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1971, Progress of Theoretical Physics
12 pages
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Regarding the Cabibbo angle and p.-e mass splitting, we propose that the intrinsic mass •of a particle is not characterized by underlying symmetry but is connected closely with participating interactions. Following this idea, we introduce another kind of weak interaction which may provide p.-e mass splitting. It is suggested that the mass accompanied by an interaction provides a finite p.-meson mass. Furthermore, it is possible to produce symmetry breaking of quarks and a non-vanishing Cabibbo angle. Since the discovery of SU(3) symmetry, its breaking has been an important problem in physics. Furthermore, discoveries of the Cabibbo angle 1 l and nonelectromagnetic 1-spin breaking 2 ),*) have complicated the problem. In the following, we shall cosider only mass splitting as symmetry breaking. The conventional approach is basically that symmetry principles or invariance principles hold exactly, were there not for dynamical interplays of strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions (from now on we use the abbreviations H 8 , Hw, and He.m for them). Some of the theories based on that approach are as follows: (i) Symmetrical bootstrap of H 8 • 3 ) (ii) . Spontaneous breakdown based on Lagrangian models. 4 l Both of the above theories are able to explain the breakdown of SU(3) symmetry into SU(2) symmetry, producing the Gell-Mann-Okubo mass formula. They, however, are ineffective for treating the problem of the Cabibbo angle. For example, considerations based on theory (i) give a vanishing Cabibbo angle. This result is a general one when He.m and Hw are treated as perturbations. 6
Physical Review D, 2006
We pursue the program of the study of the nonforward amplitude in heavy quark effective theory (HQET). We obtain new sum rules involving the elastic subleading form factors χi(w) (i=1,2,3) at order 1/mQ that originate from the Lkin and Lmag perturbations of the Lagrangian. To obtain these sum rules we use two methods. On the one hand we start simply from the definition of these subleading form factors, and on the other hand, we use the operator product expansion. To the sum rules contribute only the same intermediate states (jP,JP)=((1)/(2)-,1-),((3)/(2)-,1-) that enter in the 1/mQ2 corrections of the axial form factor hA1(w) at zero recoil. This allows to obtain a lower bound on -δ1/m2(A1) in terms of the χi(w) and the shape of the elastic IW function ξ(w). We find also lower bounds on the 1/mQ2 correction to the form factors h+(w) and h1(w) at zero recoil. An important theoretical implication is that χ1'(1), χ2(1) and χ3'(1) (χ1(1)=χ3(1)=0 from Luke theorem) would vanish if the slope and the curvature of ξ(w), ρ2≥(3)/(4), σ2≥(15)/(16), would attain their lowest bounds. We discuss possible implications on the precise determination of |Vcb|.
In the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM), the CCB vacuum in the plane (H2, ˜tL, ˜tR) typically deviates largely from all D-flat directions, due to large effects induced by the presence of the top quark Yukawa coupling. As a result, the critical CCB bound on the trilinear soft term At becomes more restrictive than the D-flat bound A2 t ≤ 3(m2 ˜tL + m2˜tR + m22). For large tan β, we consider the effect of a splitting between the soft squark masses m˜tL,m˜tR on this optimal CCB bound and give a useful approximation for it, accurate within 1% in all interesting phenomenological cases. Physical implications on the stop mass spectrum and the one-loop upper bound on the lightest CP-even Higgs boson mass are also discussed in a model-independent way. 1 Electronic address:
Foundations of Physics, 2008
Physical Review
(6) a 1587 baryons, and we certainly want the external baryons to emerge from the bootstrap. One can still ask the question as to whether the 56-piet can bootstrap reciprocally with any other single multiplet. Equation (g) shows tha, t the only such possibility is the pair 56 and 700. In this case, however, the ratio of the reduced coupling constants is which is rather small, and implies that if the 700-piet did exist at all, it would occur at a high energy, insofar as the magnitude of the coupling constant is any indication. Within the region of validity of this model, therefore, we may discard this possibility, just as we discarded the possibility of a 20-540 reciprocal bootstrap in the last section. It is to be remarked that the 700-piet can in principle bootstrap reciprocally with any one of the other three multiplets, or with all of them together (in the latter case, all r's can be equal), and is in fact the only mul. tiplet having this possibility. This has to do with the fact that it is the multiplet having the highest weight in the decomposition (5), and the quite general result that the highest weight multiplet gets an attractive contribution from the exchange of each of the multiplets in the decomposition. " We conclude that the 56-piet self-bootstrap is the simplest possible bootstrap in the p-wave scattering of baryons by the meson 35-piet in the eightfold path of SU(6). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is a pleasure to acknowledge a conversation with Dr. Michel Gourdin and to thank Dr. Louis Balazs for useful discussions. "This is seen here from the fact that all the elements of the last row of the C matrix are positive.
Arbitrary regularization dependent parameters in Quantum Field Theory are usually fixed on symmetry or phenomenology grounds. We verify that the quadratically divergent behavior responsible for the lack of naturalness in the Standard Model (SM) is intrinsically arbitrary and regularization dependent. While quadratic divergences are welcome for instance in effective models of low energy QCD, they pose a problem in the SM treated as an effective theory in the Higgs sector. Being the very existence of quadratic divergences a matter of debate, a plausible scenario is to search for a symmetry requirement that could fix the arbitrary coefficient of the leading quadratic behavior to the Higgs boson mass to zero. We show that this is possible employing consistency of scale symmetry breaking by quantum corrections. Besides eliminating a finetuning problem and restoring validity of perturbation theory, this requirement allows to construct bounds for the Higgs boson mass in terms of δm 2 /m 2 H (where m H is the renormalized Higgs mass and δm 2 is the 1-loop
Le Journal de Physique Colloques, 1982
Physics Reports, 2004
The breaking of electroweak symmetry, and origin of the associated "weak scale," v weak = 1/ 2 √ 2G F = 175 GeV, may be due to a new strong interaction. Theoretical developments over the past decade have led to viable models and mechanisms that are consistent with current experimental data. Many of these schemes feature a privileged role for the top quark, and third generation, and are natural in the context of theories of extra space dimensions at the weak scale. We review various models and their phenomenological implications which will be subject to definitive tests in future collider runs at the Tevatron, and the LHC, and future linear e + e − colliders, as well as sensitive studies of rare processes. 5 Outlook and Conclusions 159 6 Acknowledgements 160 Appendix A: The Standard Model 161 Appendix B: The Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model 168 Bibliography 172
Il Nuovo Cimento
A possible explanation of the problem of equidistance rule for the masses of the baryon resonances posed recently by 0akes and Yang is given. The same method is also applied to explain the discrepancy between the Okubo-Sakurai-value of the r angle and the value calculated by Kim Oneda and Pati.
Nuclear Physics B - NUCL PHYS B, 1990
We argue that, if the symmetry breakdown in the electroweak theory is dynamical, one should expect, in general, to have some nonuniversal interactions. Given the present bounds on flavor mixing, this imposes rather strong restrictions on the dynamics and the pattern of spontaneous symmetry breaking. The relevance of these considerations for top quark interactions is speculated upon. * On leave of absence from DESY, Hamburg, FRG. * Considerations related to the triviality of the Higgs sector impose an upper bound on the mass of the Higgs boson which, for the simplest one doublet model, lies in the range of 600-700 GeV. See for example ref. [21. 0550-3213/90/$03.50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)
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