan Straegis Region, it can increase fish farming income so as to produce equality in each region with better quality of life and welfare. In carrying out the development, it is necessary to have a region or sub-district which is the center of Minsan Metropolitan services, in determining the Minapolitan Region Service Center in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, a scalogram analysis (Guttman Scale) is performed to determine the areas that have complete facilities related to Minapolitan and Marshall Central Index Index analysis ( ISM) to determine the service center of the Kutai Kartanegara District Minapolitan Area. Based on the two analyzes, a service center in the Kutai Kartanegara District was obtained, namely Anggana District with the type and number of complete facilities related to t...
Catfish aquaculture development in the minapolitan area of Bogor District, West Java: site selection, production implementation, and development strategies. By: I Nyoman Radiarta, Jojo Subagja, Adang Saputra, and Erlania Development of minapolitan area must be support by good data and information such as suitability potential site and development strategies. Bogor District has been selected as one of minapolitan area for catfish aquaculture development. The aim of present study is to analyze catfish aquaculture development in the minapolitan area of Bogor District with emphasize on site selection analysis, implementation production, and development strategies. Field sampling was conducted in June 2011. Several environmental and infrastructure data were analyzed using spatial models, and these data were categorized into 1-3 scoring system, 1 is least suitable and 3 is most suitable. The results show that from the total potential area of 28,519 ha; about 20,854 ha was classified as mo...
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JEMMA (Jurnal of Economic, Management, and Accounting), 2022
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