Jurnal ekonomi Islam


Financing the development of the Islamic banking can not be separated from the role of the accounts officer who became most important marketing personnel on the financial product. By running the functions and role of an account officer at Islamic banking financing the improvement can be realized. This is evident from the increase in 2013 amounted to 80.85% of the total disbursements of Islamic banking or Rp135, 58 trillion invested in financing activities. Growth is directed to financing the real sector in the form of financing (Mudaraba and Musharaka), accounts receivable (Murabaha, Istisna, and Qardh), and in the form of Ijarah financing. The development financing in 2013 still dominated Murabaha receivables amounting to Rp80, 95 trillion or 59.71% followed Musharaka financing that amounted to Rp25, 21 trillion (18.59%) and Mudaraba financing amounting to Rp11, 44 trillion (8.44%), and Qardh receivables amounting to Rp11, 19 trillion (8.25%).