Pandemi ve Sanat



As a concept expressing infectious disease and mass deaths, the pandemic has jumped from the field of health to the field of art, and today it has been reflected in all kinds of production from plastic arts to literature and also creavite production. Of course, the pandemic process we are going through is not the first intersection of art and infectious diseases. Leprosy, which is called death before death, the plague known as the "black death", the Spanish Flu, which caused more deaths than the losses in the First World War at the beginning of the 20th century, were handled with a thematic approach in the artistic works of the period. The Covid 19 epidemic, which we encountered in the first quarter of the 21st century, undoubtedly also takes place in the works of today's artists. This research aims to identify the thematic approaches in the studies produced during the last pandemic process, and to reveal thematic differences with examples from the past pandemic period.