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2018, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
The analytical approach for analysis the quality of service characteristics of Software-Defined Networking is proposed in the paper. Software-Defined Networking is perspective concept that aimed to improving the performance and efficiency of computing networks. Current complexity of networks based this concept requires define the adequate methods for the calculation work characteristics. The model characterized by a Poisson arrival process with parameter λ and service time characterized by hyper-exponential distribution with r phases proposed to use for analysis QoS. Performance analysis using the proposed queuing model indicates that the model is accurate. Such QoS characteristics as maximum flow intensity that can be serving on switch and on controller, average packet sojourn time on single serve elements, delay and CP utilization of serve elements are calculated.
As one of the most popular south-bound protocol of software-defined networking(SDN), OpenFlow decouples the network control from forwarding devices. It offers flexible and scalable functionality for networks. These advantages may cause performance issues since there are performance penalties in terms of packet processing speed. It is important to understand the performance of OpenFlow switches and controllers for its deployments. In this paper we model the packet processing time of OpenFlow switches and controllers. We mainly analyze how the probability of packet-in messages impacts the performance of switches and controllers. Our results show that there is a performance penalty in OpenFlow networks. However, the penalty is not much when probability of packet-in messages is low. This model can be used for a network designer to approximate the performance of her deployments.
Global journal of computer science and technology, 2018
Software Defined Networking (SDN) promises to provide a powerful way to introduce Quality of Service (QoS) concepts in today’s communication networks. In SDN the behavior and the functionality of the network devices is programmatically modified using a single high-level program. Software Defined Networking (SDN) instantiation OpenFlow is designed according to these properties. The realization of the Quality of Service (QoS) concepts becomes understandable with SDN in a convenient way. This paper focuses on the existing architectures parameters such as response time, switch capacity and bandwidth isolation and we evaluate these parameters here. Although concepts of QoS are well researched, it is hard to understand that due to high implementation complexity and realization costs. OpenFlow as the best-known SDN standard so far defines a standard protocol for network control. These observations of switch variety may provide SDN application developer’s insights when realizing QoS concept...
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 2020
With the rapid growth of network technologies, the development of the domain is shifting from providing connectivity to providing a number of services and applications with desirable quality. These applications and services have different service features and their own quality demand. Therefore, implementing a network which can provide accessible performance for all traffic types becomes a very hard challenge. In this paper, we present a resource allocation scheme for bandwidth allocation that satisfies Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for all priority flows by using Open vSwitch, based on Software Defined Networking (SDN). The main goal of this system is to provide high QoS performance for high priority flows. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is described on the emulated SDN network. The proposed scheme is compared with the conventional shortest path scheme, multipath routing scheme in simple network topology. The results of the experiments showed that the proposed app...
The emerging global SDN technology for improving network traffic and quality of service can be achieved through routing algorithms that rely on even distribution of traffic according to network loads. Various network load balancing algorithms which improve QoS are proposed. To find the most suitable mechanism for improving the routing mechanism and QoS is needed a comparative analysis. This paper presents a comparative evaluation process of existing algorithms as well as proposed algorithms by the authors.
Research Square (Research Square), 2023
Software Defined Networking (SDN) can allegedly maintain the quality of service (QoS) standards even in the presence of hostile flow, according to recent claims. Queueing theory, and more specifically network models, have been used for a very long time to examine the performance and QoS characteristics of networks in order to investigate this phenomenon. Because of the dependencies between the layers, planes, and components in an SDN architecture, the latter model seems especially well suited to represent the behavior of SDN. Numerous papers have described network models to examine the behavior of various network design applications. Here, we demonstrate how to employ the Markov-modulated Poisson process (MMPP) model to mathematically depict SDN traffic. Many articles had recommended utilizing MMPP to assess and model different types of IP network traffic, and it was widely used to simulate the traffic on traditional IP networks. We assert that MMPP can represent SDN traffic just as if it would in traditional IP networks. Our tests in this study indicate that MMPP is a useful technique for studying SDN data traffic. Starting with the premise that SDN traffic is averaged across multiple experiments and using two different SDN network topologies, we proceed. Emulation tests revealed that MMPP is a good model for SDN data traffic.
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2019
Software Defined Networking (SDN) decouples the control plane from the data plane, thereby facilitating network virtualization, dynamic programmability and flexibility in network management. Previous studies on SDN modeling focus only on packet-level arrivals. However, if flow-level arrivals are not also considered, the model cannot properly reflect the true probability of packets being sent to the controller. Accordingly, the present study proposes two analytical models for predicting the performance of TCP and UDP flows over SDN, respectively, given the assumption of both flow-level arrivals and packet-level arrivals. In constructing the models, the switch and controller are considered jointly and four-dimensional states are used to evaluate the steady-state probabilities of the states. Analytical formulae are derived for the average packet delay and packet loss probability of the TCP and UDP flows. Simulation results very well match with the analytical ones, thereby validating our analytical models. The results show that TCP significantly outperforms UDP over SDN architectures. In particular, TCP reduces the packet delay by 12 ∽ 50% and the packet loss probability by 25 ∽ 100%.
2013 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, 2013
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) approaches were introduced as early as the mid-1990s, but just recently became a well-established industry standard. Many network architectures and systems adopted SDN, and vendors are choosing SDN as an alternative to the fixed, predefined, and inflexible protocol stack. SDN offers flexible, dynamic, and programmable functionality of network systems, as well as many other advantages such as centralized control, reduced complexity, better user experience, and a dramatic decrease in network systems and equipment costs. However, SDN characterization and capabilities, as well as workload of the network traffic that the SDN-based systems handle, determine the level of these advantages. Moreover, the enabled flexibility of SDN-based systems comes with a performance penalty. The design and capabilities of the underlying SDN infrastructure influence the performance of common network tasks, compared to a dedicated solution. In this paper we analyze two issues: a) the impact of SDN on raw performance (in terms of throughput and latency) under various workloads, and b) whether there is an inherent performance penalty for a complex, more functional, SDN infrastructure. Our results indicate that SDN does have a performance penalty; however, it is not necessarily related to the complexity level of the underlying SDN infrastructure.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking scheme in network technologies in which the data plane and network plane are separated. It can be considered as an umbrella including numerous sorts of network topologies, such as linear, minimal, tree, datacenter topologies and several others, proposed principally to solve problems of diverse nature of applications and different demands for resource management and performance. Where traditional networks would utilize a specific machine, for example, a firewall or load balancer, a Software-Defined Networking conveys an application that uses the controller (like OpenDaylight, Floodlight, OVS, etc.) to oversee information plane conduct. SDN can be implemented on Mininet emulator or NS3 simulator, which are both Linux basis but can also be implemented on other operating systems. One of important tools in network simulation is Fast Network Simulation Setup (FNSS); which is very useful toolchain that provides the ability of parsing di...
with recent development and research, various network services like FTP (file transfer), VoIP, videoconferencing (streaming), E-mail are going to more useful in current generation. In such services some of services like email, web browsing (HTTP), FTP (file transfer) are not much sensitive to delay of transmitted data. Services like VoIP (voice), video conferencing are very sensitive to delay, jitter (delay variation), and packet losses of transmitted data. Therefore they require various traffic management systems for efficient data transmission. Queuing disciplines is such a traffic management system in various network services for efficient data transmission. Queuing algorithms FIFO(first in first out), PQ(priority queue), WFQ(weight fair queue) are implemented in OPNET and some of the parameter including end to end delay, and packet received are studied and effect of various queuing algorithms on this parameters is analysed.
Wireless Personal Communications, 2020
Network convergence has vital importance due to limited network resources. Though it decreases network cost, it also reduces Quality of Service (QoS) as well. Due to the increase in real-time network applications, such as video conferencing and voice over IP calls, there is a need to achieve fairness in user's demand through QoS. QoS measurement tasks are more challenging and increased network losses in infrastructure less network. QoS is not yet implemented in Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) using Software Defined Network (SDN). We have proposed a model to support QoS in WLAN using SDN architecture for real-time traffic. It is efficiently utilizing bandwidth and reducing flow starvation due to centralize control. We named it, an Adaptive QoS model. This model allocates queues dynamically to flows using real-time traffic analysis in SDN architecture. A specific queue is allocated to a specific type of traffic. Flows are dynamically switched based on the increase in traffic demand if other queues are under-use. We achieved handsome improvement in Adaptive QoS model rather than a standard QoS model in terms of throughput and losses.
Wireless Personal Communications, 2020
In modern life the internet has become backbone of digital society which is the packet switched distributed network and connected with almost every digital devices, available everywhere in the world. The traditional network carries few challenges like, dependency on vendors, difficulty to manage large network, dynamically changing of forwarding policies and more. To overcome such challenges, today the idea of Software Defined Networking (SDN) came into existence. The basic idea behind SDN is to implement programmable network by separately managing the control plane and data plane to improve the efficiency of network performance. The main problem with SDN is the Controller Placement Problem (CPP), which gives the overview of whole network. Today the main focus of the researchers is to solve the CPP. CPP is a NP-hard problem because the network should consist of minimum controllers and controllers should be placed on appropriate locations. For the large size network, controller deployment is difficult to manage. But the challenge in this area is Quality of Services (QoS) in respect of controller management. This paper investigates the systematic review of QoS based on controller's problems, analyzed the current research and summarized the findings of the different controller's performance based on QoS parameters e.g. reliability, scalability, consistency and load balancing. Finally, this paper also highlights the research challenges to improve the QoS in SDN.
Proceedings of The 3rd International Virtual Research Conference In Technical Disciplines, 2015
Software-defined network (SDN) is an approach to computer networking that allows network administrators to manage network services through abstraction of higher-level functionality. This research includes comparison of multiple scenarios of the software-defined network, which are based on different types of coverage and local area networks (LAN), i.e. a traditional LAN. Differences are evident in the scenario of network performance and can be perceived as advantages and disadvantages of SDN in relation to the traditional network. The parameters used in the analysis are data rate, packet delay (i.e. latency), packet loss, throughput, the cost of network performance and others. The application and the simulation demonstration of a software-defined network is shown in the graphical network simulator GNS and emulator Mininet. This research has analysed the advantages and disadvantages of a software-defined network over a conventional network, taking into account various parameters and stakeholders.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019
Network Functions Virtualization facilitates the automation of the scaling of softwarized network services (SNSs). However, the realization of such a scenario requires a way to determine the needed amount of resources so that the SNSs performance requisites are met for a given workload. This problem is known as resource dimensioning, and it can be efficiently tackled by performance modeling. In this vein, this paper describes an analytical model based on an open queuing network of G/G/m queues to evaluate the response time of SNSs. We validate our model experimentally for a virtualized Mobility Management Entity (vMME) with a three-tiered architecture running on a testbed that resembles a typical data center virtualization environment. We detail the description of our experimental setup and procedures. We solve our resulting queueing network by using the Queueing Networks Analyzer (QNA), Jackson's networks, and Mean Value Analysis methodologies, and compare them in terms of estimation error. Results show that, for medium and high workloads, the QNA method achieves less than half of error compared to the standard techniques. For low workloads, the three methods produce an error lower than 10%. Finally, we show the usefulness of the model for performing the dynamic provisioning of the vMME experimentally.
International journal of Computer Networks & Communications
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a challenging chapter in today's networking era. It is a network design approach that engages the framework to be controlled or 'altered' adroitly and halfway using programming applications. SDN is a serious advancement that assures to provide a better strategy than displaying the Quality of Service (QoS) approach in the present correspondence frameworks. SDN etymologically changes the lead and convenience of system instruments using the single high state program. It separates the system control and sending functions, empowering the network control to end up specifically. It provides more functionality and more flexibility than the traditional networks. A network administrator can easily shape the traffic without touching any individual switches and services which are needed in a network. The main technology for implementing SDN is a separation of data plane and control plane, network virtualization through programmability. The total amount of time in which user can respond is called response time. Throughput is known as how fast a network can send data. In this paper, we have design a network through which we have measured the Response Time and Throughput comparing with the Real-time Online Interactive Applications (ROIA), Multiple Packet Scheduler, and NOX.
Provisioning quality of service (QoS) is a big deal to deliver different applications over the current internet. With the advancements of using multimedia applications, the necessity of Quality of Service (QoS) is increasing rapidly. As real-time applications increase, Software Defined Network (SDN) has emerged as a wellestablished paradigm for next generations networks. By utilizing the characteristics of SDN, this paper proposes QoS provisioning based segment routing (SR) over SDN framework to find the feasible path according to the QoS requirements. This QoS provisioning architecture includes monitoring of link states among switches and providing of flow’s QoS requirements. This QoS provisioning is the use of the available bandwidth to react to the network traffic. The routing algorithm solves the problem of inefficient bandwidth. If there is no available bandwidth path, the controller will be decided depending on the flows by using the proposed algorithm. Simulation results are ...
International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 2018
Due to the use of various technologies like mobile, cloud, big data. The network traffic has increased this has resulted in the re examination of the working of traditional network architectures as these are built as static architectures and cannot handle the rapid growing traffic on the internet. A dynamic architecture which can be programmed according to the traffic behaviour was the need. Software Defined Networking (SDN) was emerged to address the growing needs of the dynamic traffic which has been in the moonlight since 2010. SDN increase and makes the network as flexible to program according to the programmers needs by keeping the traffic in line. It gives the user flexibility of adjusting the network resources by separating the control plane and data plane. By using SDN networks can be managed dynamically. The capacity of a network to offer good services to the selected network traffic over various technologies is termed as Quality of Service (QoS). To transfer high-bandwid...
A few years ago, the internet evolved into a communication environment used not only for human and social contact but also for commercial and educational purposes in colleges and schools. As a result, a tremendous amount of new multimedia content has been created, such as interactive environments, 3D videos network gaming, virtual worlds, and other programs that demand a higher bandwidth to function properly. Multimedia applications via IP networks are becoming increasingly popular. The bandwidth consumed has become a major issue for Internet service providers (ISPs) and online communities. Since bandwidth is a limited network resource, numerous types of traffic are employed across the network, including video conferencing, VoIP, and file transfer. As a result, routers employ various traffic management techniques known as queuing approaches to administer these services by managing how packets are delayed while waiting to be dispatched. This article employs three distinct queuing systems, FIFO, PQ, and WFQ, and we attempted to set up three networks with varying traffic volumes and designed network topologies using OPNET tools. These simulations illustrate that the WFQ algorithm performs better under various traffic loads
IEEE Access
Research and education networks (RENs) worldwide, attracted by the benefits of software-defined networking (SDN) for services involving traffic engineering (TE) such as bandwidth on demand (BoD), have started to include SDN in their network evolution plans. BoD allows users to request end-to-end connectivity services of known duration with a guaranteed bandwidth. Considering such a scenario, this paper presents a set of algorithms and two novel data structures for provisioning of the BoD service in SDN-based RENs. First, network snapshots are used to represent a period of time during which resource availability remains constant. Second, the network snapshot tree (NSTree) allows for different network snapshots to be arranged hierarchically using a time-based node aggregation policy. Additionally, each network snapshot stores multiple alternative paths for each source-destination pair. This innovative approach allows for the network resource utilization and number of service requests being accepted in the network to be improved compared to the most common approach of a single shortest path being considered for each destination. As a result, our approach allows for network resource utilization to be improved by approximately 30%. Furthermore, the two-phase procedure used to pre-compute alternative paths and perform admission control makes it possible to achieve response times on the order of milliseconds, enabling the real-time provision of the service. INDEX TERMS Advance reservations, bandwidth on demand, software-defined networking, traffic engineering.
IEEE Access, 2017
Due to the centralized control, network-wide monitoring and flow-level scheduling of software-defined-networking (SDN), it can be utilized to achieve quality of service (QoS) for cloud applications and services, such as voice over IP, video conference, and online games. However, most existing approaches stay at the QoS framework design and test level, while few works focus on studying the basic QoS techniques supported by SDN. In this paper, we enable SDN with QoS guaranteed abilities, which could provide end-to-end QoS routing for each cloud user service. First of all, we implement an application identification technique on SDN controller to determine required QoS levels for each application type. Then, we implement a queue scheduling technique on SDN switch. It queues the application flows into different queues and schedules the flows out of the queues with different priorities. At last, we evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed SDN-based QoS technique through both theoretical and experimental analysis. Theoretical analysis shows that our methods can provide differentiated services for the application flows mapped to different QoS levels. Experiment results show that when the output interface has sufficiently available bandwidth, the delay can be reduced by 28% on average. In addition, for the application flow with the highest priority, our methods can reduce 99.99% delay and increase 90.17% throughput on average when the output interface utilization approaches to the maximum bandwidth limitation. INDEX TERMS Software defined networking, cloud computing, QoS, applications.
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