A Possible Existence of the Second Kind of Weak Interaction

1971, Progress of Theoretical Physics


Regarding the Cabibbo angle and p.-e mass splitting, we propose that the intrinsic mass •of a particle is not characterized by underlying symmetry but is connected closely with participating interactions. Following this idea, we introduce another kind of weak interaction which may provide p.-e mass splitting. It is suggested that the mass accompanied by an interaction provides a finite p.-meson mass. Furthermore, it is possible to produce symmetry breaking of quarks and a non-vanishing Cabibbo angle. Since the discovery of SU(3) symmetry, its breaking has been an important problem in physics. Furthermore, discoveries of the Cabibbo angle 1 l and nonelectromagnetic 1-spin breaking 2 ),*) have complicated the problem. In the following, we shall cosider only mass splitting as symmetry breaking. The conventional approach is basically that symmetry principles or invariance principles hold exactly, were there not for dynamical interplays of strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions (from now on we use the abbreviations H 8 , Hw, and He.m for them). Some of the theories based on that approach are as follows: (i) Symmetrical bootstrap of H 8 • 3 ) (ii) . Spontaneous breakdown based on Lagrangian models. 4 l Both of the above theories are able to explain the breakdown of SU(3) symmetry into SU(2) symmetry, producing the Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula. They, however, are ineffective for treating the problem of the Cabibbo angle. For example, considerations based on theory (i) give a vanishing Cabibbo angle. This result is a general one when He.m and Hw are treated as perturbations. 6