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In Marguerite Duras. (D)écrire, dit‐elle. Actes du colloque international de Vérone (26‐28 octobre 2006). P/ Ligas & A. Giauffret. Presses U. de Vérone, Qui Edit, 2008.
9 pages
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In Marguerite Duras. (D)écrire, dit-elle. Actes du colloque international de Vérone (26-28 octobre 2006). P/ Ligas & A. Giauffret. Presses U. de Vérone, Qui Edit, 2008. Lol V. Stein ou comment représenter l'absence Dans la psychose, toute l'épaisseur de la créature réelle s'interpose . . . pour le sujet entre la jouissance narcissique de son image et l'aliénation de la parole. . . . (Lacan) 1
Thélème. Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses, 2020
In 1964 Marguerite Duras publishes Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein. In the next few years, the novel becomes one of the most studied texts within psychoanalytic circles, because the central character, Lol V. Stein, reflects the singular pain produced by loss and abandonment in a subject whose integrity is fragile and unstable. After all, exiled from herself, Lol V. Stein is a prisoner of the imaginary relationship she has with the figure of the other, because the significant law of the Name of-the-Father has not been registered, as a result of a foreclosure in the second phase of the mirror stage. Therefore, after being abandoned by her fiancé, the ravishing of Lol V. Stein is unleashed and, unable to resort to the symbolic dimension of language, she collapses forever, incapable of going through a mourning process for the loss of the loved object. Keywords: loss; ravishing; imaginary axis; symbolic axis; foreclosure.
En somme, on part avec une méfiance de soi, avec une culpabilité, on part pour écrire avec des petits bagages de quatre sous, que les autres ont ficelés pour vous, on ne part pas dans la liberté. Il faut se faire confiance .Vous faites bien confiance aux autres… vous faites confiance à l'amour… vous faites confiance au désir… et puis, vis-à-vis de vous, vous êtes pleine de méfiance, pourquoi ? ce n'est pas juste. Moi, je me fais confiance comme à une autre. Je me fais complètement confiance. (Duras, ABSTRACT:In the first part of this study, following J. C. Coquet's theory of subject identity, the main characters in the novel Le ravissement de... written by M. Duras were analyzed and categorized by means of being the object of knowledge and desire. These identities were also categorized as I and the other. In the second part of the study, concepts such as confidence / inconfidence, avoidance / unavoidance and their secondary implications were investigated. While the first half of the analysis revealed the emotions of the characters with respect to identities of subjects, the second half showed that the story and narrator evoked confidence and avoidance on reader.
Cahiers Marguerite Duras, 2021
Eugenia Enache, Quêtes littéraires nº 2, 2012 : Aux confins de l'absence
Our approach is focused on the issue of the “markers” of absence as well as on the expression and materialization of that absence in a corpus of works formed of the following plays: L’Intruse, Les Aveugles, Intérieur by Maurice Maeterlinck. The acceptions the concept of “absence” may receive throughout our analysis are parts of the phenomenon of progressive alienation seen, for instance, as separation (stressing the idea of distance and departure), or as solitude, then omission (in the sense of forgetting), and culminating with the inability of perception that anticipates isolation, physical imprisonment and announces death (designated through a privative prefix) as an absence that is always present and obscurity. We attempt to reveal the “markers” of absence on the level of certain constituents of the play: the character, formed of a discursive feature, infinitely simple and repetitive, much more diminished and developing without individuality, like a silent, mysterious ghost; and the action where it is rather inaction that represents our primary direction of research. As a secondary direction, we consider the markers of absence in a language that, in the case of Maeterlinck, is remarkably pure and lacks any syntactic or lexical complication, from lexical structures (the reassessment of short expressions makes the utterances seem captivatingly strange, revealing, beyond words, unutterable, unspeakable) and the grammar, especially the semantics of its forms – the 3rd person pronouns, a form we may consider as deprived of referential content, the indefinite pronouns which indicate absence –, the semantics of punctuation, especially that of the suspension points.
Champs du Signe, 2006
Liberte, 2015
la moitié Du monDe Dossier J' ai touJours cru qu'il n'y avait pas de place pour les femmes à Liberté. J'en ai toujours constaté l'absence relative, mais éloquente. Le dossier de cet automne, « Ministère de la Formation. L'éducation à l'ère du management », constitue un énième exemple de ce qui pourrait sembler, à première vue, un oubli, voire une indifférence : aucune femme, et encore moins une féministe, n'y signe un article. Pourtant, l'adoption d'une perspective féministe aurait sans doute permis de mettre en lumière un certain nombre de problèmes liés aux rapports sociaux de sexe dans le domaine de l'éducation, particulièrement en ce qui a trait à sa marchandisation, de même qu'aux représentations sociales et à l'investissement d'espaces symboliques comme l'université. Le point de vue féministe est la tache aveugle de ce dossier et, plus globalement, plus tristement aussi, celle d'une revue qui se veut progressiste comme Liberté. Le directeur, Philippe Gendreau, stipule que « Liberté n'est pas une revue qui milite pour faire la promotion de l'idéologie féministe, pas plus que pour défendre bec et ongles l'idéologie nationaliste ou indépendantiste ou socialiste ». « Yeah, you wish », me dis-je. La multiplicité des points
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Lors de mon travail de terrain sur Pangrati, qui consiste essentiellement à y vivre puisqu’il s’agit de mon quartier de résidence, j’expérimentais ce que j’appellerai la théorie de l’absence. N’ayant pas de date limite pour la remise du film ou du texte, je décidais de prendre le temps nécessaire pour aller à la rencontre de ceux qui allaient devenir les protagonistes de mon film. Fidèle à ma démarche, et afin de ne pas brusquer les enquêtés, j’attendais que les personnes elles-mêmes me deman..
Renata Bizek-Tatara, Quêtes littéraires nº 1, 2011 : Ecrire l'absence
In the works of Jean Muno the absenteeism theme has got diffrent features and forms. Escape from grey and sad reality to world of imagination is the best way to deal with mental and physical absenteeism: weary figure is looking for loneliness away from his everyday reality. He wants to dream and reflect in peace and quite. The absence has been showed as a lack, also has been presented in the perspective of ontological. Characters created by J. Muno have personality problems cause by time reality and society. Society determined who character should become. All efforts being yourself ends failure. Muno in his works presents french speakers Belgians, called la belgitude. Heroes of Muno have problem with find them national identity, they suffer because of double culture. They are able to accept and take advantage of this situation.
Maria Concetta La Rocca, Quêtes littéraires nº 5, 2005 : De l'image à l'imaginaire
This article aims to investigate the role of the image in Quignard’s writing. Image is always present in his works, either directly, with the use of images taken from ancient art, or indirectly, thanks to the images that arise from his use of certain metaphors and expressions. In particular, here we take into consideration his Sur l’image qui manque à nos jours, in order to show how his discourse on the image takes the shape of a philosophical speculation on the missing images in our life. Indeed, for Quignard, we always live with the presence of the missing images, that is all we cannot see but we can imagine, for instance that of our conception. Moreover, the author analyses in this work four ancient images and four ancient texts. In so doing he confirms – even if partially – the Horatian formula ut pictura poesis, i.e. the link between these two forms of art. For him, the writing has the purpose of explaining the sense and the discourse that images represent. His way to present this to the readers is original and it does not belong to any other literary or artistic tradition of the past.
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Les archives de Marguerite Duras (Sylvie Loignon, ed.), 2012
Czesław Grzesiak, Quêtes littéraires nº 1, 2011 : Ecrire l'absence
Sacris Erudiri, 2021
Presses universitaires de Rennes eBooks, 2022
Spirale : Arts • Lettres • Sciences humaines, 2009
Caire, Anne-Blandine (éd) Actes de colloque : Les fictions en droit, Centre Michel de l’Hospital, 2015
Agata Sadkowska-Fidala, Quêtes littéraires nº 1, 2011 : Ecrire l'absence
In Lin Xiao "Le chinois et l'iconicité de la syntaxe. L'iconicité de la séquence temporelle: du texte à l'´Aktionsart´", Louvain-Paris: Peeters, p. 153-178, 2019
Alicja Ślusarska, Quêtes littéraires nº 2, 2012 : Aux confins de l'absence
POSADA VARELA, Pablo. "Quelques réflexions sur le fourvoiement présomptueux comme forme manquée de la présence", publié dans Eikasia, nº53, diciembre de 2013, pp. 75-96.