About Celestial Globes And Armillaries

An armillary sphere (variations are known as spherical astrolabe, armilla, or armil) is a model of objects in the sky (in the celestial sphere), consisting of a spherical framework of rings, centred on Earth, that represent lines of celestial longitude and latitude and other astronomically important features such as the ecliptic. As such, it differs from a celestial globe, which is a smooth sphere whose principal purpose is to map the constellations. [hide]  1 Description and use of the armillary sphere  2 History o 2.1 Hellenistic world o 2.2 East Asia o 2.3 Medieval Islamic world and Europe o 2.4 Renaissance o 2.5 Seamless celestial globe  3 See also  4 Notes  5 References  6 External links Description and use of the armillary sphere[edit]