Index interpolation

2000, Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '00

In this paper, w epropose a subsequence matching algorithm that supports normalization transform in timeseries databases. Normalization transform enables nding sequences with similar uctuation patterns although they are not close to each other before the normalization transform. Application of the existing whole matching algorithm supporting normalization transform to the subsequence matching is feasible, but requires an index for ev ery possible length of the query sequence causing serious overhead on both storage space and update time. The proposed algorithm generates indexes only for a small number of di erent lengths of query sequences. F or subsequence matching it selects the most appropriate index among them. We can obtain better searc h performance by using more indexes. We c a l l o u r approach index interp olation. We formally pro ve t h a t the proposed algorithm does not cause false dismissal. F or performance evaluation, we h a ve conducted experiments using the indexes for only ve di erent lengths out of the lengths 256 512 of the query sequence. The results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the sequential scan by up to 14.6 times on the average when the selectivity of the query is 10 ;5 .